Programmer to Programmer


Cliff Wootton is no longer available 1/5/17
Table of Contents
1. A
A object - object that represents an <A> element when instantiated in web browser .
ABBR object - object representing the HTML content (an abbreviation) delimited by the <ABBR> HTML tags.
about: URL - special kind of URL that fetches content from a storage area inside the Netscape browser instead from using HTTP to get it from a web server.
abstract - Reserved for future language enhancements.
AbstractView object - object that belongs to the DOM level 2 views module.
Accessor method - method for accessing publicly available object properties.
ACRONYM object - object representing the HTML content delimited by the <ACRONYM> HTML tags.
Activation object - activation object is created when the flow of control first enters an execution context.
Active Server Pages - Microsoft web server product.
ActiveX - Microsoft technology for embedding and sharing code.
ActiveXObject object - Windows and MSIE specific object that allows various document components to be embedded.
ActiveXObject() - Used for manufacturing new ActiveX objects.
Add (+) - Add two numeric operands together. See concatenation for Strings.
Add then assign (+=) - Add two numeric operands and assign the result to the first. See concatenation for Strings.
Adding JavaScript to HTML - most popular use of JavaScript is in web pages. Adding it is quite simple.
Additive expression - expression that adds or subtracts values.
Additive operator - operator that adds or subtracts values.
ADDRESS object - object representing the HTML content delimited by the <ADDRESS> HTML tags.
ADO - ActiveX Data Objects is a Microsoft technology for accessing data.
Adornments - various control items that form the window border and which can be selectively enabled as needed.
Aggregate type - Data types built from several atomic components.
alert() - Present the alert dialog box to the user.
Alias - indirect reference to an object.
Alpha() - visual filter for controlling transparency.
AlphaImageLoader() - image is displayed in the object, with some additional control over how it is displayed.
Anchor object - object representing an HTML <A> tag.
Anchor() - You can construct new Anchor objects in Netscape.
Anchor.accessKey - key that needs to be pressed before the anchor object will respond to data entry.
Anchor.blur() - Remove input focus from the Anchor object.
Anchor.charset - This property indicates the character encoding of the document at the location specified by the URL.
Anchor.coords - This defines an area map within an image that is inside the <AREA> HTML tags.
Anchor.dataFld - This binds the anchor object to a remote data source in MSIE.
Anchor.dataSrc - name of a remote ODBC data source is stored in this property.
Anchor.focus() - Brings input focus back to the anchor object.
Anchor.hash - On MSIE the Url.hash property is also available as the Anchor.hash property. - On MSIE the property is also available as the property.
Anchor.hostname - On MSIE the link.hostname property is also available as the anchor.hostname property.
Anchor.href - On MSIE the link.href property is also available as the anchor.href property.
Anchor.hreflang - language code of the document at the location specified by the URL.
Anchor.Methods - property that can indicate some keywords regarding the action that the server provides when the link is clicked on. These reflect the request methods.
Anchor.mimeType - Contains a long form human readable version of the MIME type of the document at the location specified by the anchor's URL. - This corresponds to the NAME attribute of the <A> HTML tag.
Anchor.nameProp - filename portion of the URL value.
Anchor.pathname - In MSIE the Url.pathname property is also available as the Anchor.pathname property.
Anchor.port - In MSIE the Url.port property is also available as the Anchor.port property.
Anchor.protocol - In MSIE the Url.protocol property is also available as the Anchor.protocol property.
Anchor.protocolLong - long form description of the protocol used by the URL.
Anchor.recordNumber - record within the data set that defined the element content when the content came from a data source.
Anchor.rel - definition of the relationship between the current document and the document at the location specified by the URL.
Anchor.rev - complementary description of the link to the current document as viewed from the document at the location specified by the URL. - query portion of an HREF URL if there is one.
Anchor.shape - map whose extent is defined by the coords property and which can be one of several different shapes.
Anchor.tabIndex - control of where the Anchor object appears in the tabbing order of the page. - In MSIE the property is also available as the property.
Anchor.text - text between the <A> and </A> HTML tags in Netscape.
Anchor.type - MIME type value in its abbreviated machine recognizable form.
Anchor.urn - alternative format of the contents of the URL.
Anchor.x - X location of the anchor within the document.
Anchor.y - Y location of the anchor within the document.
AnchorArray object - array of Anchor objects retrieved from the document.anchors property.
AnchorArray.length - number of named anchors in the current document.
Anonymous code - Script source executed by function objects.
Anonymous function - manually constructed function object with no identifying name.
Applet object - object representing an HTML <APPLET> tag.
Applet() - You normally would not use the constructor to create new applets, but it is possible to do this if you need to create an applet container.
Applet.align - Determines how the applet area aligns with its surrounding content.
Applet.alt - alternative text to be used instead of the applet block in case the applet fails to load or for use as a tool-tip text..
Applet.altHTML - Some alternative HTML to display if the applet fails to load.
Applet.archive - name of a zip archive containing multiple class files.
Applet.code - Java class code for the applet.
Applet.codeBase - path to the directory containing the applet code.
Applet.height - height of the applet extent rectangle in pixels.
Applet.hspace - width of the horizontal margin spacing around an Applet object. - This corresponds to the NAME attribute of the <APPLET> HTML tag.
Applet.object - accessor that yields a reference to the containing JavaScript object when there is a possibility of naming conflicts between internally visible and externally visible property names.
Applet.src - supplementary property for passing in URL values to the applet.
Applet.start() - public method that starts an applet running.
Applet.stop() - public method that stops an applet running.
Applet.vspace - height of the vertical margin spacing around an Applet object.
Applet.width - width of the applet extent rectangle in pixels.
AppletArray object - sub-class of the Array object that implements an applet collection.
AppletArray.length - number of Applet objects in the collection.
Area object - object representing an <AREA> HTML tag.
Area.accessKey - key that needs to be pressed before the mapped link will respond to data entry.
Area.add() - Add a new element to the Area object that describes the image map.
Area.alt - tool-tip text for the Area object.
Area.coords - extent rectangle for the Area object within a map.
Area.hash - MSIE represents URLs in Link objects. - MSIE represents URLs in Link objects.
Area.hostname - MSIE represents URLs in Link objects.
Area.href - MSIE represents URLs in Link objects. - This corresponds to the NAME attribute of the <AREA> HTML tag.
Area.noHref - Boolean flag to indicate whether the area is a link or a dead spot within the map.
Area.pathname - MSIE represents URLs in Link objects.
Area.port - MSIE represents URLs in Link objects.
Area.protocol - MSIE represents URLs in Link objects. - MSIE represents URLs in Link objects.
Area.shape - shape of the extent area within the map.
Area.tabIndex - control of where the Area object appears in the tabbing order of the page. - MSIE represents URLs in Link objects.
Area.text - Netscape represents <AREA> tags as Url objects and therefore they inherit this property.
Area.x - Netscape provides this as an enumerable property because it represents an <AREA> as a Url object.
Area.y - Netscape provides this as an enumerable property because it represents an <AREA> as a Url object.
areas[] - collection of all the Area objects that contribute to making an image map for the page.
argc parameter - command line argument count.
Argument - value passed to a function.
Argument list - list of values that are passed to a function.
Arguments object - object represented as an array containing the argument values passed to the function when it is called.
Arguments.callee - function object being called.
Arguments.caller - object that called the function that owns the arguments.
Arguments.length - number of arguments passed to a function dictates the length of the array to hold them.
arguments[] - property that is available inside a function to access its Arguments object.
argv parameter - command line argument collection.
Arithmetic constant - constant derived from arithmetic (Numeric) values.
Arithmetic operator - operator that works with numeric operands.
Arithmetic type - subset of the native types concerned with numeric values.
Array index delimiter ([ ]) - Access elements of an array with this delimiter.
Array literal - means of creating and initializing an array at once.
Array object - object of the class "Array".
Array() - Array object constructor.
Array() - Array object constructor.
Array.Class - Internal property that returns an object class.
Array.concat() - Concatenate arrays together.
Array.constructor - reference to a constructor object.
Array.index - special property provided only when the array results from a string match.
Array.input - special property provided only when the array results from a string match.
Array.join() - Concatenate array elements to make a string.
Array.length - number of elements in an array.
Array.pop() - Pops items off of the end of an array like a FILO stack.
Array.prototype - prototype for the Array object which can be used to extend the interface for all Array objects.
Array.push() - Pushes items onto the end of an array like a FILO stack.
Array.reverse() - Reverse the order of array elements.
Array.shift() - Pull off of a stack whose access is FILO from the start rather than the end.
Array.slice() - Slice out a sub-array from the receiving array.
Array.sort() - Sort the elements in an array.
Array.splice() - array editing tool.
Array.toLocaleString() - Returns a string primitive version of the array taking the present locale into account during the translation.
Array.toSource() - Output an array formatted as an Array literal contained in a string.
Array.toString() - Return a string primitive version of an object.
Array.unshift() - Push onto a stack whose access is FILO from the start rather than the end.
Array.valueOf() - Returns the contents of the array converted to a native primitive value.
Array simulation - means of simulating arrays in JavaScript.
ASCII - table of seven-bit binary numbers that encode the alphabet and other symbols.
ASP - object model inside an ASP server module.
ASP - Active Server Pages. A Microsoft product.
Assign value (=) - Assign one operand to a left value.
Assignment expression - expression that causes an assignment as a by-product.
Assignment operator - operator that causes an assignment as a by-product.
Associative array indexing - Accessing array elements with strings as symbolic names.
Associativity - direction of evaluation of an operator-driven expression.
atob() - Decode some base-64 encoded data.
attachEvent() - means of attaching events to windows and documents.
Attr object - This is implemented in MSIE as an Attribute object.
Attribute object - DOM object that represents an HTML tag attribute. - name of the HTML tag attribute this object represents.
Attribute.nodeName - Another alias for the name property of an Attribute object.
Attribute.nodeType - Part of the internal document hierarchy management within MSIE.
Attribute.nodeValue - Another name for the value property of this object.
Attribute.specified - Whether the value has been specified or not.
Attribute.value - value of the HTML tag attribute if it has been specified.
Attributes object - sub-class of the Array object that contains a set of Element object attributes. This is a collection of all attribute objects that apply to an element.
Attributes.length - number of tag attributes supported in this Attributes array.
ATVEF - Advanced Television Enhancement Forum.
Aural style sheets - CSS standard describes style properties for spoken text.
AuthentiCode - security model that applies digital signatures to ActiveX objects in MSIE.
Automatic semi-colon insertion - action of adding semi-colons where they have been omitted.
Automation object - object created in the JScript environment for connecting to other applications within the host environment.
2. B
B object - object that represents the font style controlled by the <<B>> HTML tag.
back() - Perform the same action as pressing the [BACK] button in the toolbar.
Background object - background image object associated with a Netscape Navigator layer.
Background.src - source location of an image to be associated with a layer and used as its background image.
Back-quote (`) - Call some external code during server side execution.
Bar object - object used to hold properties for toolbars, location bars etc.
Bar.visibility - erroneous name for the visible property of a Bar object.
Bar.visible - flag indicating whether the bar that this object represents is visible.
Barn() - transition effect with the appearance of barn doors opening or closing.
BASE object - Represents the <<BASE>> HTML tag that describes a base URL for the document.
BASE.href - URL defined by the <<BASE>> HTML tag. - target window or frame defined by the <<BASE>> HTML tag.
BASEFONT object - <<BASEFONT>> HTML tag is represented by this object and defines some generic font information to be used as a default in this page.
BASEFONT.color - default color of text affected by the <<BASEFONT>> HTML tag.
BASEFONT.face - default font face for text affected by the <<BASEFONT>> HTML tag.
BASEFONT.size - default size of text affected by the <<BASEFONT>> HTML tag.
Basic type - Another name for the native types supported by the interpreter.
BasicImage() - Controls over the basic image display attributes of the containing HTML Element object.
BDO object - object representing the <<BDO>> HTML tag for supporting bidirectional text algorithms.
BDO.dir - direction attribute of the <<BDO>> HTML tag.
BeanConnect - Netscape Communications technology for interconnecting Java applets (Beans).
Behavior - Implementations respond to different constructs according to their behavior.
BGSOUND object - object representing a <<BGSOUND>> HTML tag that defines an audio track to play while the page is displayed.
BGSOUND.balance - stereo balance of the background sound.
BGSOUND.loop - Whether the background sound should loop when it gets to the end.
BGSOUND.src - URL that the background sound file can be fetched from.
BGSOUND.volume - volume setting at which the background sound should play.
Big endian - bit ordering standard for some CPU models.
BIG object - object that represents the font style controlled by the <<BIG>> HTML tag.
Binary bitwise operator - operator that applies in a bitwise fashion.
Binary logical operator - operator that works with Boolean true or false values.
Binary operator - operator that works with two operands.
Binding - Binding is used to resolve identifiers via the scope chain.
Bit - binary digit.
Bit-field - collection of binary digits.
Bitwise AND (&) - Bitwise AND of two operands.
Bitwise AND then assign (&=) - Bitwise AND two operands and assign the result to the first.
Bitwise expression - expression that applies in a bitwise manner.
Bitwise NOT - complement (~) - Bitwise NOT of one operand.
Bitwise operator - operator that is applied in a bitwise manner.
Bitwise OR (|) - Bitwise OR of two operands.
Bitwise OR then assign (|=) - Bitwise OR two operands and assign the result to the first.
Bitwise shift left (<<) - Bitwise shift leftwards one operand according to another.
Bitwise shift left then assign (<<=) - Destructively bitwise leftwards shift the first of two operands.
Bitwise shift operator - shift operator that moves the bits in an operand as if it were a shift register.
Bitwise shift right (>>) - Bitwise shift right one operand according to another.
Bitwise shift right and assign (>>=) - Destructively bitwise rightwards shift the first of two operands.
Bitwise unsigned shift right (>>>) - Bitwise shift right one operand according to another.
Bitwise unsigned shift right and assign (>>>=) - Destructively bitwise rightwards shift the first of two operands.
Bitwise XOR (^) - Bitwise XOR one operand with another.
Bitwise XOR and assign (^=) - Destructively bitwise XOR two operands and store the result in the first.
BlendTrans() - blend filter for controlling transitions.
Blinds() - transition effect with the appearance of venetian blinds opening or closing.
blob object - special object that is designed to contain binary data extracted from a database or file.
blob.blobImage() - This method creates an <IMG> element having the appropriate MIME type for the blob object.
blob.blobLink() - This method creates an <A> element that links to the BLOB data.
Block { } - list of executable statements enclosed in curly braces.
Block-level tag - block-level tag cannot exist inside a line. It must be placed on a line by itself.
BLOCKQUOTE object - object that represents a <BLOCKQUOTE> text area.
BLOCKQUOTE.cite - URL pointing at the document that a quote is attributed to.
Blur() - visual filter for blurring objects.
blur() - Move the input focus away from the receiving element.
BODY object - object that represents the body of a document.
BODY.aLink - colour of an active link in the current page.
BODY.background - URL of a background image for the current document.
BODY.bgColor - background color of the current page.
BODY.bgProperties - attribute that controls the way the background image is managed when the page scrolls.
BODY.bottomMargin - margin space at the bottom of the document in the current window.
BODY.controlRange[] - collection of all the elements within the document body.
BODY.createControlRange() - constructor function to create a new controlRange object.
BODY.createTextRange() - Used in MSIE for creating a text range.
BODY.leftMargin - margin down the left edge of the document window. - color of an as yet unvisited link in the page.
BODY.noWrap - switch to control whether text should wrap or not within the page.
BODY.recordNumber - record within the dataset that defined the page content when the content came from a data source.
BODY.rightMargin - margin space down the right hand side of the page.
BODY.scroll - switch for whether the scrollbars appear or not.
BODY.tabIndex - integer that represents the position of this document in the tabbing order.
BODY.text - color of body text within the page.
BODY.topMargin - margin value at the top of the document window.
BODY.vLink - color of visited links within the page.
Bookmarklets - means of storing fragments of JavaScript for execution as bookmarks.
Boolean - built-in primitive value.
boolean - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Boolean - native built-in type.
Boolean literal - literal constant whose type is a built-in primitive value.
Boolean object - object of the class "Boolean".
Boolean() - Boolean object constructor.
Boolean() - Boolean object constructor.
Boolean.Class - Internal property that returns an object class.
Boolean.constructor - reference to the constructor for the Boolean object.
Boolean.prototype - prototype for the Boolean object that can be used to extend the interface for all Boolean objects.
Boolean.toSource() - Returns a Boolean object formatted as a Boolean literal contained in a string.
Boolean.toString() - Returns a string primitive version of an object.
Boolean.valueOf() - Returns the primitive value of the Boolean object.
BR object - object that represents the <BR> HTML tag.
BR.clear - property that controls how the browser treats the following paragraph alignment.
Braces { } - delimiting token for a block of executable script.
break - Exit unconditionally from a loop or switch.
Broken-down time - Time disassembled into component parts, for example hours or minutes.
Browser - collection of objects that a browser manages.
Browser-detection - Browser-detection techniques require some review in the light of recent browser upgrades.
Browser version compatibility - Browser upgrades are not always upwardly compatible.
Browser wars - contest between browser manufacturers to gain dominance in the market.
btoa() - Used to encode some data into base-64 form.
Built-in function - Functions that are part of the core JavaScript implementation.
Built-in method - Object methods that are provided as part of the base JavaScript implementation.
Built-in object - Objects that are part of the core JavaScript implementation.
Button object - object representing an <INPUT TYPE="button"> HTML button in a form.
Button.handleEvent() - Passes an event to the appropriate handler for this object.
Button.type - type value for the object.
Button.value - text string displayed in the button.
BUTTON object - object that represents a special MSIE <BUTTON> element.
BUTTON.accept - Defines an acceptable MIME type to be submitted to the server. Not supposed to be supported by the BUTTON class.
BUTTON.alt - tool-tip text for the BUTTON object. - This corresponds to the NAME attribute of the <BUTTON> HTML tag.
BUTTON.type - type of this BUTTON object.
BUTTON.value - value of this BUTTON object.
By reference - means of passing data to functions, methods. and property accessors.
By value - means of passing data to functions, methods, and property accessors.
byte - Reserved for future language enhancements.
3. C
Calendar time - Time values measured according to the Gregorian calendar.
Call - internal mechanism for executing function calls.
Call a function - To invoke a function during script execution.
Call by reference - Calling functions and passing references to receiving LValues in the arguments.
Call by value - Calling functions and passing values in the arguments.
Call object - currently executing function is a call object.
Call-back event - mechanism for creating frameworks that call user-supplied functions.
Calling event handlers - Event handlers can be called in many different ways.
CanPut() - Internal private function.
CAPTION object - object that represents the <CAPTION> HTML tag, which is used inside a <TABLE>.
CAPTION.align - horizontal alignment of the caption with respect to its parent table.
CAPTION.vAlign - vertical alignment of a caption with respect to its parent table.
captureEvents() - Part of the Netscape 4 event propagation complex.
case ... : - Part of the switch ... case mechanism. The case keyword denotes a label associated with one of the selectors.
Case Sensitivity - Upper and lower case are not identical when used in identifiers.
Cast operator - way of converting data types.
catch( ... ) - Part of the try ... catch ...finally error-handling mechanism.
Category of an object - Why we categorize topics the way we do.
CDATASection object - Part of the extended interface that DOM describes for supporting non-HTML content.
CENTER object - object that represents the <CENTER> HTML tag.
.cfg - configuration file for Netscape.
.cgi - Common gateway interface dynamic page.
CGI-Driven JavaScript - Using JavaScript in the request - response loop of a web server.
char - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Character constant - literal description of a single character.
Character display semantics - How characters are displayed on the implementation's console.
Character entity - means of escaping difficult-to-type characters for use in HTML.
Character handling - Functions for testing character attributes.
Character set - collection of characters that the script can operate on.
Character testing - Testing characters for attributes.
Character value - numeric value based on the Unicode and ASCII character code points.
Character-case mapping - Character case conversion.
CharacterData object - sub-class of the node object with extensions to support access to character data within the object.
CharacterData.appendData() - Append some text to the end of the character data. - current contents of the character data node.
CharacterData.deleteData() - Remove a section of text from the data contained in the character data node.
CharacterData.insertData() - Insert some additional text into the character data node.
CharacterData.length - Return the length (in characters) of the character data node.
CharacterData.replaceData() - Replace a section of text in the character data node with some new text.
CharacterData.substringData() - Non destructively extract a section of the text from the character data node.
Checkbox object - checkbox to be used in a form. It toggles as it is clicked, but is not related to other checkboxes in the way that radio buttons are related to one another in families.
Checkbox.checked - state of the checkbox is maintained in this property.
Checkbox.defaultChecked - original initial default state of a checkbox.
Checkbox.handleEvent() - Pass an event to the appropriate handler for this object.
Checkbox.indeterminate - checkbox is in this state if it was selected, but then disabled. The state cannot be accurately and unambiguously determined.
Checkbox.status - current highlighted or checked status of the input element.
Checkbox.type - type value for the <INPUT> tag that describes the form checkbox.
Checkbox.value - text string for this particular checkbox object.
CheckerBoard() - transition effect with the appearance of chequer board blinds opening or closing.
ChildNodes object - collection of all the children belonging to a DOM Node object.
Chroma() - visual filter for chroma key effects.
CITE object - object representing the HTML content delimited by the <CITE> HTML tags.
Class - Internal property that returns an object class.
class - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Class method - Methods owned by a constructor function object.
Class variable - Static variables owned by a constructor function object.
CLASS="..." - means of associating a tag with a stylesheet class. Represented by the className property of an Element object.
classes - alternative reference to the document.classes property in JSS.
CLASSPATH - important environment variable that helps Java code locate resources on your system. It needs to be set correctly.
clearInterval() - Cancel a previous setInterval() timer.
clearTimeout() - function that removes a pending timeout event.
client object - server-side object available in NES.
client.destroy() - This destroys the client object.
client.expiration() - This method will define the timeout after which the client object will expire. Used to set the life span of a client object in an NES server.
Client pull techniques - technique whereby the client end pulls content from the server at regular intervals.
Client-side JavaScript - JavaScript that gets executed in the web browser or other client applications.
clientInformation - Details of the browser, AKA the navigator object.
Clip object - object that represents a clip region within a layer.
Clip.bottom - bottom of a layer clip region.
Clip.height - height of a layer clip region.
Clip.left - left of a layer clip region.
Clip.right - right of a layer clip region. - top of a layer clip region.
Clip.width - width of a layer clip region.
clipboardData - global browser variable that refers to the clipboardData object for the window.
clipboardData object - object that can be used with editing operations to provide script-driven access to the clipboard contents.
close() - function that closes the receiving window.
closed - flag indicating the window disposition.
Closure object - special kind of function object that preserves prototype inheritance and scope.
Closure() - Closure object constructor.
Closure.__parent__ - reference to a scope-chain object that is preserved with the function by the Closure object.
Closure.__proto__ - reference to a function that is encapsulated by the Closure object.
clsid: URL - Used by MSIE to locate ActiveX controls for the <OBJECT> tag.
Code block delimiter {} - delimiting token for a block of executable script source text.
CODE object - object representing the HTML content delimited by the <CODE> HTML tags.
Code signing - security mechanism to allow scripts to inter-communicate.
COL object - object that represents a <COL> HTML tag.
COL.align - attribute controlling the alignment of a column contained in a <COL> HTML tag. - alignment character for cells in a column arrangement.
COL.chOff - offset of a column alignment character.
COL.span - number of columns that the style for this object spans.
COL.vAlign - vertical alignment of items within this column.
COL.width - width of each column in the column group.
COLGROUP object - object that represents the <COLGROUP> HTML tag.
COLGROUP.align - alignment settings for a column group. - alignment character for cells in a column group arrangement.
COLGROUP.chOff - offset of a column alignment character.
COLGROUP.span - span settings for a column group.
COLGROUP.vAlign - vertical alignment of items in a column group.
COLGROUP.width - width of items in a column group.
Collation sequence - order in which objects are sorted lexically according to the locale.
Collection object - array of Element objects.
Collection.Item() - Select an Element object by index number.
Collection.length - Returns the length of a collection array.
Collection.namedItem() - Select an Element object by name or ID value.
Collection.tags() - Extract a sub-list of Element objects of a particular tag type.
Colon (:) - delimiter used with labels and conditional operators.
Color names - There are standard definitions of color names for use in web pages.
Color value - Color values can be specified numerically or mnemonically.
Comma expression - Used to separate individual operands or arguments.
Comma operator (,) - argument separator token.
Comment - Sections of inactive code.
Comment (// and /* ... */) - Mark a multi-line comment block.
COMMENT object - object that represents a section of HTML enclosed in comment delimiter tags.
COMMENT.text - text within a comment block.
Compatibility - Creating web content is an exercise in portable programming that would severely test the most experienced programmer.
Compatibility strategies - Choose how compatible you want to be from the outset.
Completion type - internal type used by the interpreter.
Compliance - degree to which an implementation adheres to the standard.
Compositor() - As content is added to an object, it can be colored to indicate it is changed content.
Compound statement - block of code handled as if it were one statement.
Concatenate (+) - Join two strings end to end. See addition for numeric values.
Concatenate then assign (+=) - Concatenate two string operands and assign the result to the first. See Addition for numeric values.
Conditional code block - pseudo pre-processor mechanism for conditionally executing code in MSIE.
Conditional comment - portability trick that only works in Netscape.
Conditional expression - Conditionally execute one code branch or another.
Conditional operator - Conditionally execute one code branch or another.
Conditionally execute (?:) - Conditionally execute one code branch or another.
config.jsc - JavaScript configuration file for Netscape.
confirm() - dialog box to get confirmation from the user.
Conformance - interpreter may or may not conform to the ECMAScript specification.
Connection object - object that represents a connection from the server to the back-end database.
Connection.beginTransaction() - Commence a new transaction with the database.
Connection.commitTransaction() - Commit the changes made to the database.
Connection.connected() - method that returns a flag indicating the state of the connection.
Connection.cursor() - Create a cursor object on the connection with the SQL database.
Connection.execute() - Execute some SQL on the database.
Connection.majorErrorCode() - Provide the code for an error raised by the database server or the ODBC interface to it.
Connection.majorErrorMessage() - Provide the descriptive text message for an error raised by the database server or by the ODBC interface to it.
Connection.minorErrorCode() - Returns a supplementary error code for an error raised by the database server or the ODBC interface to it.
Connection.minorErrorMessage() - Returns a supplementary error message text for an error raised by the database server or the ODBC interface to it.
Connection.prototype - prototype for the connection object that can be used to extend the interface for all connection objects.
Connection.release() - Releases this connection back into the pool for re-use.
Connection.rollbackTransaction() - means of undoing transactions that have not yet been committed.
Connection.SQLTable() - Create an HTML table as a result of a SQL query on the database.
Connection.storedProc() - This method creates a Stproc object and then runs the stored procedure on the database server.
Connection.toString() - Returns a string containing a representation of the Connection object.
const - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Constant - literal description of a fixed value.
Constant expression - constant expression is a combination of constants and an operator.
Constraint - restriction placed on a script to be executed.
Construct - object constructor call.
Constructor function - function that can create new objects.
constructor property - reference to a constructor function. - name of the constructor that created an object.
Content Model - new model in the DOM level 3 specification describes how documents can be exchanged between implementations.
contextual() - JSS style control method.
continue - Force the next iteration of a loop.
Control character - non-printing character entity.
Conversion - Changing the type of a value, object, function or constant.
Conversion to a Boolean - Converting values to a Boolean representation.
Conversion to a number - Converting values to a numeric representation.
Conversion to a string - Converting values to a string representation.
Conversion to an object - Converting values to a object structured representation.
Cookie - means of maintaining state in the client machine by storing information in a cookie that is associated with the document.
Cookie domain - attribute that defines the domain scope of a cookie.
Cookie expires - attribute that defines the expiry date and time of a cookie.
Cookie path - attribute that defines the path scope of a cookie.
Cookie secure - Boolean attribute that defines whether a cookie is secure or not.
Cookie value - attribute containing the value of a cookie.
Copying objects - Object references are normally duplicated in preference to the objects themselves.
Core JavaScript - That part of the language that is deemed to be fundamental.
Core Object - Objects that are built into the base language.
Cross-browser compatibility - Different browsers have different features and capabilities.
Cross-platform compatibility - Portability is a major issue for web developers.
crypto - reference to a Crypto object for security encoding.
Crypto object - object to manage cryptographic resources.
Crypto.constructor - constructor function for the Crypto object in Netscape.
Crypto.random() - Return a string of randomly generated characters.
Crypto.signText() - Request a digital signature from a user.
Cryptoki - Part of the Netscape security facilities.
CSS - Cascading Style Sheets.
CSS level 1 - standard for describing style sheets.
CSS level 2 - standard for describing style sheets.
CSS-P - Specifically and only the positional controls for HTML entities, nowadays folded into the CSS level 2 standard.
Currency symbol - symbol that denotes a locale-specific currency.
currentStyle object - object that represents the cascaded format and style of its parent object.
Cursor object - This object encapsulates a cursor that was returned from the database as a result of an SQL query.
Cursor.<column_name> - columns within the answer set are reflected into properties with the same names.
Cursor.blobImage() - This method creates an <IMG> element having the appropriate mimeType for the blob object.
Cursor.blobLink() - This method creates an <A> element that links to the BLOB data.
Cursor.close() - To close the cursor.
Cursor.columnName() - Returns the name of the indexed column within the cursor.
Cursor.columns() - Returns the number of columns in the cursor.
Cursor.deleteRow() - Deletes the current row in the cursor.
Cursor.insertRow() - new row is inserted into the table that the cursor is pointing at. - Index the cursor onwards to the next row.
Cursor.prototype - prototype for the Cursor object that can be used to extend the interface for all Cursor objects.
Cursor.updateRow() - Any pending changes to the current row are saved back to the database.
Custom object - user-defined object inheriting the properties of an Element object within the MSIE browser model.
4. D
Data Type - type of data contained in a variable or described by a literal.
Data-tainting - mechanism for marking data in the client and controlling its use. An obsolete security work-around.
database object - object that encapsulates the access to a back end database from Netscape Enterprise Server.
database.beginTransaction() - Marks the beginning of a transaction with the database.
database.commitTransaction() - Commits the changes made during this transaction.
database.connect() - Forms a connection to the database using the database type to select the correct one.
database.connected() - flag, indicating the connection status for this database object.
database.cursor() - Creates a new cursor object with the SQL supplied in the argument.
database.disconnect() - Severs the current connection to the database.
database.execute() - Executes the SQL passed in the argument.
database.majorErrorCode() - Returns the error code for an error that may have happened in the database or the interface to it.
database.majorErrorMessage() - Returns the error message text for an error that may have happened in the database or the interface to it.
database.minorErrorCode() - Returns a supplementary error code for an error that may have happened in the database or the interface to it.
database.minorErrorMessage() - Returns a supplementary error message text for an error that may have happened in the database or the interface to it.
database.prototype - prototype for the database object that can be used to extend the interface for all database objects.
database.rollbackTransaction() - Undoes any changes made in the current transaction.
database.SQLTable() - Creates an HTML table based on the results of the SQL query provided in the argument.
database.storedProc() - Creates a stored procedure object and runs the specified stored procedure in the database.
database.storedProcArgs() - Creates a prototype for a stored procedure and controls the argument passing.
database.toString() - Returns a string equivalent of the database object.
dataTransfer object - object used during drag and drop operations to provide access to data being dragged.
dataTransfer.clearData() - Clears any data currently in the transfer object.
dataTransfer.dropEffect - Set the effect when the element is dropped.
dataTransfer.effectAllowed - Indicates whether the drop effect is allowed or not.
dataTransfer.getData() - Gets the data from the transfer object.
dataTransfer.setData() - Sets the data in the transfer object.
Date and time - There is a variety of ways to work with dates and times.
Date constant - constant date value.
Date from time - date and time algorithm defined by ECMAScript.
Date number - date and time algorithm defined by ECMAScript.
Date object - object of the class "Date".
Date() - Date object constructor.
Date() - function that returns the current date.
Date.Class - Internal property that returns an object class.
Date.constructor - reference to a constructor object.
Date.getDate() - Returns the day number within a month for a date/time.
Date.getDay() - Returns the weekday number for a date/time.
Date.getFullYear() - Returns the full year for a date/time.
Date.getHours() - Returns the hour value for a date/time.
Date.getMilliseconds() - Returns the milliseconds value of a date/time.
Date.getMinutes() - Returns the minutes value of a date/time.
Date.getMonth() - Returns the month value of a date/time.
Date.getSeconds() - Returns the seconds value of a date/time.
Date.getTime() - Returns the time value of a date/time.
Date.getTimezoneOffset() - Returns the time zone offset for the date/time.
Date.getUTCDate() - Returns the UTC day of month value for a date/time.
Date.getUTCDay() - Returns the UTC weekday number for a date/time.
Date.getUTCFullYear() - Returns the UTC full year value for a date/time.
Date.getUTCHours() - Returns the UTC hours value for a date/time.
Date.getUTCMilliseconds() - Return the UTC milliseconds for a date/time.
Date.getUTCMinutes() - Returns the UTC minutes value for a date/time.
Date.getUTCMonth() - Returns the UTC month number for a date/time.
Date.getUTCSeconds() - Returns the UTC seconds value for a date/time.
Date.getVarDate() - special date format for use with ActiveX objects.
Date.getYear() - Returns a 2 digit non-Y2K compliant year for a date/time.
Date.length - length of a date object.
Date.parse() - class based factory method for converting strings to Date objects.
Date.prototype - prototype for the Date object that can be used to extend the interface for all Date objects.
Date.setDate() - Sets the day number within a month of the time object.
Date.setFullYear() - Sets the full year value of a date/time object.
Date.setHours() - Sets the hours of a date/time object.
Date.setMilliseconds() - Sets the milliseconds value of the time object.
Date.setMinutes() - Sets the minutes of the time object.
Date.setMonth() - Sets the month number of the time object.
Date.setSeconds() - Sets the seconds value of the time object.
Date.setTime() - Sets the time value of the time object.
Date.setUTCDate() - Sets the UTC day within a month of the time object.
Date.setUTCFullYear() - Sets the UTC full year value of the time object.
Date.setUTCHours() - Sets the UTC hours of the time object.
Date.setUTCMilliseconds() - Set the UTC milliseconds value of the time object.
Date.setUTCMinutes() - Sets the UTC minutes of the time object.
Date.setUTCMonth() - Sets the UTC month number of the time object.
Date.setUTCSeconds() - Sets the UTC seconds value of the time object.
Date.setYear() - Sets a non-Y2K compliant year number of the time object.
Date.toDateString() - value of the Date object is presented just as a date.
Date.toGMTString() - Converts a Date object to a string containing a GMT time.
Date.toLocaleDateString() - value of the Date object is presented just as a date taking the present locale into consideration.
Date.toLocaleString() - Converts a Date object to a string with the locale specific time.
Date.toLocaleTimeString() - value of the Date object is presented just as a time taking the present locale into consideration.
Date.toSource() - Outputs a date formatted as a Date literal contained in a string.
Date.toString() - Return a string primitive version of an object.
Date.toTimeString() - value of the Date object is presented just as a time.
Date.toUTCString() - Converts a Date object to a string with UTC time.
Date.UTC() - class based factory method for converting numeric values to Date objects.
Date.valueOf() - Returns a number that is the date and time value for the receiving Date object.
Day from year - date and time algorithm defined by ECMAScript.
Day number - date and time algorithm.
Day within year - date and time algorithm defined by ECMAScript.
Daylight savings time adjustment - adjustment to the local time value.
Days in year - date and time algorithm.
DbPool object - object of the class "DbPool" which provides a means of pooling connections to multiple databases.
DbPool() - Used for creating new pools of connections to a database.
DbPool.connect() - Connect the DbPool object to a database.
DbPool.connected() - flag that indicates the connection status for this DbPool object.
DbPool.connection() - Requests a connection object from the pool of available connections.
DbPool.disconnect() - Disconnect from the database discarding all connections in the pool in the process.
DbPool.majorErrorCode() - Returns an error code value for an error that happened in the database or the interface to it.
DbPool.majorErrorMessage() - Returns an error message text for an error that happened in the database or the interface to it.
DbPool.minorErrorCode() - Returns a supplementary error code value for an error that happened in the database or the interface to it.
DbPool.minorErrorMessage() - Returns a supplementary error message text for an error that happened in the database or the interface to it.
DbPool.prototype - prototype for the DbPool object that can be used to extend the interface for all DbPool objects.
DbPool.storedProcArgs() - Creates a prototype for a stored procedure and controls the argument passing.
DbPool.toString() - Returns a string primitive version of the DbPool object.
DD object - object that represents the <DD> HTML tag.
DD.noWrap - switch to control text wrapping within the <DD> block.
Debugger - tool to help with the location of bugs in your script.
debugger - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Debugging - client side - How to debug faulty client side scripts.
Debugging - server side - How to debug faulty stand-alone scripts.
Decimal point (.) - delimiter that marks the beginning of the fractional part of a floating point value.
Decimal value - numeric value based on a radix of 10.
Declaration - Declares the attributes of an identifier.
Declared function - function can be declared in the script source text.
decodeURI() - This ECMA defined function can be used to decode an entire URI value that was encoded with the encodeURI() function.
decodeURIComponent() - This ECMA defined function can be used to decode a URI component value that was encoded with the encodeURIComponent() function.
Decrement value (--) - Pre or post decrementing operator.
Deep copying - Making a duplicate of objects, property by property.
default: - target label for use with the switch statement as a catch-all for any unmatched cases.
defaultStatus - default status text of the window.
DefaultValue() - Internal private function.
Defensive coding - Allowing your scripts to be downwards compatible and coding for portability and robustness.
Definition - Define the storage for an identifier.
DEL object - object that represents a <DEL> HTML tag within the document.
DEL.cite - URL that references a document that describes why the item was deleted.
DEL.dateTime - date and time that the deletion occurred.
delete - Property deletion operator.
Delete() - Internal private function.
Deprecated functionality - Some language features are to be discontinued in later versions of the language.
Desktop JavaScript - Control of desktop automation with JavaScript.
detachEvent() - means of detaching events from windows and documents that were previously attached with the attachEvent() method.
Determining the object type - To determine what kind of object type you have, this function may be useful.
Developing JavaScript source code - Techniques for easing developer headaches.
DFN object - object representing the HTML content delimited by the <DFN> HTML tags.
DHTML - Dynamic HTML controlled by JavaScript. A fourth generation browser technology for dynamically altering the document that describes a web page.
DHTML Behavior - mechanism for enhancing the dynamic capabilities of HTML.
Diagnostic message - message from the interpreter warning you about a script error.
Dialog boxes - User communication is effected by means of several different dialog boxes alert() , confirm(), prompt() , showHelp(), showModalDialog() , showModelessDialog()
Dialog object - This is the parent object of a frame within a modal dialog window.
dialogArguments - arguments passed to a modal dialog window.
dialogHeight - height of a modal or modeless dialog window.
dialogLeft - offset to the left edge of a modal or modeless dialog window. In IE 4, the default measure is the em, in IE 5 it is the pixel.
dialogTop - offset to the top edge of a modal or modeless dialog window. In IE 4, then default measure is the em, in IE 5 it is the pixel.
dialogWidth - width of a modal or modeless dialog window. In IE 4, the default measure is the em, in IE 5 it is the pixel.
Dictionary object - name-value collection object created by the Active X facilities.
Dictionary.Add() - Add a new item to the Dictionary.
Dictionary.Count - Return a count of the number of items in the dictionary.
Dictionary.Exists() - Returns a flag indicating whether a key has an item associated with it in the Dictionary.
Dictionary.Item() - Returns a reference to the Item container for a key.
Dictionary.Items() - Returns an array containing all Items in the dictionary.
Dictionary.Key() - Returns a reference to the named key container.
Dictionary.Keys() - Return a collection of all the keys currently defined in the Dictionary.
Dictionary.Remove() - Remove a key name and its item value from the Dictionary.
Dictionary.RemoveAll() - Remove all key names and item values from the Dictionary.
Digit - decimal numeric character.
DIR object - somewhat deprecated object that is now superseded by the <UL> HTML tag and its object representation. This object represents the contents of a <DIR> HTML tag.
DIR.compact - attribute that controls the display of <DIR> items and the amount of space they require on the screen.
disableExternalCapture() - Part of the Netscape 4 event propagation complex.
DIV object - object that represents a <DIV> block level element.
DIV.align - alignment for content within a <DIV> block.
Divide (/) - Divide one operand by another.
Divide then assign (/=) - Divide one operand by another and put the result in the first.
DL object - object that represents a definition list defined by a <DL> HTML tag.
DL.compact - attribute that controls the display of <DD> and <DT> items and the amount of space they require on the screen.
do ... while( ... ) - variant of the while iterator that checks the condition after execution.
Doctype object - object that represents the document type DTD.
Doctype.entities[] - named node map containing all the general entities within the DTD. - name of the DTD that the Doctype encapsulates.
Doctype.notations[] - named node map containing the notations declared in the DTD encapsulated by the Doctype object.
Document - organized collection of objects that represent a document.
document - document within the current window.
Document component - component object within a document object model.
Document event handlers - property containing a reference to an event handler property.
Document object - object that represents the document currently loaded into the window. This exposes the contents of the HTML document through a variety of collections and properties.
Document.<form_name> - name of a form if the document contains a <FORM> tag.
Document.activeElement - input element that currently has input (keyboard and mouse) focus.
Document.alinkColor - color of a link on the page while it is being activated.
Document.all[] - collection object containing references to every object in the MSIE DOM.
Document.anchors[] - array of all the anchor objects in the document.
Document.applets[] - array containing a list of all the applets in the document.
Document.attachEvent() - means of attaching events to windows and documents.
Document.background - DOM originally intended this to be the URL of a background image for the current document.
Document.bgColor - background color of the document.
Document.body - contents of the <BODY> tag.
Document.captureEvents() - Part of the Netscape 4 event propagation complex.
Document.characterset - Netscape 6.0 equivalent of the Document.charset property.
Document.charset - character set currently being used.
Document.classes[] - Part of the JSS style control model supported only by Netscape .
Document.clear() - deprecated method that clears the document.
Document.close() - Close a document body after you have finished writing to it.
Document.contextual() - Returns a style object that represents the contextual style for the receiver.
Document.cookie - Access to a cookie for the current document.
Document.createAttribute() - Creates an Attribute object that can then set on an Element with the setAttributeNode() method.
Document.createCDATASection() - Creates a new CDATASection object whose value is the string passed as an argument.
Document.createComment() - Creates a new comment node object containing the data passed in the string argument.
Document.createDocumentFragment() - Creates a new and empty document fragment.
Document.createElement() - method to create a new element within a document.
Document.createEntityReference() - new EntityReference object is created. It may acquire the same child list as the entity it refers to.
Document.createProcessingInstruction() - new processing instruction node is created. Its name and content are specified by the arguments.
Document.createStyleSheet() - style sheet factory method.
Document.createTextNode() - means of constructing a new textNode object.
Document.defaultCharset - default character set of the document.
Document.designMode - Part of a page authoring control system built into the MSIE browser.
Document.detachEvent() - means of detaching events from windows and documents that were previously attached with the attachEvent() method.
Document.doctype - current document type of the document.
Document.documentElement - HTML element that represents the document.
Document.domain - means of allowing web servers that trust one another to allow normally insecure access from one another's documents.
Document.elementFromPoint() - Determine which element is under a particular x, y location.
Document.embeds[] - array of all the <EMBED> tag objects within the document.
Document.execCommand() - Part of an MSIE special document command handling mechanism. A method for executing commands.
Document.expando - means of locking objects to prevent new properties being added.
Document.fgColor - foreground color for text in the current document.
Document.fileCreatedDate - date that the document file was created.
Document.fileModifiedDate - date that the document file was last modified.
Document.fileSize - size in bytes of the file that was received by the browser.
Document.forms[] - array containing a list of all the forms in the document.
Document.frames[] - array containing references to all the frame objects within a document.
Document.getElementById() - accessor method for retrieving objects from within the DOM hierarchy specifically according to their ID value.
Document.getElementsByName() - accessor method for retrieving objects from within the DOM hierarchy specifically according to their NAME value.
Document.getElementsByTagName() - node list is returned that contains references to all the child elements having the specified tag name.
Document.getSelection() - Return the currently selected text string.
Document.handleEvent() - Pass an event to the appropriate handler for this object.
Document.height - height of the document.
Document.ids[] - Part of the JSS model supported only by Netscape 4.
Document.images[] - array containing a list of all the images in the document.
Document.implementation - reference to a DOM Implementation object.
Document.lastModified - modification date of the document is stored in this property.
Document.layers[] - array containing a list of layers in the document.
Document.linkColor - color of links that have not yet been visited.
Document.links[] - array of links in the document.
Document.location - This is another name for the Document.URL property. - Open a document body ready for writing.
Document.parentWindow - window object that contains the document.
Document.plugins[] - Another (confusing) name for the document.embeds property and NOT the navigator.plugins property.
Document.protocol - protocol that was used when the document was loaded.
Document.queryCommandEnabled() - Part of an MSIE special document command handling mechanism. Indicates if a command is available for a document or text range.
Document.queryCommandIndeterm() - Part of an MSIE special document command handling mechanism. Indicates whether the command is in the indeterminate state.
Document.queryCommandState() - Part of an MSIE special document command handling mechanism. The current state of a command for the document or text range.
Document.queryCommandSupported() - Part of an MSIE special document command handling mechanism. Indicates whether the document or text range supports a command.
Document.queryCommandText() - Part of an MSIE special document command handling mechanism.
Document.queryCommandValue() - Part of an MSIE special document command handling mechanism. The value of a command for a document or text range.
Document.readyState - current downloading status disposition of the document.
Document.recalc() - special MSIE supported method that sends a recalculation event to a document.
Document.referrer - URL of the document that was displayed when the user clicked on a link to request this document.
Document.releaseEvents() - alias for the window.releaseEvents() method.
Document.routeEvent() - Part of the Netscape event propagation complex.
Document.scripts[] - array of all the <SCRIPT> blocks in a document.
Document.selection - selected text within the object.
Document.styleSheets[] - array containing a list of style sheets in an MSIE document.
Document.tags[] - Part of the JSS model supported only by Netscape 4.
Document.title - title text for the document.
Document.uniqueID - unique ID value for this document.
Document.URL - This is the actual URL that was loaded for the document.
Document.vlinkColor - color of a visited link in the current document.
Document.width - width of the document.
Document.write() - method for writing HTML into the document body.
Document.writeln() - method for writing HTML into the document body.
DocumentEvent - interface that extends the Document object to support a DOM compliant event structure.
DocumentEvent.createEvent() - method to create a new event object ready to be dispatched to an EventTarget.
DocumentFragment object - DOM specification calls this a lightweight or minimal document object. It can be used as a temporary store for a part of the document hierarchy.
DocumentStyle object - Added at DOM level 2 to support document related stylesheets.
DocumentType object - This is implemented in MSIE as a Doctype object.
DOM - standardized model of a document built with objects.
DOM - Level 0 - initial collation of document objects and properties from the de-facto HTML & JavaScript implementations.
DOM - Level 1 - standardized model of a document built with objects.
DOM - Level 2 - standardized model of a document built with objects.
DOM - Level 3 - improved model of the document object structure.
DOM Events - new modular part of the DOM standard introduced at level 2 and implemented in Netscape 6.
Domain error - error in computation that would normally crash a compiled program.
DOMImplementation object - MSIE implements this class as the Implementation object.
DontDelete - internal property attribute that prevents a property from being deleted.
DontEnumerate - internal property attribute that prevents a property from being enumerated.
double - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Double-precision - type of number value.
Drive object - special JScript object to represent a disk drive.
Drive.AvailableSpace - amount of free space on the drive.
Drive.DriveLetter - name of the drive.
Drive.DriveType - kind of disk media in the drive.
Drive.FileSystem - kind of file system on the drive.
Drive.FreeSpace - amount of free space left on the drive.
Drive.IsReady - Whether the drive is ready to be used.
Drive.Path - path for the specified drive.
Drive.RootFolder - folder object that represents the root folder for the drive.
Drive.SerialNumber - serial number of the drive.
Drive.ShareName - If the drive is shared, then this is its shared name.
Drive.TotalSize - total space available on the disk if it were empty.
Drive.VolumeName - Access to the volume name of the drive.
Drives object - collection of drives belonging to a file system.
DropShadow() - visual filter for creating drop shadows.
DT object - object that represents the content of a <DT> tag.
DT.noWrap - wrapping of text within a <DT> block.
DVB-MHP - Digital Video Broadcasting - Multimedia Home Platform.
Dynamic HTML - fourth generation browser technology for dynamically altering the document that describes a web page.
Dynamic positioning - Cascading style properties for positioning objects within the page.
5. E
E-mail containing JavaScript - You can embed JavaScript into e-mail messages composed using HTML.
ECMA - international standards organization.
ECMAScript - international standard that describes JavaScript.
ECMAScript - edition 2 - Specific conformance for ECMAScript at its second edition.
ECMAScript - edition 3 - Specific conformance for ECMAScript at its third edition.
ECMAScript version - version history for ECMAScript.
Element object - common name for an object that represents an HTML tag or container.
Element.addBehavior() - Attach a behavior to an object in MSIE.
Element.all[] - array containing references to all elements within this element.
Element.applyElement() - way of defining an Element object as the child or parent of another element.
Element.attributes[] - reference to a collection of attribute objects for the HTML tag that the Element object represents.
Element.behaviorUrns[] - collection of all the behaviors attached to an element (as a set of URN strings).
Element.canHaveChildren - Boolean flag indicating whether this element may have child Nodes associated with it.
Element.canHaveHTML - flag property that indicates whether the element can contain HTML.
Element.childNodes[] - list of object nodes within the DOM that are direct children of the node object that owns this collection.
Element.children[] - elements that are direct children of this element.
Element.className - value of the CLASS tag attribute for the HTML tag that represents this element.
Element.clearAttributes() - Clear the attributes from an element object. - Sends a click event to the receiving object to trigger its onclick event handler.
Element.clientHeight - height in pixels of the object on the client display surface.
Element.clientLeft - offset in pixels of the object on the client display surface relative to its parent object.
Element.clientTop - offset in pixels of the object on the client display surface relative to its parent.
Element.clientWidth - width in pixels of the object on the client display surface.
Element.componentFromPoint() - Determines what object is under a particular pixel coordinate in the window.
Element.contains() - test to see if the element contains another element.
Element.contentEditable - property that determines whether the content of an element can be changed.
Element.currentStyle - reference to a style object that contains the current style settings for the Element object.
Element.dir - text direction of the Element object content.
Element.document - document containing this element.
Element.doScroll() - Simulates a mouse click on a scroll bar.
Element.filters[] - Filters are supported by MSIE and provide some stylistic control over presentation. This collection contains all the filters associated with an Element.
Element.firstChild - first object in the collection of direct children of this element.
Element.getAdjacentText() - Obtains the text adjacent to the object.
Element.getAttribute() - accessor for reading named custom attributes.
Element.getAttributeNode() - Given its name, this will retrieve an Attribute node for the Element object.
Element.getElementsByTagName() - Obtain a collection of elements that have the same tag name.
Element.getExpression() - Obtains an expression value from within a style rule.
Element.hideFocus - This property controls whether there is any visible effect of acquiring focus on an object. - value of the ID tag attribute in the HTML tag that represents this element.
Element.innerHTML - inner HTML of a tag in the document.
Element.innerText - inner text of a tag in the document.
Element.insertAdjacentHTML() - Insert some HTML into the document adjacent to this element.
Element.insertAdjacentText() - Insert some text into the document adjacent to this element.
Element.isContentEditable - Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the content of the element can be altered.
Element.isDisabled - flag property that indicates whether the user can interact with the object or not.
Element.isTextEdit - Boolean indication of the text editing capabilities of this element.
Element.lang - value of the LANG tag attribute of the HTML tag that represents this element.
Element.language - required scripting language for fragments of script associated with this element.
Element.lastChild - last child object contained within the DOM hierarchy that descends from this element.
Element.mergeAttributes() - Merge the attributes from one object with another.
Element.nextSibling - HTML element at the same level within the document hierarchy.
Element.nodeName - Part of the internal document hierarchy management.
Element.nodeType - Part of the internal document hierarchy management.
Element.nodeValue - Part of the internal document hierarchy management.
Element.normalize() - Processes all of the textNode objects that are children of the receiving element and prepares the document for save and restore.
Element.offsetHeight - height of this element.
Element.offsetLeft - X coordinate of the HTML element.
Element.offsetParent - reference to the parent object that is the reference point for offset positioning values.
Element.offsetTop - Y coordinate of the HTML element.
Element.offsetWidth - width of the HTML element.
Element.onevent - property containing a reference to an event handler property.
Element.outerHTML - outer HTML of a tag in the document.
Element.outerText - outer text of a tag in the document.
Element.ownerDocument - reference to the document object that the element is contained within.
Element.parentElement - element that is the owner or parent of the current object.
Element.parentNode - Part of the internal DOM hierarchy management.
Element.parentTextEdit - reference to the next highest object in the hierarchy that allows a TextRange to be created.
Element.previousSibling - HTML element at the same level within the document hierarchy.
Element.readyState - readyState of an object contains a value indicating whether it is currently loading or is ready to use.
Element.releaseCapture() - Part of the event handling mechanism in MSIE.
Element.removeAttribute() - accessor method to delete a named custom attribute.
Element.removeAttributeNode() - Removes an attribute node from the element hierarchy. If the attribute has a default value, that will be used subsequently.
Element.removeBehavior() - Removes a behavior that was previously added to the object.
Element.removeExpression() - Removes an expression from an object.
Element.replaceAdjacentText() - Replace some text adjacent to the element object.
Element.runtimeStyle - style settings for the object, taking into account any cascaded styles and changes to the styles that may have happened dynamically.
Element.scopeName - name of a scope chain.
Element.scrollHeight - MSIE property for measuring sizes of objects when they have been scrolled.
Element.scrollIntoView() - Set the scroll of the document to bring the element into view.
Element.scrollLeft - MSIE property for measuring position of objects when they have been scrolled.
Element.scrollTop - MSIE property for measuring position of objects when they have been scrolled.
Element.scrollWidth - width of a scrolling region.
Element.setAttribute() - accessor method to set a named custom attribute value.
Element.setAttributeNode() - new attribute node is added to the element. If one with the same name already exists, it will be replaced.
Element.setCapture() - Part of the event handling mechanism in MSIE.
Element.setExpression() - Part of the behavior handling mechanisms in MSIE.
Element.sourceIndex - index value of this element in the document.all[] array. - style object that can be modified for the element.
Element.tagName - name of the HTML tag that instantiated this object.
Element.tagUrn - URN value for a tag.
Element.title - value of the TITLE tag attribute for the HTML tag that created this object.
Element.uniqueID - automatically generated unique ID value for an object.
else ... - Part of the if ... else conditional code execution mechanism.
else if( ... ) ... - technique for stacking if conditions in a script.
EM object - object representing the HTML content delimited by the <EM> tags.
<EMBED> - mechanism for adding plugin functionality to a web browser.
Embed object - object that represents an embedded item in MSIE.
Embed.align - alignment of an embedded plugin relative to its surrounding objects.
Embed.height - height of a plugin's extent rectangle.
Embed.hidden - flag indicating whether a plugin is hidden or not. - This corresponds to the NAME attribute of the <EMBED> tag.
Embed.palette - palette for use with a plugin.
Embed.pluginspage - URL of a page where the plugin can be obtained if it is not yet installed in the browser.
Embed.readyState - downloading status disposition of the plugin associated with the <EMBED> tag.
Embed.src - URL of an external file that the plugin may use.
Embed.units - unit of measure for the height and width of the plugin extent rectangle.
Embed.width - width of the plugin extent rectangle.
EmbedArray object - more appropriate name for a PluginArray that contains a collection of plugins within the current document.
EmbedArray.length - number of plugin objects in the document.
Embedded JavaScript - JavaScript available inside your application.
Emboss() - Displays the image content of the HTML element as if it were an embossed effect.
Empty statement (;) - no-op 'do-nothing' statement.
enableExternalCapture() - Part of the Netscape 4 event propagation complex.
encodeURI() - This ECMA defined function can be used to encode an entire URI value that can then be decoded with the decodeURI() function.
encodeURIComponent() - This ECMA defined function can be used to encode a URI component value that can then be decoded with the decodeURIComponent() function.
Engrave() - effect that is the opposite of the embossed image appearance.
Enquiry functions - means of determining value types.
Entity object - entity is an item in an XML document. This object encapsulates the XML entity.
Entity.notationName - If an entity is unparsed, then this will be the name of the notation for that entity, otherwise it is null.
Entity.publicId - public identifier associated with the entity if it was specified when the entity was instantiated.
Entity.systemId - system identifier associated with the entity if it was specified when the entity was instantiated.
EntityReference object - reference to an entity object in an XML document.
enum - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Enumeration constant - Possible future functionality to provide enumerated data types.
Enumerator object - special object supported by MSIE for processing collections of objects.
Enumerator() - constructor function for creating new Enumerator objects.
Enumerator.atEnd() - method that returns a flag indicating the end of the collection.
Enumerator.constructor - reference to the constructor object for the Enumerator.
Enumerator.item() - reference to the current item in the collection. This method returns the object from the collection that the enumerator is currently accessing.
Enumerator.moveFirst() - Resets the enumerator to point at the first item in the collection.
Enumerator.moveNext() - Moves the enumerator to the next item in the collection.
Environment - environment is the computing context in which the script is executed.
Equal to (==) - Compares two operands for equality.
Equality expression - expression that tests for equality or not.
Equality operator - operator that tests for equality or not.
Error - That which happens when your script fails to execute properly.
Error events - class of events that are triggered by errors.
Error handler - Triggered by an error in the JavaScript execution.
Error handling - mechanism for dealing with errors.
Error object - object that represents a custom error condition.
Error() - Error object constructor.
Error() - Error object constructor.
Error.constructor - reference to a constructor object.
Error.description - property that corresponds to the description argument in the constructor function.
Error.message - property that corresponds to the message argument in the constructor function. - name of an Error object can be accessed with this property.
Error.number - property that corresponds to the number argument in the constructor function.
Error.prototype - prototype for the Error object that can be used to extend the interface for all Error objects.
Error.toString() - Return a string primitive version of an Error object.
Escape sequence (\) - means of defining characters that cannot easily be typed on a keyboard.
escape() - URL escaping a text string.
Escaped JavaScript quotes in HTML - Closing quotes may appear when you least expect them.
Eval code - Script source executed by an eval() function call.
eval() - Execute some script source passed as an argument.
EvalError object - native error object based on the Error object.
Event-driven model - contextual manner in which script functions are executed.
Event - trigger that may occur at any time.
event - During event handling, MSIE stores a reference to an Event object in this variable.
Event bubbling - mechanism whereby MSIE and Netscape 6.0 pass events up a hierarchy of objects until they find a handler.
Event handler - script function that is called in response to an event trigger.
Event handler in <SCRIPT> - You can associate an event handler using the <SCRIPT> tag's attributes.
Event handler properties - Objects can have event handlers attached via property values.
Event handler scope - scope of an event handler is somewhat different to the normal scope.
Event management - Netscape 4 event management suite provides event routing facilities.
Event model - framework within which events are triggered and handled by the interpreter.
Event names - Rules for naming event handlers.
Event object - Early Netscape and MSIE browsers define different event object models. In MSIE, a single Event object is available globally and shared by all events.
Event.altKey - Boolean value in MSIE that represents the state of the [alt] key.
Event.bookmarks[] - collection of all the ADO bookmarks tied to the rows affected by the current event.
Event.boundElements[] - collection of all the elements on the page that are bound to a dataset.
Event.bubbles - Boolean value that indicates whether the event can bubble or not.
Event.button - mouse button that was pressed to trigger the event in MSIE.
Event.cancelable - If the event can be cancelled, then this flag will be set true.
Event.cancelBubble - flag that halts event bubbling in MSIE browsers.
Event.charCode - character code of a key that was pressed to trigger the event relating to this object.
Event.clientX - MSIE mouse position relative to the web page.
Event.clientY - MSIE mouse position relative to the web page.
Event.ctrlKey - Boolean value in MSIE that represents the state of the [control] key.
Event.currentTarget - reference to the object whose listener is being called with the receiving Event object. - URL of the data dropped into a the window from an onDragDrop event.
Event.dataTransfer - means of transferring drag and drop data via the Event object. This refers to a dataTransfer object.
Event.eventPhase - Describes what phase the event is currently being processed in.
Event.fromElement - object that the mouse is moving from.
Event.height - new height of a resized window or frame.
Event.initEvent() - Event object initializer that must be called before dispatching the Event object to an EventTarget.
Event.keyCode - code point for the key that was pressed in MSIE.
Event.layerX - X coordinate of the event within a layer.
Event.layerY - Y coordinate of the event within a layer.
Event.modifiers - bitmask provided by Netscape, which contains a bit flag for each modifier key.
Event.offsetX - X coordinate of the event relative to its containing object.
Event.offsetY - Y coordinate of the event relative to its containing object.
Event.pageX - Netscape mouse position relative to the web page.
Event.pageY - Netscape mouse position relative to the web page.
Event.preventDefault() - means of preventing the default behavior from being activated after the event returns to its dispatcher.
Event.propertyName - name of a property that was changed and which triggered an onPropertyChange event.
Event.reason - indication of the status of a data transfer.
Event.repeat - If a keyboard can generate auto-repeating keystrokes, then this is set true when a keystroke is an auto-repeat of a previous one.
Event.returnValue - return value for the event.
Event.screenX - Mouse position relative to the screen display.
Event.screenY - Mouse position relative to the screen display.
Event.shiftKey - Boolean value in MSIE that represents the state of the [shift] key.
Event.srcElement - MSIE supported property containing the event source.
Event.srcFilter - filter object representing the filter that changed.
Event.stopPropagation() - Prevents propagation of event handling via bubbling or capture techniques. - property containing a reference to the object that the event was directed at.
Event.timeStamp - time value at which the event was triggered.
Event.toElement - object to which the mouse is moving.
Event.type - string that contains the event type name.
Event.which - number of the mouse button or the code point value of a key that was pressed in Netscape.
Event.width - new width of a resized window or frame.
Event.x - X coordinate of the event within a positioned object.
Event.y - Y coordinate of the event within a positioned object.
Event propagation - means whereby events are passed up a hierarchy of objects.
Event type constants - Netscape defines a set of constants that represent event types.
EventCapturer object - special object that Netscape uses to grab events.
EventException object - object that describes the kind of event-based exception that has occurred.
EventException.code - property containing a code value that indicates which one of the available set of exceptions has occurred.
EventListener object - script function that is called when an event is triggered.
EventTarget object - set of properties and methods that extend the behavior of DOM nodes to support event handling.
EventTarget.addEventListener() - Adds a listener function to handle events dispatched to the owning EventTarget node.
EventTarget.dispatchEvent() - Create and send an event trigger to a target node.
EventTarget.removeEventListener() - Deregister an event listener that was established with the addEventListener() method.
Exactly equal to (===) - two values must be identically equal in value and type.
Exception - unexpected result from an expression evaluation.
Exception handling - process of managing errors.
execScript() - Execute a script.
Executable code - Script code that can be parsed and run as a program or function.
Execute a function - act of calling a function during script execution.
Execution context - environment in which the script source code is executed.
Execution environment - environment in which a script is executed.
Exponent-log function - Functions that calculate exponents and logs.
export - Exports some properties to allow them to be imported into another execution context.
Expression - Combining one or more operands with an operator creates an expression.
Expression statement - Expressions do not necessarily have to be placed on the right of an assignment operator.
extends - Reserved for future language enhancements to do with better class handling.
external - Reference to external objects outside of the interpreter.
external object - Since MSIE can be embedded as a component into other applications, this object represents the object model of such a containing application.
external.AddChannel() - means of adding a channel to an external object.
external.AddDesktopComponent() - means of adding an image or web site link to the desktop workspace.
external.AddFavorite() - Support for external applications and objects when using MSIE in the Windows environment. This adds an item to the favorites collection.
external.AutoCompleteSaveForm() - Support for external applications and objects when using MSIE in the Windows environment. This accesses the auto-complete mechanisms.
external.AutoScan() - Connects to a web server using a template and registry scanning process to work out the target web server address from a partial domain name.
external.ImportExportFavorites() - mechanism for storing favorites lists on a server and getting them back later.
external.IsSubscribed() - Channel handling support is provided by this enquiry that determines whether the channel is registered.
external.menuArguments - window object where a context menu was executed.
external.NavigateAndFind() - This augments the anchor linking behavior and adds a highlighting capability.
external.ShowBrowserUI() - Accesses dialog panels that are built into the browser.
6. F
Fade() - transition effect with the appearance of a dissolve between two images.
false - Boolean false value.
fdlibm - publicly available library of math functions.
FIELDSET object - field set within a form.
FIELDSET.align - alignment of the field set within its surrounding objects.
FIELDSET.margin - margin around a fieldset to separate it from its surrounding objects.
File extensions - means of determining file content by a part of its file name.
File object - special JScript object representing a file on a locally mounted drive.
File.Attributes - file-system attributes of a file.
File.Copy() - method that copies files.
File.DateCreated - creation date of the file.
File.DateLastAccessed - date that a file was last accessed.
File.DateLastModified - last modified data for a file.
File.Delete() - method that deletes files.
File.Drive - drive name that the file is stored on.
File.Move() - file move method.
File.Name - name of the file.
File.OpenAsTextStream() - means of opening the file as if it were a text stream so JScript can do I/O on it.
File.ParentFolder - parent folder that contains the file.
File.Path - path within the file system that locates the file.
File.ShortName - DOS 8.3 filename for the file.
File.ShortPath - DOS 8.3 compatible path to the file.
File.Size - size of the file.
File.Type - type of the file.
File object - object that encapsulates a file on the local file system within the server.
File() - constructor for creating new instances of the file object in an NES server.
File.byteToString() - Convert a byte value into a string.
File.clearError() - Reset the error property value.
File.close() - Close the file that was opened with the method.
File.constructor - reference to the constructor function for this object.
File.eof() - This method returns a flag indicating whether we are at the end of the file or not.
File.error() - accessor function for the error property.
File.exists() - method that returns a flag to indicate whether the file exists or not.
File.flush() - Purges the output buffer to the file after some writing.
File.getLength() - Returns the length of the file measured in 8 bit characters.
File.getPosition() - Returns the current position in the file where the next read or write is to take place. - Opens a file for reading, writing or appending.
File.prototype - prototype for the File object which can be used to extend the interface for all File objects. - Reads a string of characters from the file.
File.readByte() - Reads a single byte or character from the file.
File.readln() - Reads from the current position up to the next newline character in the file.
File.setPosition() - Sometimes you may need to reposition the file pointer. This method allows you to position it at exactly the right place.
File.stringToByte() - Converts the first character of the string argument into a byte value.
File.write() - Writes a string of data out to the file.
File.writeByte() - Writes a single byte to the file.
File.writeln() - Writes a string and automatically place a newline character after it in the file.
file: URL - Loads a local file into a window.
Files object - collection of files belonging together in a folder.
Files.Count - count of the number of file items in the Files collection.
Files.Item() - accessor for retrieving individual File objects by name from a Files collection.
FileSystem object - object that represents an entire file system for a specific disk drive.
FileSystem.BuildPath() - method for manufacturing paths within the file system.
FileSystem.CopyFile() - method for copying files within the file system.
FileSystem.CopyFolder() - method for copying folders within the file system.
FileSystem.CreateFolder() - method for creating new folders within the file system.
FileSystem.CreateTextFile() - method for creating new empty text files within the file system.
FileSystem.DeleteFile() - method for deleting files from the file system.
FileSystem.DeleteFolder() - method for deleting folders from the file system.
FileSystem.DriveExists() - method for testing the existence of a drive.
FileSystem.Drives[] - list of all Drive objects within the file system.
FileSystem.FileExists() - means of testing for the existence of a file.
FileSystem.FolderExists() - means of testing for the existence of a folder.
FileSystem.GetAbsolutePathName() - method that returns the complete path name of a file.
FileSystem.GetBaseName() - method that returns the base name of a file.
FileSystem.GetDrive() - method that returns a drive object from the file system.
FileSystem.GetDriveName() - method to obtain the drive name of a drive within the file system.
FileSystem.GetExtensionName() - method to yield the file extension from the path name.
FileSystem.GetFile() - method to obtain a File object from a file system.
FileSystem.GetFileName() - method to extract a file name from a path.
FileSystem.GetFolder() - method to extract the folder from a path.
FileSystem.GetParentFolderName() - method to extract the parent folder from a path.
FileSystem.GetSpecialFolder() - method to yield a special folder within the file system.
FileSystem.GetTempName() - method to generate a unique temporary file name.
FileSystem.MoveFile() - method to move a file within the file system.
FileSystem.MoveFolder() - method to move a folder within the file system.
FileSystem.OpenTextFile() - method for opening text files for I/O.
FileUpload object - text field in a form for entering the name of a file to be uploaded to the server.
FileUpload.accept - list of acceptable MIME types for a file upload in a form.
FileUpload.handleEvent() - Passes an event to the appropriate handler for this object. - Triggers a Select event on a FileUpload object.
FileUpload.size - Returns the size of the file to be uploaded.
FileUpload.type - type of a form input element.
FileUpload.value - file name entered by the user for the file to be uploaded.
Filter - mechanism for providing display effects in MSIE.
filter - Alpha() - visual filter for controlling transparency.
filter - AlphaImageLoader() - image is displayed in the object with some additional control over how it is displayed.
filter - Barn() - transition effect with the appearance of barn doors opening or closing.
filter - BasicImage() - Controls over the basic image display attributes of the containing HTML Element object.
filter - BlendTrans() - blend filter for controlling transitions.
filter - Blinds() - transition effect with the appearance of venetian blinds opening or closing.
filter - Blur() - visual filter for blurring objects.
filter - CheckerBoard() - transition effect with the appearance of chequer board blinds opening or closing.
filter - Chroma() - visual filter for chroma key effects.
filter - Compositor() - As content is added to an object, it can be colored to indicate that it is changed content.
filter - DropShadow() - visual filter for creating drop shadows.
filter - Emboss() - Displays the image content of the HTML element as if it were an embossed effect.
filter - Engrave() - effect that is the opposite of the embossed image appearance.
filter - Fade() - transition effect with the appearance of a dissolve between two images.
filter - FlipH() - visual filter for horizontal mirror effects.
filter - FlipV() - visual filter for vertical mirror effects.
filter - Glow() - visual filter for adding a glow effect.
filter - Gradient() - procedural definition of a gradient effect.
filter - GradientWipe() - transition effect with the appearance of a wipe with a soft edge.
filter - Grayscale() - visual filter for converting to a grayscale appearance.
filter - Inset() - diagonal wipe across the image revealing the new image.
filter - Invert() - visual filter for inverting image colors.
filter - Iris() - transition effect with the appearance of an iris opening or closing.
filter - Light() - visual filter for simulating a lighting model.
filter - Mask() - visual filter for creating a transparent mask.
filter - MaskFilter() - Uses the transparent color pixels of an object into a mask.
filter - Matrix() - means of applying sophisticated rotation, translate, and scaling effects to an image using matrix transformation.
filter - MotionBlur() - enhanced motion blur artifact that replaces the older Blur() filter functionality.
filter - Pixelate() - transition effect with the appearance of a coarse pixelated dissolve.
filter - Pixelate() - effect that simulates the pixellation achieved when lowering the display resolution of an image.
filter - RadialWipe() - transition effect with the appearance of a radar display wiping round.
filter - RandomBars() - transition effect with the appearance of random bars sliding down.
filter - RandomDissolve() - transition effect with the appearance of a fine pixelated dissolve.
filter - RevealTrans() - reveal filter for controlling transitions.
filter - Shadow() - visual filter for creating a shadow.
filter - Slide() - transition effect with the appearance of one image sliding over another.
filter - Spiral() - Reveals the new image with a spiral effect.
filter - Stretch() - variation on a wipe effect except that the new image appears to stretch over the old one. The old one is squashed until it disappears.
filter - Strips() - Reveals new image by sliding diagonal strips across the image.
filter - Wave() - visual filter for creating ripple effects.
filter - Wheel() - Reveals the new image with a rotating spoked wheel effect.
filter - XRay() - visual filter that displays only the element edges.
filter - Zigzag() - Reveals the new image with a zigzag effect.
Filter object - single filter object obtained from an element's filters array.
Filter.enabled - flag indicating whether a filter is enabled.
Filters object - filters object is part of the MSIE filter mechanisms and is a special case of the collection object.
Filters.item() - item selector for accessing a single filter within the collection.
Filters.length - length of the filter collection.
final - Reserved for future language enhancements.
finally ... - Part of the try ... catch ... finally error-handling mechanism.
find() - means of performing a text search on the document content.
FindProxyForURL() - main function in a proxy.pac file.
FlipH() - visual filter for horizontal mirror effects.
FlipV() - visual filter for vertical mirror effects.
float - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Floating constant - floating constant is a literal floating point value.
Floating point - type of number value.
Floating point arithmetic - Arithmetic operations performed on floating point values.
Floating point constant - floating point value.
Flow control - Redirecting the program execution away from the linear flow.
focus() - Direct the keyboard and mouse focus onto the window.
Folder object - special JScript folder object.
Folder.Attributes - file system attributes of a folder.
Folder.Copy() - method to copy folders.
Folder.DateCreated - date that the folder was created.
Folder.DateLastAccessed - date that the folder was last accessed.
Folder.DateLastModified - date that the folder was last modified.
Folder.Delete() - method to delete a folder.
Folder.Drive - drive name that folder belongs to.
Folder.Files[] -
Folder.IsRootFolder - flag indicating whether the folder is the root folder for the drive it lives in.
Folder.Move() - means of moving folders.
Folder.Name - name of a folder.
Folder.ParentFolder - folder containing the folder object.
Folder.Path - file-system path to the folder.
Folder.ShortName - DOS 8.3 name for the folder.
Folder.ShortPath - DOS 8.3 path to the folder.
Folder.Size - size of the folder contents.
Folder.SubFolders[] - list of sub-folders within the receiving folder object.
Folder.Type - folder object type.
Folders object - special JScript object that contains a collection of Folder objects.
Folders.Add() - Add a folder to the collection.
Folders.Count - Return a count of the number of Folder objects in the collection.
Folders.Item() - Locate and return a reference to a specifically named Folder.
FONT object - object that represents a <FONT> tag.
FONT.color - color of text contained within a <FONT> block.
FONT.face - font face for text contained within the <FONT> block.
FONT.size - size of text contained within the <FONT> block.
for( ... ) ... - iterator mechanism -loop construct.
for( ... in ... ) ... - iterator mechanism -loop construct.
Form - browser page that can be filled in and submitted with user specified values.
Form element - Those components that are used to construct a form document.
Form object - object representing an HTML <FORM> tag.
Form.acceptCharset - character set that the form will be prepared to accept input from.
Form.action - property that contains the submit action method for the <FORM>.
Form.elements.length - number of input elements there are in the form. This is a reflection of the Form.length property.
Form.elements[] - array containing a list of elements belonging to a form.
Form.encoding - type of encoding that the form needs to undergo during submission.
Form.enctype - alias for the Form.ecoding property as specified by DOM level 1.
Form.handleEvent() - Pass an event to the appropriate handler for this object.
Form.length - number of elements in a form.
Form.method - method of submission for the form object. - This corresponds to the NAME attribute of the <FORM> tag.
Form.reset() - Invoke a form reset on the field content.
Form.submit() - Invoke a form submit to the server.
Form.tabIndex - control of where the form appears in the tabbing order of the page. - target window or frame for the form response to be displayed in.
Form verification - process of checking user entered form values.
Formal Parameter List - arguments that are passed to a function when it is called.
FormArray object - FormArray object is a collection of objects referring to the Form objects for the current document.
FormArray.item() - item selector for picking items out of a collection of forms.
FormArray.length - number of forms in the form array.
FormElement object - object representing an HTML <INPUT> tag in a <FORM>.
FormElementsArray object - collection containing the input elements of a form. This is provided by adding properties to the FORM object the elements belong to.
FormElementsArray.length - number of input elements within a form.
forward() - Equivalent to the user clicking on the [FORWARD] button.
frame - This is another name for self and window.
Frame object - object representing an HTML <FRAME> tag.
Frame.borderColor - color of a border around a frame.
Frame.close() - redundant method that should be ignored.
Frame.defaultStatus - default status value that only applies when the mouse is in the frame.
Frame.frameBorder - control attribute for borders around frames.
Frame.height - height of a frame.
Frame.longDesc - URL which points at a document containing a long description of the contents of this frame.
Frame.marginHeight - vertical height of a top and bottom margin round a frame.
Frame.marginWidth - horizontal width of a margin round a frame. - This corresponds to the NAME attribute of the <FRAME> tag.
Frame.noResize - switch to control the resize box on a frame.
Frame.parent - reference to the window (frame) that contains the frame.
Frame.scrolling - switch to control the appearance of scrollbars on a frame.
Frame.src - URL for a document contained within the frame. - top-level window that owns the hierarchy the current frame lives in.
FrameArray object - collection of frames within a window. Actually there is no FrameArray object type because it is implemented as a Frames object.
FrameArray.item() - item picker for accessing individual frames within a collection.
FrameArray.length - number of frame objects in a frame collection.
frameRate - indication of the frame rate for the current display.
Frames object - collection of frames belonging to a document or window.
Frames.length - number of frames in the window to which the frames array belongs. The number of inline frames in the current document.
frames[] - frames array belongs to the window object.
FRAMESET object - object that represents a <FRAMESET> tag.
FRAMESET.accessKey - key that needs to be pressed before the input object will respond to data entry.
FRAMESET.border - switching attribute that controls the border around the frames in a frame-set.
FRAMESET.borderColor - attribute controlling the color of a border around the frames in a frame-set.
FRAMESET.cols - column arrangement of frames within a frame-set.
FRAMESET.frameBorder - switching attribute for the border around individual frames within the frame-set.
FRAMESET.frameSpacing - property indicating the amount of space between frames within the frame-set.
FRAMESET.rows - row control attribute for the frame-set.
FRAMESET.tabIndex - numeric ordering of the <FRAMESET> within the parent document's tabbing sequence.
Free-format language - somewhat relaxed layout strategy for source code.
ftp: URL - request from a web browser to an ftp server to send a file.
Function - action of executing a function object's script source text.
Function arguments - parameters that are passed to a function as it is called.
Function call - means of invoking a function definition.
Function call operator ( ) - parentheses change a property into a function/method.
Function code - Script source in a declared function.
Function definition - description of a function in the script source text.
Function literal - way of creating functions on the fly within your script.
Function object - object of the class "Function".
Function() - Function object constructor.
Function() - Function object constructor.
Function.apply() - Uses a function object as if it belonged to another target object.
Function.arguments[] - values passed to the function when it is called.
Function.arity - number of arguments expected by a function call. - Uses a function object as if it belonged to another target object.
Function.caller - reference to the caller of the function.
Function.Class - Internal property that returns an object class.
Function.constructor - reference to a constructor object.
Function.length - number of arguments expected by a function call.
Function.prototype - prototype for the Function object that can be used to extend the interface for all Function objects.
Function.toSource() - Returns a string primitive version of the function.
Function.toString() - Returns a string primitive version of an object.
Function.valueOf() - Returns a string primitive version of the function.
Function object properties - User defined properties added to a function object.
Function property - property belonging to an object which can be called as a function.
Function prototype - description of the calling interface to a function.
Function scope - context within which the body script runs is the function scope.
function( ... ) ... - description of a function in the script source text.
Fundamental data type - basic simple native data types.
Furniture - name for the various items that form the window border.
7. G
Garbage collection - mechanism by which deallocated strings and objects are cleared from memory.
Get() - Internal private function that is used to access public properties.
GetBase() - Internal private function.
getClass() - Returns the JavaClass of a JavaObject.
GetObject() - JScript function that returns a reference to an object representing a file belonging to an application on your system.
GetPropertyName() - Internal private function.
GetValue() - Internal private function.
Global code - Script source that is outside of any function code blocks.
Global object - special type of object that is always available in the prototype chain.
Global.undefined - globally available copy of the undefined value.
Global special variable - Special variables that are globally available.
Glow() - visual filter for adding a glow effect
Glue code - Supporting code to integrate JavaScript with the environment.
Gotcha - pitfall or catch-out for the unwary and the experienced script developer.
goto - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Gradient() - procedural definition of a gradient effect.
GradientWipe() - transition effect with the appearance of a wipe with a soft edge.
Grayscale() - visual filter for converting to a grayscale appearance.
Greater than (>) - Compares two operands to determine which is nearer to +Infinity.
Greater than or equal to (>=) - Compare two operands to determine which is nearer to +Infinity or whether they are equal.
Grouping operator ( ) - means of controlling precedence of evaluation in expressions.
8. H
handleEvent() - Pass an event to the appropriate handler for this object.
Handler - event handler can be attached to an HTML tag as an attribute.
HasInstance() - Internal private function to test for the existence of an instance.
HasProperty() - Internal private function to test for the existence of a property.
HEAD object - special MSIE object that represents the head block of an HTML document.
HEAD.profile - profile property of the current document's <HEAD> block.
HEAD.vAlign - vertical alignment associated with the <HEAD>.
Hexadecimal value - numeric value based on a radix of 16.
Hidden object - field of data submitted with the form but not visible to the user.
Hidden.type - type value for the <INPUT> object that describes the hidden field.
Hidden.value - value of a hidden field in a form.
Hiding scripts from old browsers - Old browsers need to have script content disguised.
Hierarchy of objects - To fully understand JavaScript and in particular its use in the browser, it is helpful to know how objects relate to one another.
High order bit - most significant bit in an integer value.
History - Scripting language history.
history - alias to the window.history property.
History object - history object owned by the window. This exposes information about URLs that have been visited previously.
History.back() - Go to the previous page.
History.current - URL of the current window content.
History.forward() - Go to the next page.
History.go() - Return to a URL from the history array.
History.length - number of history entries available. - next document in the history array.
History.previous - previous document in the history array.
H<n> object - object that represents the <H1> to <H6> tags.
H<n>.align - alignment of an <H1> to <H6> tag.
home() - Go to the home page according to the user preferences.
Host environment - environment in which a JavaScript interpreter has been embedded.
Host features - That which is added to the language due to the hosting environment it runs in.
Host object - object that is built-in, but is provided by the hosting environment.
HR object - object that represents an <HR> tag.
HR.align - An attribute to control the alignment of the <HR> object on screen.
HR.color - The color of the <HR> object.
HR.noShade - A switch attribute, used to control whether there is a shadow around the <HR> object.
HR.size - A measure of the thickness of the <HR> object, expressed in pixels.
HR.width - A width measurement of the <HR> object.
HTC - This is an abbreviation for the MSIE based HTML components (which used to be called scriptlets).
.htc - A file containing a behavior handler script for use in MSIE browsers.
.htm - An HTML page.
HTML - The standard notation for creating web pages.
.html - An HTML page.
HTML Character entity - Character value escapes for use in HTML.
HTML Comment tag (<!-- ... -->) - HTML comments can be used to hide scripts.
HTML Component - An HTML Component is a small modular fragment of script contained in an .htc file and can be shared across several pages.
HTML entity escape - It looks like HTML but it isn't intended to be.
HTML file - HTML web page file.
HTML object - An object in MSIE that represents an <HTML> tag.
HTML.title - The document title.
HTML.version - The version string of an HTML document.
HTML tag attribute - HTML tags have attributes, some of which can be accessed from scripts.
HTTP-EQUIV="..." - The name attribute for a pseudo header item.
http: URL - A request from a web browser to a web server to send a document.
https: URL - A request from a web browser to a secure web server to send a document with an encrypted and secure protocol.
HyperLink - HyperLinks are references to documents served elsewhere. They may be pages, assets or includable files.
HyperLink object - Another name for the Url object.
9. I
I object - object that represents the font style controlled by the <I> HTML tag.
iCab - web browser alternative to MSIE and Netscape Navigator.
ID="..." - MSIE document objects can be referenced conveniently with an ID name if it is added with this tag attribute.
Identically equal to (===) - Compares two values for equality and identical type.
Identifier - means of referring uniquely to a variable, property or method.
Identifier resolution - process of resolving and locating an identifier.
Identity operator - close cousin of the equality operator family.
ids - alternative reference to the document.ids property in JSSS.
IEEE 754 - international standard for floating point number handling and storage in 8 bytes.
if( ... ) ... - conditional execution mechanism.
if( ... ) ... else ... - conditional execution mechanism.
IFRAME object - object that represents an <IFRAME> tag.
IFRAME.align - controlling attribute that affects the alignment of the <IFRAME> with respect to its parent object.
IFRAME.frameBorder - Describe a 3D border effect to be drawn round the inline frame.
IFRAME.frameSpacing - frame spacing margin around the <IFRAME> object.
IFRAME.height - Contains the height of the inline frame.
IFRAME.hspace - measure of the horizontal spacing either side of the <IFRAME> to separate it from any adjacent objects.
IFRAME.longDesc - URL which points at a document containing a long description of the contents of this frame.
IFRAME.marginHeight - measure of the vertical margin above and below the <IFRAME> object.
IFRAME.marginWidth - measure of the horizontal margin to the left and right of the <IFRAME> object. - value of the NAME="..." HTML tag attribute.
IFRAME.noResize - switch value that controls whether the <IFRAME> can be resized or not.
IFRAME.scrolling - switching attribute that controls the appearance of scrollbars on the <IFRAME> when its content exceeds the available space.
IFRAME.src - URL of the document content inside the <IFRAME> object.
IFRAME.tabIndex - numeric ordering of the <IFRAME> within the parent document's tabbing sequence.
IFRAME.vspace - spacing in the vertical axis between the <IFRAME> and its adjacent objects.
IFRAME.width - Contains the width of the inline frame.
IIS - Internet Information Server. A Microsoft server product.
Image animation - Using cached images to animate an image.
Image object - object representing an HTML <IMG> tag in Netscape.
Image() - constructor for new browser images.
Image() - function for constructing new browser images.
Image.border - thickness of the border round an image.
Image.Class - Internal property that returns an object class.
Image.complete - current state of an image loading operation.
Image.constructor - Image object constructor.
Image.height - height of an image.
Image.hspace - horizontal spacing attribute value.
Image.lowsrc - low-resolution version of the image can be supplied from this URL. - This corresponds to the NAME attribute of the <IMG> tag.
Image.src - URL where the image is located.
Image.vspace - vertical spacing attribute value.
Image.width - width of an image.
Image.x - X coordinate of the image within the client display area.
Image.y - Y coordinate of the image within the client display area.
Image preloading - technique for caching images locally in readiness for an animation.
ImageArray object - collection of Image objects.
ImageArray.item() - item selector for accessing a single image within the collection.
ImageArray.length - collection of image objects in the current document.
IMG object - MSIE object wrapper for images.
IMG.align - alignment of an image within its surrounding objects.
IMG.alt - alternative text used when the image is defined as an input item.
IMG.border - border around an image object.
IMG.complete - Returns a value indicating whether the image has completely loaded or not.
IMG.dynsrc - URL of a video clip that can be played where an image would normally have been located.
IMG.fileCreatedDate - date that the image file was created.
IMG.fileModifiedDate - date that image file was last modified.
IMG.fileSize - size of the image file.
IMG.fileUpdatedDate - date that the image file was last updated.
IMG.height - height of the image within the client display surface.
IMG.href - URL where the image was loaded from. This is identical to the SRC="..." HTML tag attribute.
IMG.hspace - horizontal spacing either side of the image.
IMG.iccProfile - color of an image may appear different from one platform to another. This indicates the color profile that was used when the image was created so you can make adjustments if necessary.
IMG.isMap - Indicates whether the image is acting as a server-side image map.
IMG.longDesc - long description of the image file.
IMG.loop - This controls the looping of a video clip that is loaded with the dynsrc attribute.
IMG.lowsrc - URL of a low-resolution image that can be loaded quickly. - This corresponds to the NAME attribute of the <IMG> tag.
IMG.protocol - protocol that was used in the image URL.
IMG.prototype - prototype for the IMG object that can be used to extend the interface for all IMG objects.
IMG.readyState - current disposition of the image as it is being loaded.
IMG.src - URL where the image can be loaded from.
IMG.start - state of the image when it started loading a dynamic source.
IMG.useMap - URL of a <MAP> defined hash element that defines a client-side image map.
IMG.vspace - vertical margin above and below the image.
IMG.width - width of the image on the client display surface.
Implementation - JavaScript interpreter provided in a usable form that can execute scripts.
Implementation object - special core object that describes the DOM implementation.
Implementation.hasFeature() - means of enquiring whether a certain feature is supported by the DOM implementation.
Implementation-defined behavior - Correct behavior that is specific to a particular implementation.
Implementation-supplied code - Script source that is provided by the implementation.
Implementation-supplied function - script interpreter can provide functions.
implements - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Implicit conversion - Type conversions that happen automatically.
ImplicitParents - internal attribute of a function object referred to by an object property.
ImplicitThis - internal Function object property.
import - Import some properties that have been exported from another execution context.
in - Test for the existence of a property in an object.
in ... - Part of the for ... in code execution mechanism.
In leap year - date and time algorithm defined by ECMAScript.
Included JavaScript files - technique of including JavaScript files from external locations.
Increment value (++) - Pre or post incrementing operator.
Infinity - literal constant whose type is a built in primitive value.
Inheritance - Inheritance is provided through a prototype chain.
Initialization - Setting a variable to its initial condition.
Inline script - Code that is embedded in a page or executed during page loading.
Inline tags - inline element can be placed anywhere inside a line of text.
innerHeight - alias for the window.innerHeight property.
innerWidth - alias for the window.innerWidth property.
Input event - Another name for a raw input event. These are sometimes called HTML control events.
Input object - Another name for a FormElement object.
Input.accept - Defines an acceptable MIME type to be submitted to the server.
Input.accessKey - key that needs to be pressed before the input object will respond to data entry.
Input.align - alignment of the paragraph object with respect to its parent object.
Input.alt - alternative text, used when an image is defined as an input item.
Input.blur() - Removes input focus from the input element.
Input.checked - state of the button is returned by this property. - Sends an artificial mouse click event to the input element.
Input.createTextRange() - Used in MSIE for creating a text range.
Input.dataFld - This binds the input object to a remote data source in MSIE.
Input.dataFormatAs - Indicates whether data loaded from the database should be treated as text or HTML.
Input.dataSrc - name of a remote ODBC data source is stored in this property.
Input.defaultChecked - default checked state for a radio button or checkbox in a form.
Input.defaultValue - default value of the Input object when the page was loaded.
Input.disabled - Activates and deactivates the input element within the form.
Input.focus() - Brings input focus back to the input element.
Input.form - form object that the input element belongs to.
Input.handleEvent() - Pass an event to the appropriate handler for this object.
Input.maxLength - maximum length allowed for an input entry field. - This corresponds to the NAME attribute of the <INPUT> tag.
Input.onevent - Input objects support a variety of different events.
Input.readOnly - Set to true if the input text field cannot be changed.
Input.recordNumber - record number within the data set that created the input element's content. - Triggers a Select event on an input object.
Input.size - Returns the size of the file to be uploaded when the Input object represents a file upload.
Input.src - URL where the image is located when an input object represents a clickable image.
Input.tabIndex - control of where the form input element appears in the tabbing order of the page.
Input.type - type of a form input element.
Input.value - value associated with the input element.
Input-output - Reading data in and writing data out.
InputArray object - collection of identically named input elements.
INS object - object representing an <INS> tag in the document.
INS.cite - string of characters citing the reason for the <INS> element being placed into the document.
INS.dateTime - date and time relating to the owning <INS> element.
Inset() - diagonal wipe across the image, revealing a new image.
Instance method - method belonging to an instance of a class.
Instance variable - variable property belonging to an instance of a class.
instanceof - Checks to see if an object is an instance of another object.
Instantiating Function - Another name for a constructor mechanism.
int - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Integer - type of number value.
Integer arithmetic - Arithmetic operations performed on integer values.
Integer constant - numeric value expressed as an integer.
Integer promotion - action of converting a value during expression evaluation.
Integer-value-remainder - Integer rounding functions.
interface - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Internal function - Internal functions are built into the language interpreter but are private.
Internal Method - ECMAScript describes internal methods that are private.
Internal Property - ECMAScript describes internal methods that are private.
Internet Explorer - Microsoft web browser product.
Internet Information Server - Internet Information Server. A Microsoft server product.
Interpret - act of parsing a JavaScript script source text.
Interval handlers - You can set event handlers to be called periodically on a regular basis.
Intrinsic events - Those events that pertain to HTML rather than any other host based triggers.
Invert() - visual filter for inverting image colors.
Invoke a function - To execute a function when the script is running.
Iris() - transition effect with the appearance of an iris opening or closing.
isAlnum() - Check if a character is a number or letter.
isAlpha() - Check if a character is a letter.
isCtrl() - Check if a character is a control code.
isDigit() - Check if a character is a digit.
isElementProperty() - function that tells you whether a property name is inherited from Element objects.
isFinite() - Test a numeric value for infinity.
isGraph() - Check if a character is a printable glyph.
ISINDEX object - deprecated object that represents the <ISINDEX> tag. Do not use this in new projects. This tag describes text entry field with an associated prompting text.
ISINDEX.form - Returns a reference to a containing Form object. If there is none, then a null is returned instead.
ISINDEX.prompt - property relating to the deprecated <ISINDEX> object. Avoid the use of this object and property in new projects. This property provides a prompting text message for the text entry field.
isInNet() - convenience function for use with proxy.pac files.
isLower() - Check if character is lower case.
isNaN() - Test a numeric value for validity.
ISO 3166 - ISO standard that identifies different countries.
ISO 639 - ISO standard that defines language code values.
isObjectEqual() - Compare the properties of two objects for equality.
isODigit() - Check if character is an octal numeral.
isPlainHostName() - convenience function for use with proxy.pac files.
isPrint() - Check if a character is printable.
isPunct() - Check if a character is a punctuation mark.
isSpace() - Check if a character is whitespace.
isUpper() - Check if a character is upper case.
isXDigit() - Check if character is a hexadecimal numeral.
Iteration statement - block of repeating code - a loop.
10. J
.jar - Java archive file.
Java - language developed by Sun Microsystems that is useful for building plugins for web pages.
.java - Java source file.
Java calling JavaScript - Java has mechanisms for calling back to JavaScript directly.
Java exception events - Exceptions in Java applets can trigger JavaScript code in the containing web page.
Java method calls - JavaScript allows Java methods to be called natively.
Java method data conversion - Data types are mapped and converted between JavaScript and Java when methods are called.
Java to JavaScript values - Conversion of Java primitives and objects to JavaScript compatible types.
java - short cut reference to the object.
java.awt - JavaPackage that represents the Abstract Windowing Toolkit.
java.awt.Button - JavaClass object that represents the java.awt.Button class.
java.awt.image - JavaClass object that represents the java.awt.image class.
java.lang - Java language package.
java.lang.Boolean - Java Boolean class.
java.lang.Character - Java Character class.
java.lang.Class - Java Class class.
java.lang.Double - Java numeric double precision class.
java.lang.Float - Java Floating point numeric class.
java.lang.Integer - Java integer numeric class.
java.lang.Long - Java long numeric class.
java.lang.Object - This is the super-class of all objects in the Java lang environment.
java.lang.String - Java String class.
java.util - Java utility package.
java.util.Date - Java Date object.
JavaArray object - JavaScript data type that encapsulates a Java array.
JavaArray.length - length of the Java array encapsulated by the JavaArray object.
JavaArray.toString() - string primitive representation of the JavaArray contents.
JavaClass object - JavaScript data type that encapsulates a Java Class.
JavaMethod object - deprecated way of encapsulating method calls on Java objects from JavaScript.
JavaObject object - JavaScript data type that encapsulates a Java object. These are generally going to be members of the Java component class
JavaObject.booleanValue() - This is the value that is used when the JavaObject is used in a Boolean context.
JavaObject.getClass() - JavaScript method for obtaining the class of a JavaObject.
JavaPackage object - JavaScript data type that encapsulates a Java Package.
JavaScript Bookmark URLs - Bookmarks composed of JavaScript calls.
JavaScript debugger console - Netscape JavaScript debugger console window for viewing error logs.
JavaScript Document Source URL - JavaScript can be called directly instead of fetching a page.
JavaScript embedded in Java - Java applets can contain JavaScript code fragments that can be executed by the applet.
JavaScript entity - This functionality is deprecated and should not be used in new projects.
JavaScript Image Source URL - Image data can be generated in some browsers.
JavaScript interactive URL - interactive JavaScript statement executor.
JavaScript language - JavaScript overview summary.
JavaScript Style Sheets - standard for describing style sheets.
JavaScript to Java values - Conversion of JavaScript primitives and objects to Java compatible types.
JavaScript version - version history for JavaScript.
javascript: URL - Executes some JavaScript code instead of fetching a document.
JellyScript - JavaScript interpreter inside a WebTV set-top box is referred to as JellyScript.
.js - JavaScript include file.
.jsc - JavaScript configuration file.
JScript version - version history for JScript.
.jse - Nombas ScriptEase source file.
.jsh - Nombas ScriptEase include file.
JSObject object - Java class that encapsulates JavaScript objects for access from Java code. - Calls a method in the JavaScript object from the Java environment.
JSObject.eval() - means of invoking native JavaScript eval() functionality.
JSObject.getMember() - Returns the value of a named property of the object belonging to a JavaScript object to a calling in the Java environment.
JSObject.getSlot() - means of accessing elements within an array encapsulated in a JSObject.
JSObject.getWindow() - static method to return a new JSObject that belongs to the window containing the applet.
JSObject.removeMember() - Removes a property from a JavaScript object.
JSObject.setMember() - Stores a new value in a property.
JSObject.setSlot() - Stores an element in the JavaScript array.
JSObject.toString() - Converts the object to a string value.
JSS - standard for describing style sheets in Netscape 4.0.
JSSClasses object - collection of JavaScript Style Sheet classes.
JSSClasses.className - JSS object corresponding to a single style class.
JSSTag object - single style object for use in Netscape 4.
JSSTag.align - Specified the alignment of objects.
JSSTag.apply - special JSS supporting property that holds a reference to a callback function.
JSSTag.backgroundColor - background color for objects.
JSSTag.backgroundImage - URL of a background image for an object.
JSSTag.borderBottomWidth - thickness of the bottom edge of border round objects.
JSSTag.borderColor - color of the border around objects.
JSSTag.borderLeftWidth - thickness of the left edge of the border around objects.
JSSTag.borderRightWidth - thickness of the right edge of the border around objects.
JSSTag.borderStyle - type of line used for the border around objects.
JSSTag.borderTopWidth - thickness of the top edge of the border around objects.
JSSTag.borderWidths() - Sets all of the border width values for an object.
JSSTag.clear - property that clears the style and forces the object to be displayed below a left- or right- aligned image.
JSSTag.color - foreground color for an object.
JSSTag.display - display visibility of an object.
JSSTag.fontFamily - font family or typeface name for an object.
JSSTag.fontSize - font size for an object.
JSSTag.fontStyle - font attributes for an object.
JSSTag.fontWeight - weight of a font for an object. This is otherwise known as the boldness.
JSSTag.height - height of an object.
JSSTag.lineHeight - line height spacing for an object. This is the distance between the baselines of two adjacent lines of text.
JSSTag.listStyleType - list style bullet selector for the object.
JSSTag.marginBottom - margin at the bottom of an object.
JSSTag.marginLeft - margin at the left of an object.
JSSTag.marginRight - margin at the right of an object.
JSSTag.margins() - Sets all margin values for an object.
JSSTag.marginTop - margin at the top of an object.
JSSTag.paddingBottom - padding at the bottom of an object.
JSSTag.paddingLeft - padding at the left of an object.
JSSTag.paddingRight - padding at the right of an object.
JSSTag.paddings() - Sets all padding values for an object.
JSSTag.paddingTop - padding at the top of an object.
JSSTag.rgb() - JSS style control method.
JSSTag.textAlign - text alignment within the object.
JSSTag.textDecoration - text decoration (underline, overline etc) for text in the object.
JSSTag.textIndent - indentation of text in the object.
JSSTag.textTransform - transformation of text in the object.
JSSTag.verticalAlign - Control over the vertical alignment of the object.
JSSTag.whiteSpace - control of white space collapsing or retention in the object.
JSSTag.width - This is the width of an object.
JSSTags object - Part of the Netscape Navigator style JSS rendering support.
JSSTags.<tagName> - JSS object corresponding to a single HTML tag.
Jump statement - Unconditionally jump to a new location in the script.
11. K
KBD object - object representing content to be displayed as if typed on the keyboard.
Keyboard events - Some events within the event-handling complex of a browser are related to keyboard handling.
Keyword - keywords that ECMAScript defines should be avoided when you create your own identifier or variable names.
12. L
Label - identifier marking a section of code.
Label object - Adds a legend label to an input object.
Label.htmlFor - means of associating the label with an Input object.
LANG="..." - tag attribute that specifies the international language of some content.
Language codes - Language codes are used to define locale specific handling.
Layer object - object representing an HTML <LAYER> tag.
Layer() - means of creating new layers in Netscape.
Layer.above - layer immediately above the receiving layer object, (or null, if this is the highest layer).
Layer.background - background object of a layer.
Layer.below - layer immediately below the receiving layer object.
Layer.bgColor - background color of a layer.
Layer.captureEvents() - Part of the Netscape 4 event propagation complex.
Layer.clip - object that represents the clip region within a layer.
Layer.clip.bottom - bottom edge of a layer's clip region.
Layer.clip.height - height of a layer's clip region.
Layer.clip.left - left edge of a layer's clip region.
Layer.clip.right - right edge of a layer's clip region. - top edge of a layer's clip region.
Layer.clip.width - width of a layer's clip region.
Layer.document - document object containing this layer.
Layer.handleEvent() - Pass an event to the appropriate handler for this object.
Layer.hidden - deprecated property that indicates whether a layer is hidden or not.
Layer.layers[] - deprecated property providing a list of child layers within this layer.
Layer.left - x-coordinate relative to the containing layer.
Layer.load() - method to load a new URL and resize a layer.
Layer.moveAbove() - Adjusts the Z ordering of a layer.
Layer.moveBelow() - Adjusts the Z ordering of a layer.
Layer.moveBy() - Adjusts the X,Y position of a layer.
Layer.moveTo() - Adjust the X,Y position of a layer.
Layer.moveToAbsolute() - Adjust the X,Y position of a layer. - This corresponds to the NAME attribute of the <LAYER> tag.
Layer.offset() - deprecated means of moving layers.
Layer.pageX - X-coordinate of the layer relative to the top level document.
Layer.pageY - Y-coordinate of the layer relative to the top level document.
Layer.parentLayer - layer containing the current layer (for a single layer, this is the window object).
Layer.releaseEvents() - Part of the Netscape 4 event propagation complex.
Layer.resizeBy() - Adjusts the size of a layer by a relative amount.
Layer.resizeTo() - Adjusts the size of a layer to an absolute value.
Layer.routeEvent() - Part of the Netscape event propagation complex.
Layer.siblingAbove - layer that is related to this layer and above it in the Z ordering.
Layer.siblingBelow - layer that is related to this layer and below it in the Z ordering.
Layer.src - source URL for a layer. - y-coordinate (in pixels) of the layer relative to its containing layer.
Layer.visibility - Whether a layer is visible or not.
Layer.window - window that this layer belongs to.
Layer.x - present X position of this layer.
Layer.y - present Y position of this layer.
Layer.zIndex - location of the layer within the Z ordered list of layers.
LayerArray object - array containing a list of layers in the document.
LayerArray.length - This value reflects the number of <LAYER> tags that are in the document.
.lck - Netscape configuration file (old style).
Left shift - leftwards shift of a bit pattern.
Left-Hand-Side expression - Left values are the destination of an assignment.
Legend object - Legend object relates to a field-set within a form.
Legend.align - alignment of the Legend object relative to its surrounding objects.
Legend.padding - padding around a Legend object.
length - length, magnitude, or size of an object depending on its type.
Length units - sub-set of the available set of measurement units used with CSS style sheets and style object properties.
Less than (<) - Compare two operands to determine which is nearer to -Infinity.
Less than or equal to (<=) - Compare two operands to determine which is nearer to -Infinity or whether they are equal.
Letter - valid and printable character.
Lexical convention - ECMAScript defined certain lexical conventions.
Lexical element - component from which a script is constructed.
Lexical scoping - scope within which functions are executed.
LI object - object that represents an <LI> object in the document.
LI.type - type indicator that controls the presentation style of an item in the list that the <LI> object belongs to.
LI.value - means of resetting an enumerator in an ordered list contained in an <OL> block.
Liberate TV Navigator - interactive TV set-top box environment.
Light() - visual filter for simulating a lighting model.
Limits - set of constraints within which the script must operate.
Line - fragment of script source text.
Line terminator - Line terminators separate individual lines of executable code.
LINK object - object that represents HTML <LINK> tags in documents.
LINK.charset - character set that the document at the other end of a link's URL is expected to use.
LINK.disabled - switch property to enable or disable a link.
LINK.href - URL of a document belonging to the link object (this is readonly in IE4 on the Macintosh).
LINK.hreflang - language that the document at the other end of the URL is expected to conform to. - target media that the document will be output to.
LINK.readyState - current disposition of the link as it is being loaded from the server.
LINK.rel - relationship between the current element and the remote document.
LINK.rev - relationship between the remote document and the current element.
LINK.title - title name text of the link.
LINK.type - MIME type of the document that the link points at.
LinkArray object - collection of link objects belonging to a document.
LinkArray.length - number of HREF links in the current document.
LinkStyle object - Added at DOM level 2 to support linked stylesheets.
List type - internal type used by the interpreter.
LISTING object - object that represents the <LISTING> tag.
Literal - Constant values used to initialize or assign a value.
Little endian - bit ordering standard for some CPU models.
LiveConnect - Netscape Communications technology that provides a means of communicating between plugins and Java applets.
LiveScript - This was the original name for JavaScript when it was first introduced by Netscape Communications.
livescript: URL - pseudonym for the javascript: URL.
LiveWire - Netscape Communications' server-side JavaScript compiler.
Local time - locale specific time value.
Local time zone adjustment - adjustment to locale specific time.
Locale-specific behavior - Behavior that depends on a locale setting.
Localization - process by which geographic, international and regional differences are managed.
location - alias for the window.location property.
Location object - object that represents the location of a document.
Location.assign() - Equivalent to setting the HREF attribute to load a new page.
Location.hash - hash target portion of the href property. (The hash after the URL refers to an anchor location in the document). - hostname and port number portion of the href property.
Location.hostname - hostname-only portion of the href property.
Location.href - URL for the page currently on display in the window owning this location.
Location.pathname - file path portion of the href property.
Location.port - port number within the href property.
Location.protocol - protocol portion of the href property, such as: http:,ftp:,mailto:,file:,etc.
Location.reload() - Reload the currently displayed page in the window that owns this location object.
Location.replace() - Load a new page and replace the history entry. - query portion of the href property. - target window or frame that a location belongs to when its object represents an <A> tag.
Location.text - text contained within the <A> and </A> tags when the location describes an anchor.
Location.x - X coordinate of the anchor on the client display surface.
Location.y - Y co-ordinate of the anchor on the client display surface.
locationbar - alias for the window.locationbar property.
Lock object - Provides a way of locking objects against multiple simultaneous access by several clients at once.
Lock() - constructor for creating new Lock objects.
Lock.constructor - reference to the constructor for making new Lock objects.
Lock.isValid() - method that returns an indication as to the validity of the lock.
Lock.lock() - Places a lock on the object.
Lock.prototype - prototype for the Lock object that can be used to extend the interface for all Lock objects, by allowing you to add methods and properties.
Lock.unlock() - Relinquish a lock on the object.
Logical AND (&&) - Logical AND of two operands.
Logical constant - Boolean constant value.
Logical entity - Boolean logical values are represented as an entity internally.
Logical expression - expression whose result is a Boolean value.
Logical NOT - complement (!) - Logical NOT operator.
Logical operator - operator that creates a logical (Boolean) expression.
Logical OR (||) - Logical OR of two operands.
Logical XOR - Logically exclusive OR of two values.
long - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Low order bit - least significant bit in an integer value.
LValue - LValues are placed on the left of an assignment.
13. M
mailbox: URL - Displays the Netscape Message Center window.
mailto: URL - Activate the mail client to send an e-mail message.
main() function - main entry point to a procedural language program.
MakeDate() - date and time algorithm.
MakeDay() - date and time algorithm.
MakeTime() - date and time algorithm.
<MAP TARGET="..."> - frame or window to target by default with the links in an image map.
Map object - object that represents a <MAP> tag.
Map.areas[] - collection of Area objects belonging to the map object. - value of the NAME="..." HTML tag attribute. - target window or frame to which a map applied.
MARQUEE object - object that represents a <MARQUEE> HTML tag.
MARQUEE.behaviour - attribute that controls the motion of the text in the MARQUEE object.
MARQUEE.bgColor - background color for the area occupied by the MARQUEE object.
MARQUEE.direction - direction of movement of the scrolling text in the MARQUEE.
MARQUEE.height - height of the area allocated to the MARQUEE object as it appears onscreen.
MARQUEE.hspace - height of the area allocated to the MARQUEE object as it appears onscreen.
MARQUEE.loop - count of the number of times the MARQUEE text is to scroll.
MARQUEE.scrollAmount - offset of the text between one scroll cycle and the next.
MARQUEE.scrollDelay - time delay in milliseconds between each scroll update.
MARQUEE.start() - command method to start the MARQUEE scrolling.
MARQUEE.stop() - command method to stop the from MARQUEE scrolling.
MARQUEE.trueSpeed - switch attribute that controls whether the browser should honor very small scroll delay times.
MARQUEE.vspace - size of a vertical margin above and below the MARQUEE with respect to any adjacent objects.
MARQUEE.width - width of the area allocated to the MARQUEE object as it appears onscreen.
Mask() - visual filter for creating a transparent mask.
MaskFilter() - Uses the transparent color pixels of an object as a mask.
Math object - globally available object containing a library of mathematical functions.
Math.abs() - absolute value of a positive or negative number.
Math.acos() - inverse cosine of the passed in value.
Math.asin() - inverse sine of the passed in value.
Math.atan() - inverse tangent of the passed in value.
Math.atan2() - inverse tangent of the slope of the two arguments.
Math.ceil() - value rounded up to the next higher integer value.
Math.constructor - means of creating a new Math object.
Math.cos() - cosine of the input argument.
Math.cosec() - cosec() function is not available in JavaScript but can be simulated to aid in the porting of existing code.
Math.cosh() - cosh() function is not available in JavaScript but can be simulated to aid in the porting of existing code.
Math.cot() - cot() function is not available in JavaScript but can be simulated to aid in the porting of existing code.
Math.E - mathematical constant value.
Math.exp() - exponential function of the passed in argument.
Math.floor() - value is rounded down to the next integer.
Math.LN10 - mathematical constant value.
Math.LN2 - mathematical constant value.
Math.log() - natural logarithm of the passed in value.
Math.LOG10E - mathematical constant value.
Math.LOG2E - mathematical constant value.
Math.max() - maximum of the two or more input arguments is returned.
Math.min() - minimum of the two or more input arguments is returned.
Math.PI - mathematical constant value.
Math.pow() - result of raising a value to the power of another value.
Math.random() - Generate a pseudo-random value.
Math.round() - Rounds to the nearest integer value.
Math.sec() - sec() function is not available in JavaScript but can be simulated to aid in the porting of existing code.
Math.sin() - sine of the passed in value.
Math.sinh() - sinh() function is not available in JavaScript but can be simulated to aid in the porting of existing code.
Math.sqrt() - square root of the input argument.
Math.SQRT1_2 - mathematical constant value.
Math.SQRT2 - mathematical constant value.
Math.tan() - tangent of the input argument.
Mathematics - Mathematical support.
Matrix() - means of applying sophisticated rotation, translate, and scaling effects to an image using matrix transformation.
MAYSCRIPT - attribute on the <APPLET> tag to allow Java to access the JavaScript object space.
Measurement units - Style position and size properties use measurement units to locate objects on the screen.
MediaList object - This object is added to DOM level 2 to support media lists in style sheets.
Member - Elements within an object.
Memory allocation - process of locating and allocating some memory to store a string or object.
Memory leak - consumption of memory that is not recoverable.
Memory management - process of organizing and keeping track of memory allocation and deallocation.
MENU object - object that represents the contents of a <MENU> tag.
MENU.compact - attribute that controls the display of <MENU> items and the amount of space they require on the screen.
menubar - alias for the window.menubar property.
<META> - Document meta-information container.
META object - object that represents the contents of a <META> tag.
META.charset - value containing the character encoding of the content in the <META> tag.
META.content - contents of the VALUE="..." HTML tag attribute belonging to the <META> tag that the object represents.
META.httpEquiv - contents of the HTTP-EQUIV="..." HTML tag attribute belonging to the <META> tag that the object represents. - name of the meta information this object describes.
META.scheme - describer for the content form.
META.url - special MSIE supported property containing the URL associated with a <META> tag.
Metacharacter - special symbolic way of describing some property of a character. Used in regular expressions.
Method - method is an action that can be performed on an object.
Microsoft TV - digital TV set top box.
MIME types - Internet standard way of distinguishing between different kinds of container files.
MimeType object - object representing a MIME type.
MimeType.description - descriptive text for a MIME type.
MimeType.enabledPlugin - plugin object that handles this MIME type. - name of this particular MIME type.
MimeType.suffixes[] - list of file type suffixes that contain data of this MIME type.
MimeType.type - name of a MIME type.
MimeTypeArray object - collection of MimeType objects.
MimeTypeArray.length - number of discrete MIME types that the browser supports.
Minima-maxima - Limits for values in the environment or script.
Minus (-) - Subtract one operand from another.
Minus then assign (-=) - Subtract the right value from the left, modifying the left value.
mocha: URL - pseudonym for the JavaScript: URL. It is relevant to Netscape and is probably not supported on other browsers.
ModElement object - DOM level 1 object that describes a modification to a document.
ModElement.cite - URL that references a document that describes why the item was modified.
ModElement.dateTime - date and time that the modification occurred.
Modulo - Modulo operations are called remainder in JavaScript. They may also be called modulus.
Money - locale specific value.
Month from time - date and time algorithm defined by ECMAScript.
Month number - date and time algorithm.
MotionBlur() - enhanced motion blur artefact that replaces the older Blur() filter functionality.
Mouse events - Mouse events are part of the browser's event handling complex and are triggered by physical interaction with the mouse.
MouseEvent object - This is part of the DOM level 2 mouse event set.
MouseEvent.altKey - Boolean value that represents the state of the [alt] key.
MouseEvent.button - mouse button that was pressed to trigger the event.
MouseEvent.clientX - Mouse position relative to the web page.
MouseEvent.clientY - Mouse position relative to the web page.
MouseEvent.ctrlKey - Boolean value that represents the state of the [control] key.
MouseEvent.initMouseEvent() - After creating a MouseEvent object, it must be initialised with this method call.
MouseEvent.metaKey - Boolean value that represents the state of the [meta] key.
MouseEvent.relatedTarget - related EventTarget object is referred to.
MouseEvent.screenX - Mouse position relative to the screen display.
MouseEvent.screenY - Mouse position relative to the screen display.
MouseEvent.shiftKey - Boolean value that represents the state of the [shift] key.
moveBy() - alias for the window.moveBy() method.
moveTo() - alias for the window.moveTo() method.
MSIE - acronym for the Microsoft web browser.
Multi-byte character - Character sets using more than 8 bits to represent a code point.
Multi-dimensional arrays - Useful techniques for manipulating matrices for math problems.
Multi-line comment - Comment blocks that span several lines of script source text.
Multiplicative expression - expression containing a multiply or divide operator.
Multiplicative operator - multiply or divide operator.
Multiply (*) - Multiply one operand by another.
Multiply then assign (*=) - Multiply two operands storing the result in the first.
MutationEvent object - notification that the document content has changed should trigger a mutation event which is described in one of these objects.
MutationEvent.attrChange - value in this property describes the kind of change that has taken place when the mutation event was an attribute change.
MutationEvent.attrName - name of a node attribute that has changed for a DOMAttrChange event.
MutationEvent.initMutationEvent() - After creating a MutationEvent object, it must be initialized with this method call.
MutationEvent.newValue - When an attribute changes, the new attribute value is available here.
MutationEvent.prevValue - When an attribute changes, the old attribute value is available here.
MutationEvent.relatedNode - Node object is referred to here which can be used to perform contextual examination of the event.
14. N
name - alias for the property.
NAME="..." - HTML tag attribute that names an object.
NamedNodeMap object - Where nodes have a name attribute, they can be presented as members of a NamedNodeMap collection object.
NamedNodeMap. getNamedItem () - Given the name of a node, it can be extracted from the collection by name.
NamedNodeMap.item() - usual collection access by item number also applied to named node maps.
NamedNodeMap.length - number of members in the NamedNodeMap are returned by this property.
NamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem() - Given that you know the name of an item, you can locate and remove it from the collection. If necessary, the item is replaced by another containing the default attribute settings.
NamedNodeMap.setNamedItem() - node is added to the collection having the specified node name. Any node already present with that name will be replaced.
Namespace - table where identifiers are stored.
NaN - literal constant whose type is a built-in primitive value.
native - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Native feature - That which is supported in the base level of the language.
Native object - One of the built-in objects that the core implementation provides.
navigate() - Load a new URL into the window.
navigator - alias for the window.navigator property.
Navigator object - object that contains properties that describe the browser (a.k.a. user agent or client).
Navigator.appCodeName - code-name for the browser.
Navigator.appMinorVersion - version value supported by MSIE.
Navigator. appName - generic type or model name of the web browser.
Navigator.appVersion - version and release information for the browser.
Navigator.browserLanguage - national language variant of the browser.
Navigator.browserLanguage - national language version supported by the MSIE browser.
Navigator.constructor - constructor for creating new navigator objects.
Navigator.cookieEnabled - flag value indicating whether cookies are available or not.
Navigator.cpuClass - indication of what sort of processor is in the hardware.
Navigator.javaEnabled() - method that tells you whether Java support is enabled in the browser or not.
Navigator.language - national language version supported by the browser.
Navigator.mimeTypes[] - This property returns an array of supported MIME types.
Navigator.onLine - This property tells you whether the browser is online to a network.
Navigator.opsProfile - undocumented property of the Navigator object.
Navigator.platform - name of the hardware or operating system that the browser is running on.
Navigator.plugins.refresh() - Refresh all the plugins in the current page.
Navigator.plugins[] - array of the plugins currently installed into the browser.
Navigator.preference() - mechanism for allowing signed scripts to set a preference value in Netscape .
Navigator.savePreferences() - Save the preference values for the current user.
Navigator.securityPolicy - indication of the current security policy settings.
Navigator.systemLanguage - MSIE specific language property.
Navigator.taintEnabled() - This feature is no longer recommended. It is part of a now defunct security mechanism.
Navigator.userAgent - identifying string for this browser.
Navigator.userLanguage - MSIE specific language property.
Navigator.userProfile - This yields a user profile object in MSIE browsers.
Negation operator (-) - Negate an operand's value.
NES - abbreviation for Netscape Enterprise Server.
nethelp: URL - special URL access mode for Netscape help screens.
Netscape Enterprise Server - web server that supports JavaScript on the server side.
Netscape Navigator - One of the two major web browser platforms.
netscape - short cut reference to the Packages.netscape object. It allows JavaScript to access the Java class hierarchy to instantiate Java objects.
netscape.applet - root node of the Java hierarchy where the applets are built. A shortcut to the Packages.netscape.applet package.
netscape.cfg - new style configuration file for Netscape. Not to be confused with the Packages.netscape Java classes.
netscape.javascript - Java package for supporting JavaScript inside Java. A shortcut to the Packages.netscape.javascript package.
netscape.javascript.JSObject - full definition of the JSObject class for encapsulating JavaScript objects in Java. A shortcut to the Packages.netscape.javascript.JSObject class.
netscape.lck - configuration file as used in older versions of Netscape. Not to be confused with Packages.netscape.
netscape.plugin - top of a hierarchy of Java packages that support plugins. This is a shortcut to the Packages.netscape.plugin package.
netscape.plugin.Plugin - special class for encapsulating plugins so they present a common API. This is a shortcut to the Packages.netscape.plugin.Plugin class. - top of a hierarchy of Java packages that provide security facilities. This is a shortcut to the package. - Part of the Netscape security model implemented with Java.
new - object construction operator.
Newline - means of introducing line breaks into string content texts.
Newlines are not <BR> tags - newline in a script does not display a line break in HTML output.
News posts containing JavaScript - You can embed JavaScript into news postings composed using HTML.
news: URL - request from a web browser to a news server to send a document.
Node object - node is the primary component from which documents are built (in the context of a DOM hierarchy).
Node.appendChild() - new child node object is added to the end of the list of immediate children of this node.
Node.attributes[] - named node map collection of attributes for this node.
Node.childNodes[] - node list containing the immediate children opf this node.
Node.cloneNode() - node object is cloned but the new instance has no parent node defined.
Node.firstChild - first object in the collection of direct children of this element.
Node.hasChildNodes() - convenience method to provide a flag indicating whether there are any children belonging to this node.
Node.insertBefore() - This method inserts a child element into the collection at the indicated position.
Node.lastChild - last child object contained within the DOM hierarchy that descends from this element.
Node.nextSibling - HTML element at the same level within the document hierarchy.
Node.nodeName - name value for this node object. This is provided by the HTML tag attribute.
Node.nodeType - nodes are created for a variety of purposes. This property indicates what sort of node has been instantiated.
Node.nodeValue - value of the node depends on the kind of node that the object encapsulates. Some nodes have null values.
Node.ownerDocument - document that the node belongs to can be accessed via this property.
Node.parentNode - direct parent node of the current object. This object will be a member of the childNodes collection for that object.
Node.previousSibling - object immediately before this one in the childNodes collection of their joint parent node.
Node.removeChild() - method for removing child nodes from the collection.
Node.replaceChild() - means of replacing child objects with new nodes and discarding the old ones.
NodeList object - generic collection of nodes, not presented in any particular order.
NodeList.item() - item extractor to retrieve a Node from within a NodeList collection.
NodeList.length - Returns the length of a collection array.
NOFRAMES object - object that represents the content of a <NOFRAMES> tag.
NOFRAMES.dir - direction of rendering of text contained within the block owned by the <NOFRAMES> tag.
Nombas ScriptEase - standalone JavaScript interpreter.
Nondigit - non-digit letter that can be used in an identifier.
<NOSCRIPT> - special tag that allows browsers that don't support scripting to display alternative content.
NOSCRIPT object - object representing the <NOSCRIPT> tag.
NOSCRIPT.dir - direction of rendering of text contained within the block owned by the <NOSCRIPT> tag.
Not a number - special numeric value used to handle computational error conditions.
NOT Equal to (!=) - Compare two operands for inequality.
NOT Identically equal to (!==) - Compare two values for non-equality and identical type.
Notation object - Notations are decalred in the DTD and are encapsulated in these Notation objects.
Notation.publicId - public identifier (if one was defined) for this notation. The value may be null if no identifier was defined.
Notation.systemId - system identifier (if one was defined) for this notation. The value may be null if no identifier was defined.
null - built-in primitive value.
null - native built-in type.
Null literal - literal constant whose type is a built in primitive value.
Null statement - empty statement consisting of a semi-colon on its own.
Number - built-in primitive value.
Number - native built-in type.
Number formats (.) - period character is used as numeric delimiter character. ECMA describes these formats as Numeric literals.
Number object - object of the class "Number".
Number() - Number object constructor.
Number() - Number type convertor.
Number.Class - Internal property that returns an object class.
Number.constructor - reference to a constructor object.
Number.MAX_VALUE - mathematical constant value.
Number.MIN_VALUE - mathematical constant value.
Number.NaN - mathematical constant value.
Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY - mathematical constant value.
Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY - mathematical constant value.
Number.prototype - prototype for the Number object that can be used to extend the interface for all Number objects.
Number.toExponential() - Converts the number to an exponential format representation.
Number.toFixed() - Converts the number to a fixed format representation.
Number.toLocaleString() - Converts a number to a string taking locale-specific settings into account.
Number.toPrecision() - Convert a number to a string automatically selecting fixed or exponential notation.
Number.toSource() - Output a number formatted as a Number literal contained in a string.
Number.toString() - Return a string primitive version of an object.
Number.valueOf() - Return the primitive numeric value of the object.
Numeric literal - literal constant whose type is a built-in primitive value.
Numerical limits - Limiting conditions for arithmetic values.
15. O
Obfuscation - Needless complexity in the arrangement of tokens in a line of executable script.
Object - There is a distinct difference between an object and an Object.
Object - native built-in type.
Object constant - Constant objects.
Object inspector - debugging tool for inspecting object properties and classes.
Object literal - object initialiser that creates the object as well.
Object model - There are several different object models that are realized in JavaScript implementations.
Object object - object of the class "Object".
Object() - Object object constructor.
Object() - Object object constructor.
Object.__parent__ - special property in which to access the scope chain during function execution.
Object.__proto__ - special property in which to access the prototype inheritance chain during construction.
Object.assign() - deprecated mechanism for intercepting messages sent to objects.
Object.Class - Internal property that returns an object class.
Object.constructor - reference to a constructor object.
Object.eval() - Evaluate the JavaScript source text passed in a string argument.
Object.hasOwnProperty() - method that can be used to test whether a property exists and belongs to the receiving object.
Object.isPrototypeOf() - test for the relationship between two objects to ascertain direct parentage. - This corresponds to the NAME attribute of the tag that creates the object.
Object.propertyIsEnumerable() - test for whether a property has the don't enumerate flag set or not.
Object.prototype - prototype for the Object object, which can be used to extend the interface for all Object objects.
Object.toLocaleString() - Returns a string primitive version of the object taking the present locale into account during the translation.
Object.toSource() - Output a string describing the object contents.
Object.toString() - Return a string primitive version of an object.
Object.unwatch() - method to disable a watch that was set up on a property change.
Object.valueOf() - primitive numeric value of the object. - means of establishing a call back when a property value changes.
Object property delimiter (.) - token to delimit object properties from their object.
OBJECT object - object that encapsulates an ActiveX plugin. Do not confuse it with the Object object that is the super-class of all objects in JavaScript.
OBJECT.align - alignment control for an <OBJECT> tag's position with respect to its parent object.
OBJECT.altHtml - block of alternative HTML to be used if the <OBJECT> tag fails to load its plugin correctly.
OBJECT.archive - space-separated archive list. This enumerates a set of classes that must be pre-loaded before the object can execute.
OBJECT.border - width of the border around the object when it is rendered into the display.
OBJECT.classid - URL that locates the registered ActiveX control within the local file system when MSIE is used on the Windows platform.
OBJECT.code - name of a Java applet to be used with the <OBJECT> tag.
OBJECT.codeBase - path to the directory where the Java applet denoted by the CLASS="..." HTML tag attribute is to be found.
OBJECT.codeType - description of the type of code in the object referred to by the CLASSID="..." HTML tag attribute. - URL that points at a file containing data that the OBJECT element can access.
OBJECT.declare - means of defining the object without activating it.
OBJECT.form - form that an object belongs to if it is used for form input.
OBJECT.height - height of an area reserved for displaying the contents of the <OBJECT> tag.
OBJECT.hspace - horizontal margin space either side of the <OBJECT> tag with respect to its surrounding objects. - value of the NAME="..." HTML tag attribute.
OBJECT.object - accessor that yields a reference to the containing JavaScript object when there is a possibility of naming conflicts between internally visible and externally visible property names.
OBJECT.readyState - current status disposition of the <OBJECT> tag as it is being loaded.
OBJECT.standby - Sets or resets the message text displayed while the object is loading.
OBJECT.tabIndex - control of where the OBJECT object appears in the tabbing order of the page.
OBJECT.type - indication of the MIME type of the object if its codeType property is undefined.
OBJECT.useMap - URL of a <MAP> defined hash element that defines a client-side image map.
OBJECT.vspace - vertical spacing above and below the <OBJECT> with respect to its adjacent objects.
OBJECT.width - height of an area reserved for displaying the contents of the <OBJECT> tag.
Obsolescent - feature of the language that is no longer supported.
Octal value - numeric value based on a radix of 8.
Off by one errors - error caused by missing the target value by one.
Off-screen image caching - technique for caching images locally in readiness for an animation.
offscreenBuffering - alias for the window.offScreenBuffering property.
OL object - object that represents the ordered list contained in an <OL> tag.
OL.compact - switching attribute that condenses the space required to display the ordered list on the screen.
OL.start - starting index of items in the ordered list. The enumerator can be set to a predetermined value with this property.
OL.type - presentation style of the ordered list.
on ... - All event handlers begin with the word on.
onAbort - event that happens when loading is interrupted.
onAfterPrint - Called when printing is completed.
onAfterUpdate - event that happens after an update.
onBack - Triggered by the back button.
onBeforeCopy - Called immediately before a copy operation.
onBeforeCut - Called immediately before a cut operation.
onBeforeEditFocus - Called immediately before focus is relocated to another object.
onBeforePaste - Called immediately before a paste operation.
onBeforePrint - Called immediately before printing commences.
onBeforeUnload - event called before an unload happens.
onBeforeUpdate - event called before an update happens.
onBlur - Triggered when the user selects another form element for input and the current one loses focus.
onBounce - Triggered when a marquee element hits the edge of its element area.
onChange - Triggered when the value belonging to an input element is changed.
onClick - This event is triggered when the user clicks the mouse button with the pointer over the Element object that represents the object on screen.
onContentReady - special event handler provided to facilitate the loading of behavior controls.
onContextMenu - Called when a context menu is requested by the user.
onCopy - Called when a copy operation is requested by the user.
onCut - Called when a Cut operation is requested by the user.
onDataAvailable - Some data has arrived asynchronously from an applet or data source.
onDataSetChanged - data source has changed the content or some initial data is now ready for collection.
onDataSetComplete - There is no more data to be transmitted from the data source.
onDblClick - Triggered when the user double-clicks on an object.
onDocumentReady - special event to signify that a document is loaded and ready for use.
onDrag - Called when a Drag is activated by the user.
onDragDrop - Some data has been dropped onto a window.
onDragEnd - Called when the drag finishes and the dragged object is dropped and released.
onDragEnter - Called when a dragged object enters the receiving object.
onDragLeave - Called when a dragged object leaves the receiving object.
onDragOver - Called repeatedly while the dragged object is over the receiving object.
onDragStart - user has commenced some data selection with a mouse drag.
onDrop - Called when a dragged object is dropped into a receiving window.
onError - Triggered if an error occurs when loading an image.
onErrorUpdate - error has occurred in the transfer of some data from a data source.
onFilterChange - filter has changed the state of an element or a transition has just been completed.
onFinish - Triggered when a marquee object has finished looping.
onFocus - When the form element is selected for entry.
onForward - When the forward button is clicked.
onHelp - user has pressed the [F1] key or selected [help] from the toolbar or menu.
onKeyDown - Triggered when a key is pressed.
onKeyPress - Pressing the key down and releasing it again triggers this event.
onKeyUp - Triggered when a key is released.
onLoad - Triggered when an object has completed loading.
onLoseCapture - Called when capturing is deactivated for an object.
onMouseDown - Triggered when the mouse button is pressed.
onMouseDrag - event handler for mouse drag operations.
onMouseMove - Triggered when the mouse pointer is moved.
onMouseOut - Triggered when the mouse pointer leaves the active area occupied by the Element object that represents the object on screen.
onMouseOver - Triggered when the mouse pointer enters the active area owned by the object.
onMouseUp - Triggered when the mouse button is released.
onMove - browser window has been moved.
onPaste - Called when a Paste operation is requested by the user.
onPropertyChange - Called when a property belonging to the receiving object is changed.
onReadyStateChange - object in the window has changed its ready state.
onReset - user has clicked a reset button in a form.
onResize - As the window is resized, this event is triggered.
onRowEnter - data in a field bound to a data source is about to be changed.
onRowExit - data in a field bound to a data source has been changed.
onRowsDelete - Some rows are about to be deleted from the database.
onRowsInserted - Some new data is being inserted into the database.
onScroll - window has been scrolled.
onSelect - Some textual content in the window has been selected.
onSelectStart - select action is beginning.
onStart - Fires when a MARQUEE element is beginning its loop.
onStop - Called when the user stops a page loading.
onSubmit - user has clicked on the submit button in a form.
onUnload - Triggered when the document is unloaded.
open() - alias for the method.
opener - alias for the window.opener property.
OpenTV - interactive TV set-top box environment.
Opera - web browser alternative to MSIE and Netscape.
Operator - special symbolic token that when placed adjacent to or between values creates an expression.
Operator Precedence - means of controlling execution priority in expressions.
OptGroupElement object - means of grouping options together into logical sets.
OptGroupElement.disabled - switch for activating or deactivating a grouped option set.
OptGroupElement.label - label that is applied to a group of options.
Option object - One of a set of objects belonging to a select object in a form.
Option() - Option object constructor.
Option.defaultSelected - selected state of this item when the form was created.
Option.index - index position within the select object set.
Option.label - text string that the user sees in the popup menu. This is another name for the Option.text property.
Option.prototype - prototype for the Option object that can be used to extend the interface for all Option objects.
Option.selected - selected state of this option item.
Option.text - text string that the user sees in the popup menu.
Option.value - text value that is returned to the server if this item is selected.
OptionElement object - One of a set of objects belonging to a select object in a form.
OptionsArray object - collection object that belongs to a select popup.
OptionsArray.add() - Adds a new option item to a select popup object.
OptionsArray.item() - Access to a particular item in the options collection of a select popup object.
OptionsArray.length - number of options in a select popup.
OptionsArray.remove() - Removes an option from the collection belonging to a select popup object. - Select an item in an options array belonging to a select popup object.
outerHeight - alias for the window.outerHeight property.
outerWidth - alias for the window.outerWidth property.
Overview - JavaScript language and functionality overview.
16. P
P object - object that encapsulates a paragraph delimited by a <P> tag.
P.align - alignment of the paragraph object with respect to its parent object.
.pac - Proxy lookup conversion file.
package - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Packages - alias for the window.Packages property. - package containing a collection of generic Java classes maintained as a package.
Packages.netscape - package containing a collection of Netscape-defined Java classes maintained as a package.
Packages.netscape.javascript - package containing support for Java code that needs to integrate with JavaScript via LiveConnect.
Packages.netscape.plugin - package containing support for applets and plugins that integrate with JavaScript via LiveConnect.
Packages.sun - package containing a collection of Sun Microsystems defined Java classes maintained as a package. This includes some Sun Java security support as well.
pageXOffset - alias for the window.pageXOffset property.
pageYOffset - alias for the window.pageYOffset property.
ParamElement object - object that encapsulates one of the parameters passed to an OBJECT object from its <PARAM> tags. - name of the parameter passed to the OBJECT object.
ParamElement.type - type of parameter being passed to an OBJECT object when the valueType property is set to "ref".
ParamElement.value - data value being passed to the OBJECT object in the parameter.
ParamElement.valueType - type of the value data that is being passed.
Parameter - formal description of a function interface.
parent - alias for the window.parent property.
Parentheses ( ) - precedence of execution control mechanism.
parseFloat() - Parse a string to extract a floating-point value.
parseInt() - Parse a string to extract an integer value.
Password object - text field in a form that echoes bullets instead of the typed character. Behaves as if it were a text cell but you cannot see what was typed.
Password.handleEvent() - Pass an event to the appropriate handler for this object.
Password.maxLength - maximum length allowed for a password entry field.
Password.readOnly - Set to true if the password field cannot be changed. - All text in the password text entry cell is selected and can be cut and pasted by the user.
Password.size - width of the password text box measured in characters.
Password.type - type value for the <INPUT> object that describes the password text entry field in a form.
Password.value - user-entered value for the password text cell.
Pattern matching - Part of the regular expression support in some implementations of JavaScript.
PDF - de facto standard for portable documents, which is owned by Adobe Inc.
Perl Connect - mechanism for communicating between JavaScript and Perl scripts.
personalbar - alias for the window.personalbar property.
Pitfalls - There are many pitfalls for the unwary in JavaScript.
Pixelate() - transition effect with the appearance of a coarse pixelated dissolve.
Pixelate() - effect that simulates the pixelation achieved when lowering the display resolution of an image.
Pkcs11 object - hitherto undocumented object type supported by Netscape.
PLAINTEXT object - object that encapsulates a deprecated <PLAINTEXT> tag.
Platform - environment is built to run on a platform that describes an OS and a hardware configuration.
Plugin compatibility issues - Not all plugins behave the same.
Plugin events - events that are triggered by plugins are commonly referred to as callbacks.
Plugin object - object representing a plugin.
Plugin.description - descriptive text that a plugin yields when requested to do so.
Plugin.filename - filename that a plugin is stored in.
Plugin.isActive() - means of detecting whether an applet or plugin is still active.
Plugin.length - number of MIME types supported by the plugin. - This corresponds to the NAME attribute of the tag that contains the plugin.
Plugin.refresh() - method to reload the plugin.
PluginArray object - collection of plugin modules that the browser can use to playback embedded content.
PluginArray.item() - item selector for accessing a single plugin within the collection.
PluginArray.length - number of plugin objects currently supported by the browser.
PluginArray.refresh() - Refresh all the plugins in the current page.
Pointers - JavaScript does not have pointers. On the other hand it does have good garbage collection.
Polymorphic - Operations that are workable on a variety of data types.
Portability - ability of your script to run on multiple platforms.
Positive value (+) - Indicate positive value or numeric cast a non-numeric value.
Postfix decrement (--) - Decrement after access.
Postfix expression - Increment or decrement an operand after access.
Postfix increment (++) - Increment after access.
Postfix operator - Operators that are placed after the operand.
Power function - Functions that deal with powers of numbers.
PRE object - object that encapsulates the content of a <PRE> tag.
PRE.width - width of a block of pre-formatted text.
Pre-processing - extra processing step performed on the script source text before interpretation commences.
Pre-processing - /*@ ... @*/ - special form of the comment delimiters for enclosing pre-processor directives.
Pre-processing - @<variable_name> - special pre-processor variable container.
Pre-processing - @_alpha - pre-processor constant indicating whether the script is running in a DEC alpha workstation.
Pre-processing - @_jscript - pre-processor constant indicating whether the script is executing in a JScript interpreter.
Pre-processing - @_jscript_build - pre-processor constant indicating the build version of the JScript environment.
Pre-processing - @_jscript_version - pre-processor constant indicating the version number of the JScript interpreter.
Pre-processing - @_mac - pre-processor constant indicating whether the script is running in a Macintosh workstation.
Pre-processing - @_mc680x0 - pre-processor constant indicating whether the system contains a Motorola 68000 CPU.
Pre-processing - @_PowerPC - pre-processor constant indicating whether the system contains a Motorola PowerPC CPU.
Pre-processing - @_win16 - pre-processor constant indicating whether the script is running in a 16 bit Windows environment.
Pre-processing - @_win32 - pre-processor constant indicating whether the script is running in a 32 bit Windows environment.
Pre-processing - @_x86 - pre-processor constant indicating whether the system contains an Intel X-86 series CPU.
Pre-processing - @cc_on - switch to activate the pre-processor phase of the script interpreter.
Pre-processing - @elif( ... ) ... - optional else-if pre-processor token.
Pre-processing - @else ... - Part of the conditional code use directive.
Pre-processing - @end - Terminator for a conditional code block.
Pre-processing - @if( ... ) ... - Conditionally include a block of code.
Pre-processing - @set - Set the contents of a pre-processor variable.
Precedence - logical order of evaluation of expressions according to predefined rules.
Preferences - Browser preferences can sometimes be manipulated from JavaScript.
preferences.js - special Netscape Navigator file containing preference information.
Prefix decrement (--) - Decrement an operand before access.
Prefix expression - Increment or decrement an operand before access.
Prefix increment (++) - Increment an operand before access.
Prefix operator - Operators that are placed before the operand.
prefs.js - special Netscape Navigator file containing preference information.
Primary expression - Primary expressions are used with operators to form more complex expression types.
Primitive value - built-in native value type.
print() - alias for the window.print() method.
Printing character - character with a visible glyph.
private - Reserved for future language enhancements.
PrivilegeManager object - Java class that administers privileges.
PrivilegeManager.disablePrivilege() - method for removing a privilege from a user.
PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege() - method for granting an additional privilege to a user.
Privileges - Secure access can be controlled by privileges.
Procedural surfaces - means of space filling an area within an HTML Element object using a shading algorithm.
Procedure - procedure is a function that does not return a meaningful result and which is meant to be called outside of a context where its value will be assigned or substituted in an expression.
ProcessingInstruction object - Part of the DOM level support for XML that relates to the handling of a processing instruction embedded in the text of the document. - data content of the processing instruction. - target of the processing instruction is defined by XML as being the first token following the markup that begins the processing instruction.
Program - Another name for a JavaScript script.
project object - server-side host object provided inside NES. This object represents a running application inside the server.
project.lock() - means of locking resources that might be shared by several sessions.
project.unlock() - Relinquish a lock on a project object.
prompt() - alias for the window.prompt() method.
Property - property consists of a name, a value, and a set of attributes.
Property accessor - Properties are accessed by name.
Property attribute - property can have zero or more attributes.
Property name - name of an object property.
Property value - value of an object property that is returned when that property is requested.
protected - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Prototype-Based Inheritance - JavaScript supports an inheritance chain based on prototypes.
Prototype chain - JavaScript supports an inheritance chain based on prototypes.
Prototype object - Prototypes are analogous to default instances in a truly object-oriented system.
prototype.constructor - prototype object has a constructor that refers to the object that the prototype object is a property of.
prototype.toString() - method that you should redefine in your own classes to yield a meaningful string value.
prototype property - internal method that returns a prototype.
Proxies - proxy server mediates on your behalf to span a firewall and gather items that your browser has requested.
proxy.pac - special file containing rules for accessing sites through proxy servers.
Pseudo-random numbers - series of numbers having an apparently random distribution.
public - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Punctuator - Punctuators are composed of special non-alphabetic characters.
Put() - Internal private function.
put() - Write publicly accessible properties.
PutValue() - Internal private function.
17. Q
Q object - object instantiated by the HTML <Q> tag which indicates that a part of the document content is a quotation.
Queue manipulation - With the enhanced array manipulation tools of JavaScript, you can build queue managers.
Quotation mark (" and ') - String literal delimiter.
18. R
R.E. - Another name for a regular expression.
RadialWipe() - transition effect similar to that seen on radar displays.
RadioButton object - toggle button that acts together with a group of radio buttons in a family. Clicking one deselects any others in the group. These are used in forms to choose one item from a set.
RadioButton.checked - state of the button is returned by this property.
RadioButton.defaultChecked - default checked state for a radio button in a form.
RadioButton.handleEvent() - Pass an event to the appropriate handler for this object.
RadioButton.status - current status of a particular radio button.
RadioButton.type - type value for the <INPUT> object that describes the radio button.
RadioButton.value - text string value of this particular radio button.
RandomBars() - transition effect with the appearance of random bars sliding down.
RandomDissolve() - transition effect with the appearance of a fine pixelated dissolve.
Range error - Some functions (especially math functions) have a limited range of valid arguments.
RangeError object - native error object based on the Error object.
Raw event - event that describes a physical action.
ReadOnly - internal property attribute that controls whether a property value can be changed.
Rect object - rectangle object used for layer clip rectangles.
Rect.bottom - bottom edge of a layer's clip region.
Rect.height - height of a layer's clip region.
Rect.left - left edge of a layer's clip region.
Rect.right - right edge of a layer's clip region. - top edge of a layer's clip region.
Rect.width - width of a layer's clip region.
Reference - internal type used by the interpreter.
Reference counting - manner in which we keep track of object usage.
ReferenceError object - native error object based on the Error object.
Regex - Another name for regular expression handling.
RegExp literal - way of creating and initializing regular expression objects.
RegExp object - object that encapsulates regular expressions.
RegExp() - constructor function for creating new regular expression objects.
RegExp() - Another way to call the exec() method for the regular expression object.
RegExp.$_ - alias for the input buffer of the regular expression.
RegExp.$n - property of the global RegExp object.
RegExp.compile() - Recompile a regular expression object's search mechanics.
RegExp.constructor - reference to the constructor object for regular expressions.
RegExp.exec() - This performs a non-destructive match on a target string. - instance property of a regular expression object.
RegExp.ignoreCase - instance property of a regular expression object.
RegExp.index - position of the first match in the string.
RegExp.input - property of the global RegExp object.
RegExp.lastIndex - character index within the searched string immediately following the previous match.
RegExp.lastMatch - property of the global RegExp object.
RegExp.lastParen - property of the global RegExp object.
RegExp.leftContext - property of the global RegExp object.
RegExp.multiline - regular expression attribute to control the scope of the pattern.
RegExp.prototype - prototype for the RegExp object that can be used to extend the interface for all RegExp objects.
RegExp.rightContext - property of the global RegExp object.
RegExp.source - instance property of a regular expression object.
RegExp.test() - Another name for the RegExp.exec() method when used with global RegExp objects.
RegExp.toSource() - Outputs a regular expression object formatted as a RegExp literal contained in a string.
RegExp.toString() - Return a string primitive version of a RegExp object.
RegExp["$&"] - alternative way to refer to the text of the most recent successful pattern match.
RegExp["$'"] - alternative means of referring to the text to the right of the most recent match.
RegExp["$*"] - switch property to determine whether multi-line matching is performed or not.
RegExp["$+"] - alias for the text that matches the most recent sub-expressions.
RegExp["$`"] - alias for the text to the left of the most recent match.
RegExp pattern - sequence of characters that comprise a regular expression.
RegExp pattern - alternation - Sometimes you will want to match either one pattern or another using alternatives.
RegExp pattern - attributes - attributes of a regular expression.
RegExp pattern - character class - RegExp pattern components for describing character classes.
RegExp pattern - character literal - These are the characters that can be used in the pattern to match against themselves.
RegExp pattern - extension syntax - Perl 5 capability for specifying anchors with look-ahead patterns.
RegExp pattern - grouping - Sometimes you may want to group several items to treat them conditionally or repetitively. The grouping operator provides the means to do that.
RegExp pattern - position - Aligning the pattern to one or other end of the string sometimes helps to remove ambiguity from the match.
RegExp pattern - references - Groups of characters in a pattern can be referred to symbolically later in the expression.
RegExp pattern - repetition - Parts of a matching pattern can be repeated for multiple characters.
RegExp pattern - sub-patterns - When a pattern matches, it is possible to extract a portion of that for re-use.
Regular expression - means of matching patterns of text in string values.
Relational expression - Relational expressions yield a Boolean result.
Relational operator - Relational operators are used to create relational expressions.
releaseEvents() - Netscape Navigator 4 event management function.
Remainder (%) - Divides one operand by another and yields the remainder.
Remainder then assign (%=) - Divide one operand by another, leaving the remainder in the first.
request object - server-side object maintained by NES for each HTTP: request.
request.<input_name> - Input elements can be accessed associatively by name.
request.<urlExtension> - Additional properties can be passed from URL extensions.
request.agent - string containing the user agent details.
request.imageX - X coordinate of the mouse when an image map is clicked on.
request.imageY - Y coordinate of the mouse when an image map is clicked on.
request.ip - IP address of the client.
request.method - request method determines to some extent how a server should respond to the request.
request.protocol - client may not support all the available protocols. This is the level of HTTP protocol that the client is prepared to accept.
Request-response loop - mechanism by which a web server handles a request and serves a page back to a browser.
Requesting privileges - Your script needs to request privileges when it requires them.
Reserved Word - JavaScript reserves certain words and maps computational functionality to them.
ResetButton object - button in a form that will reset the form fields to their default values.
ResetButton.handleEvent() - Passes an event to the appropriate handler for this object.
ResetButton.type - type value for the <INPUT> object that describes the reset button.
ResetButton.value - text string in the button.
resizeBy() - alias for the window.resizeBy() method.
resizeTo() - alias for the window.resizeTo() method.
response object - Part of the server-side support for JavaScript. This is the Global object in NES.
response.addClient() - Information about the client is added to a URL.
response.addResponseHeader() - Adds a header record to the response object.
response.blob() - Extracts a binary large object from a data file in the server's file system.
response.callC() - Calls a native function within the server.
response.client - reference to a client object when scripts are used in NES.
response.database - property that points at a globally available database access object.
response.debug() - Prints a debugging message or value in the trace window.
response.deleteResponseHeader() - Removes a specified header record from the response.
response.flush() - Sends the current contents of the output buffer to the client.
response.getOptionValue() - Returns the value of a the selected option items in a <SELECT> block.
response.getOptionValueCount() - Returns the number of items in a <SELECT> block.
response.project - reference to a project object when scripts are executed in NES.
response.redirect() - Send the appropriate headers and meta information to cause the client to do a redirect to a different URL.
response.registerCFunction() - Register a native C language function for use with callC().
response.request - reference to a request object that encapsulates a client request arriving in an NES server.
response.server - reference to the server object is created automatically when the server is started.
response.ssjs_generateClientID() - Generate a unique identifier for a new client object.
response.ssjs_getCGIVariable() - Return the value of the requested environment variable.
response.ssjs_getClientID() - Obtains the unique identifier value from a client object.
response.trace() - server-side method to assist in tracing script execution when developing scripts for NES.
response.write() - Write the string value passed as an argument to the outgoing HTML response stream.
Restricted access - There are ways in which security is restricted and controlled by means of privileges.
ResultSet object - This is part of the database access suite in Netscape Enterprise Server. It is returned by a stored procedure call.
ResultSet.close() - Closes the ResultSet object when you have finished accessing its contents.
ResultSet.columnName() - Returns the name of the column with the specified index number.
ResultSet.columns() - Return the number of columns in the result set. - Move the access pointer to the next row in the result set.
ResultSet.prototype - prototype for the ResultSet object that can be used to extend the interface for all ResultSet objects.
return - Returns control back to the caller of a function.
returnValue - alias for the window.returnValue property.
RevealTrans() - reveal filter for controlling transitions.
rgb() - special color definition function used in style sheet color specifications.
Right shift - rightwards shift of a bit pattern.
routeEvent() - Part of the Netscape Navigator 4 event propagation complex.
rows object - Some documentation sources describes a rows object class that contains objects representing each row in a table. There is no such class, it's simply a collection.
RT object - This is the ruby text associated with a RUBY object.
RUBY object - ruby is an annotation or pronunciation guide for a string of text. The string of text annotated with a ruby is referred to as the base.
rule object - object that contains a single CSS styling rule.
rule.cssText - CSS text belonging to a style sheet rule.
rule.parentStyleSheet - style sheet that owns this rule object.
rule.readOnly - Some rules can be set read-only to prevent their styles from being changed.
rule.runtimeStyle - style values at run-time taking into account all cascades and dynamic style changes.
rule.selectorText - selector text for a rule. - style settings for a rule.
runtimeStyle object - style that applies to an object at run-time and overrides other style settings.
RValue - result of evaluating an expression.
19. S
S object - object that represents the font style controlled by the <S> HTML tag.
Same origin - policy for granting access across window boundaries.
SAMP object - object representing the HTML content delimited by the <SAMP> tags.
Scalar type - Data types composed of a single arithmetic atomic component.
Scope - part of the script within which an identifier is reachable.
Scope chain - scope chain is a logical list of objects associated with an execution context.
Scope of event handler - scope of an event handler is somewhat different to the normal scope.
screen - alias for the window.screen property.
Screen object - object that represents the screen display and its rendering capabilities.
Screen.availHeight - available height taking task bars and menu bars into consideration.
Screen.availLeft - left-most pixel that is accessible in this screen.
Screen.availTop - top-most pixel that is accessible in this screen.
Screen.availWidth - available width taking task bars and menu bars into account.
Screen.bufferDepth - pixel Z-depth for the off-screen buffer.
Screen.colorDepth - number of bits available to resolve color values.
Screen.fontSmoothingEnabled - switch to control the kind of font rendering on the screen.
Screen.height - physical height of the screen display in pixels.
Screen.pixelDepth - pixel Z-depth for the screen display.
Screen.updateInterval - screen refresh rate.
Screen.width - physical width of the screen display in pixels.
screenLeft - left edge of the display screen.
screenTop - top edge of the display screen.
screenX - X coordinate of the window within the screen display.
screenY - Y coordinate of the window within the screen display.
Script - collection of source elements and optional function declarations.
Script execution - process of running script.
Script fragment - small portion of a script source text.
SCRIPT object - object that represents a <SCRIPT> block within the document.
SCRIPT.charset - character set that a script conforms to.
SCRIPT.defer - Whether the execution of a script object is to be deferred during page loading to speed the construction of a page.
SCRIPT.event - Scripts can be associated with events in the event model.
SCRIPT.htmlFor - element ID associated with the FOR="..." HTML tag attribute in the <SCRIPT> tag.
SCRIPT.readyState - current status disposition of a <SCRIPT> block as it is being loaded.
SCRIPT.recordNumber - record number within the data set that created the script's content.
SCRIPT.src - URL where the source text for a script block is kept.
SCRIPT.text - textual content of a script block.
SCRIPT.type - MIME type of the <SCRIPT> block's content.
Script Source Text - original source text that is interpreted and executed.
<SCRIPT SRC="..."> - URL to access an insertable fragment of JavaScript contained in an include file.
Script termination - act of halting the execution of a script.
<SCRIPT TYPE="..."> - MIME type for a block of script code.
</SCRIPT> - Problems with closing <SCRIPT> tags.
<SCRIPT ARCHIVE="..."> - URL to access an archive containing insertable fragments of JavaScript contained in a single file.
<SCRIPT EVENT="..."> - tag attribute to associate a script block with an event to be handled.
<SCRIPT FOR="..."> - tag attribute to associate a script block with an input element or for mapping script blocks to objects embedded in web pages.
<SCRIPT ID="..."> - Script blocks can be given ID values so they can be identified within the document scripts array.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="..."> - required version of JavaScript to interpret the enclosed code.
<SCRIPT> - container for JavaScript in an HTML page.
ScriptArray object - collection of script blocks belonging to a document.
ScriptArray.item() - item selector for accessing a single script within the collection.
ScriptArray.length - number of script blocks in the current document.
ScriptEase - standalone JavaScript interpreter sold by Nombas Inc.
ScriptEngine() - special MSIE globally available function that describes the scripting engine currently installed for use with the browser.
ScriptEngineBuildVersion() - special MSIE globally available function that describes the build version of scripting engine currently installed for use with the browser.
ScriptEngineMajorVersion() - special MSIE globally available function that describes the major version number of the scripting engine currently installed for use with the browser.
ScriptEngineMinorVersion() - special MSIE globally available function that describes the minor version number of the scripting engine currently installed for use with the browser.
Scriptlet - scripting component within the Windows Script Host environment.
scroll() - alias for the window.scroll() method.
scrollbars - alias for the window.scrollbars property.
scrollBy() - alias for the window.scrollBy() method.
scrollTo() - alias for the window.scrollTo() method.
secure - flag indicating that a window was loaded from a secure source.
Security policy - rules about what can access local client-side resources.
Select object - drop down menu containing a list of <OPTION> items. These are used in forms to build menus and pop-ups. They may select single items or multiple items.
Select.add() - Adds a new option object to a select list collection.
Select.length - length of a select block for a popup menu.
Select.multiple - flag indicating whether a select block can have multiple or single items only selected.
Select.options[] - array of options objects one each per menu item.
Select.remove() - Remove an item from a select list collection.
Select.selectedIndex - index of the selected item in a <SELECT> block.
Select.size - number of items currently chosen in the select popup.
Select.tags() - method for retrieving collections of objects belonging to a particular class and which are a subset of the all[] collection for this object.
Select.type - type of select object.
Select.value - presently selected option value.
Selection object - object representing a user selection in the current window.
selection.clear() - method to clear the area selected by the user.
selection.createRange() - factory method for creating a text range.
selection.empty() - means of emptying a selection.
selection.type - property containing a type for the selection.
Selection statement - means of selecting one or other code block to be executed.
SelectorArray object - collection of style sheet rules.
SelectorArray.length - count of the number of rules in a style sheet.
self - alias for the window.self property.
Semantic event - event that has been mapped to the DOM.
Semi-colon (;) - Semi-colon characters are used to mark the end of a statement.
SendMail object - object that encapsulates an outgoing e-mail message.
SendMail() - constructor for creating objects that encapsulate an outgoing e-mail message.
SendMail.Bcc - Defines the list of blind copy recipients.
SendMail.Body - body text for the e-mail message.
SendMail.Cc - Defines a list of CC recipients.
SendMail.constructor - constructor function for object instances.
SendMail.errorCode() - Retrieves an error code value after attempting to transmit.
SendMail.errorMessage() - If there is an error, then you can obtain the message text with this method.
SendMail.ErrorsTo - Defines the recipient of error e-mails if the message fails to arrive.
SendMail.From - Defines the From address of the e-mail.
SendMail.Organization - standard header to describe the organisation you belong to.
SendMail.prototype - prototype for the SendMail object that can be used to extend the interface for all SendMail objects.
SendMail.ReplyTo - address to which replies should be sent.
SendMail.send() - Send the message encapsulated by this object.
SendMail.Smtpserver - Defines the name of the SMTP server to which we shall connect and request that our message be sent.
SendMail.Subject - Defines the subject heading for the message.
SendMail.To - Defines the To: address for the e-mail.
server object - object that represents the server in server-side JavaScript implementations.
server.agent - Describes the server being used. - machine and domain name values for the server host.
server.hostname - hostname and port property of the receiving server object.
server.lock() - means of locking the server object to prevent contention between scripts.
server.port - port number that the server listens on for incoming requests.
server.protocol - protocol supported by the server is available from this property.
server.unlock() - Relinquish a lock on the server object.
Server side browser detection - You can do a great deal of browser portability handling if you are prepared to serve browser specific pages from your web server.
Server-side JavaScript - That JavaScript which is executed in the web server, probably in response to a browser request and accessed via CGI.
setHotkeys() - Activate or deactivate keyboard shortcuts for this window.
setInterval() - method for setting timer intervals.
setResizable() - Enable or inhibit the window resize capability.
setTimeout() - method for setting a one shot timer.
setZOptions() - Define the window stacking behaviour.
Shadow() - visual filter for creating a shadow.
Shallow copying - Copying object references and not the objects.
Shared Property - property contained in a prototype and shared between several instances.
Shell Scripting with JavaScript - Unix command line tools written in JavaScript.
Shift expression - Shifts the left value by an amount specified by the right value.
Shift operator - Used to create a shift expression.
short - Reserved for future language enhancements.
showHelp() - Display the help window.
showModalDialog() - alias for the window.showModalDialog() method.
showModelessDialog() - alia for the window.showModelessDialog() method.
.shtm - Server-side processed HTML file.
.shtml - Server-side processed HTML file.
Side effect - changes to the execution environment due to some code being executed.
Sidebar object - new object introduced with Netscape 6.0 to manage the left side navigation bar.
Signed scripts - means of giving scripts a privilege to access secure content.
Single line comment - pair of slash characters (//) indicates single line comments.
Slide() - transition effect with the appearance of one image sliding over another.
SMALL object - object that represents the font style controlled by the <SMALL> HTML tag.
snews: URL - request from a web browser to a secure news server to send a document.
Sort ordering - mechanism by which items are arranged in sequence according to a locale.
Source files - You can store JavaScript into external source files.
Source text - Human readable script source text to be parsed and executed.
SPAN object - object that encapsulates the contents of an inline <SPAN> tag.
Special number values - Special properties of the Global and Number objects.
Special type - Special data types are available to test variable content.
Spiral() - Reveals the new image with a spiral effect.
SSJS - abbreviation for Server-Side JavaScript.
Stack manipulation - In Netscape 4, you can build stack managers.
Standalone JavaScript - JavaScript that is executed in an application not associated with web pages at all.
Statement - functional section of a program.
static - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Static filters - These filters are used to define the appearance of an HTML Element object.
Static method - Defines static methods using function properties you add to a function object.
Static variable - Define static variables using properties you add to a function object.
status - alias for the window.status property.
Status code - Many of the NES supported methods return a status code that is consistently defined across all objects and methods.
Status line - area in the browser frame that status messages can be presented in.
statusbar - alias for the window.statusbar property.
.stm - Server-side processed HTML file.
stop() - alias for the window.stop() method.
Storage duration - time during which an entity is available for use.
Stproc object - object that encapsulates a call to a stored procedure on a database from a Netscape Enterprise Server.
Stproc.close() - Close a stored procedure object when it is no longer required.
Stproc.outParamCount() - Retrieves a count of the number of parameter values the stored procedure has returned.
Stproc.outParameters() - Retrieve an output parameter from the stored procedure.
Stproc.prototype - prototype for the Stproc object that can be used to extend the interface for all Stproc objects.
Stproc.resultSet() - Retrieve a result set object from the stored procedure.
Stproc.returnValue() - Retrieves the return value of the stored procedure.
Stretch() - variation on a wipe effect except that the new image appears to stretch over the old one. The old one is squashed until it disappears.
Strictly equal to (===) - two values must be exactly equal to one another in value and type.
STRIKE object - object that represents the font style controlled by the <STRIKE> HTML tag.
String - native built-in type.
String - built-in primitive value.
String concatenate (+) - Joins two string values together.
String literal - literal constant whose type is a built-in primitive value.
String object - object of the class "String".
String() constructor - String object constructor.
String() - String object constructor called as a function.
String.anchor() - Encapsulates the string within an <A NAME="..."> tag context.
String.big() - Encapsulates the string within an <BIG> tag context.
String.blink() - Encapsulates the string within an <BLINK> tag context.
String.bold() - Encapsulates the string within an <B> tag context.
String.charAt() - character within the string
String.charCodeAt() - Unicode code point value of a character within the string.
String.Class - Internal property that returns an object class.
String.concat() - method for concatenating as opposed to the concatenate operator.
String.constructor - reference to a constructor object.
String.fixed() - Encapsulates the stringEncapsulate within an <TT> tag context.
String.fontcolor() - Encapsulates the string within an <FONT COLOR="..."> tag context.
String.fontsize() - Encapsulates the string within an <FONT SIZE="..."> tag context.
String.fromCharCode() - class-based factory method for converting numeric character codes to String objects.
String.indexOf() - location of a sub-string within a string.
String.italics() - Encapsulates the string within an <I> tag context.
String.lastIndexOf() - location of the rightmost sub-string within a string.
String.length - length of a String object's value. - Encapsulates the string within an <A HREF="..."> tag context.
String.localeCompare() - locale sensitive string comparison.
String.match() - Searches a string using a regular expression and returns the matches in an array.
String.prototype - prototype for the String object that can be used to extend the interface for all String objects.
String.replace() - Searches a string using a regular expression and replace the matches. - Searches a string using a regular expression.
String.slice() - Returns a sub-string sliced out of the original.
String.small() - Encapsulates the string within an <SMALL> tag context.
String.split() - Split a string and store the components in an array.
String.strike() - Encapsulates the string within an <STRIKE> tag context.
String.sub() - Encapsulates the stringEncapsulate within an <SUB> tag context.
String.substr() - Returns a sub-string extracted from the original.
String.substring() - Extracts a portion of a string.
String.sup() - Encapsulates the string within an <SUP> tag context.
String.toLocaleLowerCase() - Converts a string to all lower case using a locale sensitive character mapping.
String.toLocaleUpperCase() - Converts a string to all upper case.
String.toLowerCase() - Converts a string to all lower case.
String.toSource() - Outputs a string formatted as a string literal contained in a string.
String.toString() - Returns a string primitive version of an object.
String.toUpperCase() - Converts a string to all upper case.
String.valueOf() - Returns the primitive value of the object.
String operator - Operators that act on string values.
Strips() - Reveals new image by sliding diagonal strips across the image.
STRONG object - object representing the HTML content delimited by the <STRONG> tags.
STYLE object (1) - object that encapsulates the <STYLE> tag in the document source as opposed to the internally created style objects manufactured from CSS style sheet contents.
STYLE.disabled - switch to enable or disable a style object defined by the <STYLE> tag. - description of the target presentation media that this <STYLE> tag is applicable to. This is not widely or fully supported as yet.
STYLE.readyState - current status disposition of a <STYLE> object as it is being loaded.
STYLE.type - MIME type that describes the kind of style information contained in the <STYLE> tag.
style object (2) - object that represents an individual style element within a style sheet.
style.azimuth - Part of the aural style control suite that defines the horizontal angle of the sound source relative to the listener.
style.background - shortcut to specify several background properties.
style.backgroundAttachment - means of attachment for the style.
style.backgroundColor - color of the styled object's background.
style.backgroundImage - image displayed as a background to the object.
style.backgroundPosition - grid offset position for the background image.
style.backgroundPositionX - X-coordinate of the background image grid position.
style.backgroundPositionY - Y-coordinate of the background image grid position.
style.backgroundRepeat - property that controls the background step and repeat behavior.
style.behavior - Defines the URL location of a behavior HTC file.
style.border - border round the styled element.
style.borderBottom - Set the color, width and style of the bottom edge of the style border.
style.borderBottomColor - color of the bottom edge of the style border.
style.borderBottomStyle - type of line for the bottom edge of the style border.
style.borderBottomWidth - width of the bottom edge of the object's border.
style.borderCollapse - switch that determines whether borders of adjacent elements are drawn independently of one another or shared between the two items.
style.borderColor - color of the border around an element.
style.borderLeft - Sets the color, width and style of the left edge of the style border.
style.borderLeftColor - color of the left edge of the style border.
style.borderLeftStyle - type of line used for the left edge of the style border.
style.borderLeftWidth - width of the border to the left of an element.
style.borderRight - Set the color, width, and style of the right edge of the style border.
style.borderRightColor - color of the right edge of the style border.
style.borderRightStyle - kind of line used for the right edge of the style border.
style.borderRightWidth - width of the border to the right of an element.
style.borderSpacing - This defines the spacing between the adjacent bordered edges of the two elements.
style.borderStyle - style of border that is drawn round a styled element.
style.borderTop - Set the color, width and style of the top edge of the style border.
style.borderTopColor - color of the top edge of the style border.
style.borderTopStyle - kind of line used for the top edge of the style border.
style.borderTopWidth - width of the border along the top edge of an element.
style.borderWidth - thickness of the style border.
style.bottom - positioning reference point.
style.boxSizing - special style supported by MSIE to control the way that elements are boxed.
style.captionSide - attribute that controls the positioning of a caption with respect to its owning object.
style.cellSpacing - Defines the cell spacing of items in a table.
style.clear - means of controlling text flow and positioning of objects adjacent to one another to allow them to coexist on the same horizontal line or to force a line break before or after them.
style.clip - clip region for a style.
style.clip.bottom - bottom edge of an element object's clip region.
style.clip.left - left edge of an element object's clip region.
style.clip.right - right edge of an element object's clip region. - top edge of an element object's clip region.
style.color - Defines the foreground color of any text drawn in the content of the styled element.
style.colorProfile - extension to the style model that allows for accurate color models to be used for improved color fidelity of the displayed image.
style.columnSpan - Defines the number of columns to span when displaying a table cell.
style.content - means of adding small fragments of HTML before and after an element without that HTML needing to be coded into the document source with the styled element.
style.counterIncrement - means of controlling the way that counters in enumerated items are to be incremented when they are used in the document.
style.counterReset - way to reset a counter at the start of a section.
style.cssFloat - extension to the float attribute that is a standard CSS attribute. cssFloat is an MSIE-only attribute and is not standardized. It appears to simply be another name for the float property.
style.cssText - CSS style sheet specification source text for this style object.
style.cue - Part of the aural style control suite that defines the aural icon sound before and after an item is spoken.
style.cueAfter - Part of the aural style control suite that defines the aural icon sound after an item is spoken.
style.cueBefore - Part of the aural style control suite that defines the aural icon sound before an item is spoken.
style.cursor - cursor shape to display when the pointer hovers over the element.
style.direction - direction of flow of inline content such as text and table cells.
style.display - control attribute that defines how an element should be rendered into the display window.
style.elevation - Part of the aural style control suite that defines the height of a sound source within a 3D space.
style.emptyCells - indication of how empty cells in a table should be displayed.
style.filter - Defines the visual, reveal or blend filter for the object.
style.float - alignment control that indicates how text is to be flowed round the object that the style is applied to.
style.floatStyle - MSIE extension to the normal float style attributes. All the indications are that this is simply another name for the styleFloat property.
style.font - special shortcut styling control that provides a way to define several font styling attributes in a single assignment.
style.fontFamily - list of fonts to be used for the element. The first one in the list that is available will be used.
style.fontSize - size of the text drawn with the current font. Note that different browser-support a text-imaging model at varying resolutions, and it is difficult to obtain consistent results when older browsers are used.
style.fontSizeAdjust - means of compensating for the differences in browser font rendering models.
style.fontStretch - means of extending the font in the horizontal direction only.
style.fontStyle - italicization of a font. The oblique and italic styles affect the displayed font in different ways.
style.fontVariant - small-caps variant of a font for a style.
style.fontWeight - boldness of text drawn in the current font.
style.getAttribute() - method to extract attributes from a style.
style.getExpression() - MSIE extension for managing style controls.
style.height - height of a sizing style.
style.imeMode - Input Method Editor mode specifier.
style.important - means of adding emphasis to an object.
style.item() - When the style is treated as if it were a collection, objects belonging to it can be referenced by their item numbers.
style.layoutGrid - MSIE extension that provides a means of laying out objects on a grid.
style.layoutGridChar - Part of the MSIE grid layout control.
style.layoutGridCharSpacing - Spacing control for the MSIE grid layout extensions.
style.layoutGridLine - Additional control for the MSIE grid layout extensions.
style.layoutGridMode - Mode settings for the MSIE grid layout extensions.
style.layoutGridType - type selector for the MSIE grid layout extensions.
style.left - positioning reference point.
style.length - style object can be treated as if it were a collection. This property indicates the number of objects that are in the collection.
style.letterSpacing - letter spacing of text in a style.
style.lineBreak - Line breaking control style for Japanese text layouts.
style.lineHeight - Defines the height of a box that contains a line of text. This is the distance between the base lines of two adjacent lines of text.
style.listStyle - shortcut property for defining several list style attributes in a single assignment.
style.listStyleImage - URL for an image resource to be used for bullets in a list style.
style.listStylePosition - position control for a list marker.
style.listStyleType - type of list presentation marker for an ordered (<OL>) or unordered (<UL>) list.
style.margin - margin around a styled element.
style.marginBottom - thickness of the bottom margin
style.marginLeft - thickness of the left margin
style.marginRight - thickness of the right margin
style.marginTop - thickness of the top margin
style.markerOffset - spacing distance between the list item marker and the list item content.
style.marks - control attribute that determines whether crop marks should be added to the page when it is printed.
style.maxHeight - Defines the maximum height
style.maxWidth - Defines the maximum width
style.minHeight - Defines the minimum height
style.minWidth - Defines the minimum width
style.orphans - Defines the minimum number of lines of a paragraph of text that must be visible at the bottom of a page when a page break is present. This is most likely to occur when printing documents.
style.outline - shortcut attribute for defining all the outline settings together.
style.outlineColor - color of a border outline around the styled element.
style.outlineStyle - border style for an outline around a styled element.
style.outlineWidth - width of a border that outlines a styled element.
style.overflow - overflow style that defines how to display content that is too large to fix the element's stated box size.
style.overflowX - definition of how to handle horizontally overflowing content.
style.overflowY - definition of how to handle vertically overflowing content.
style.padding - shortcut means of specifying all the padding attributes for a styled element.
style.paddingBottom - thickness of the padding space at the bottom
style.paddingLeft - thickness of the padding space to the left
style.paddingRight - thickness of the padding space to the right
style.paddingTop - thickness of the padding space at the top - means of placing a styled element onto a particular page. If necessary a page break will be created to accommodate the required location.
style.pageBreakAfter - placement of a page break after the styled element.
style.pageBreakBefore - placement of a page break before the styled element.
style.pageBreakInside - Indicates whether a page break can occur inside the element if necessary.
style.pause - Part of the aural style control suite that defines a momentary pause before or after an item is spoken.
style.pauseAfter - Part of the aural style control suite that defines a momentary pause after an item is spoken.
style.pauseBefore - Part of the aural style control suite that defines a momentary pause before an item is spoken.
style.pitch - Part of the aural style control suite that defines the average pitch frequency of the voice used to speak the text.
style.pitchRange - Part of the aural style control suite that defines the variance of the spoken voice pitch when it is capable of rendering emphasis by changing its average pitch.
style.pixelBottom - location of the styled element measured in pixel units within the page.
style.pixelHeight - pixel height of the styled element.
style.pixelLeft - pixel position of the left edge of the styled element.
style.pixelRight - pixel position of the right edge of the styled element.
style.pixelTop - pixel position of the top edge of the styled element.
style.pixelWidth - pixel width of the styled element.
style.playDuring - Part of the aural style control suite that controls the mix between foreground and background sound effects.
style.posBottom - measurement unit independent positioning control property.
style.posHeight - measurement unit independent size control property.
style.position - flag to indicate relative or absolute positioning of an element.
style.posLeft - measurement unit independent positioning control property.
style.posRight - measurement unit independent positioning control property.
style.posTop - measurement unit independent positioning control property.
style.posWidth - measurement unit independent size control property.
style.quotes - list of quotation marks to use for progressively quoted content that may have nested quotation marks.
style.removeExpression() - MSIE extension for managing style controls.
style.renderingIntent - MSIE extension to control the rendering of the page. This is part of the color modeling and preservation of true color representations.
style.richness - Part of the aural style control suite that defines the forcefulness of the spoken voice.
style.right - positioning reference point.
style.rowSpan - indication of how many rows a table cell should span.
style.rubyAlign - MSIE extension to support the alignment of ruby elements.
style.rubyOverhang - MSIE extension to support the alignment of styled elements.
style.rubyPosition - MSIE extension to support the alignment of styled elements.
style.scrollbar3dLightColor - Access to the scrollbar colors.
style.scrollbarArrowColor - Defines the arrow color of a scrollbar.
style.scrollbarBaseColor - Defines the base color of a scrollbar.
style.scrollbarDarkShadowColor - Defines the dark shadow color of a scrollbar.
style.scrollbarFaceColor - Defines the face color of a scrollbar.
style.scrollbarHighlightColor - Defines the highlight color of a scrollbar
style.scrollbarShadowColor - Defines the shadow color of a scrollbar.
style.setAttribute() - method for setting attributes in styles.
style.setExpression() - MSIE extension for managing style controls.
style.size - Defines the size and orientation of a bounding box on a printed page.
style.speak - Part of the aural style control suite that defines whether the content should be spoken out loud or not.
style.speakDate - format control that dictates the order in which date items are spoken.
style.speakHeader - Part of the aural style control suite that defines whether a table cell's header description is spoken before the content of the cell itself.
style.speakNumeral - Part of the aural style control suite that defines whether numbers are spoken individually or in a compounded form.
style.speakPunctuation - Part of the aural style control suite that defines whether punctuation is spoken, or whether it affects the phrasing and delivery of the speech.
style.speakTime - Part of the aural style control suite that defines the format of time values and whether they are spoken in 12 or 24 hour format.
style.speechRate - Part of the aural style control suite that defines the rate at which the text is spoken out loud.
style.stress - Part of the aural style control suite that defines the amount of inflection in the voice as items are spoken.
style.styleFloat - property that allows styled elements to float.
style.tableLayout - Controls how the browser primarily works out table sizing and layout from the content or the sizing HTML tag attributes.
style.textAlign - horizontal alignment of text with
style.textAutospace - Support for spacing control in ideographic languages used in Asia.
style.textDecoration - Controls decorative additions to the text such as underlines and strike-throughs.
style.textDecorationBlink - blink attribute of the styled element.
style.textDecorationLineThrough - text decoration style.
style.textDecorationNone - text decoration style.
style.textDecorationOverline - text decoration style.
style.textDecorationUnderline - text decoration style.
style.textIndent - indentation of text with
style.textJustify - justification layout of textual content with
style.textKashidaSpace - means of controlling the Kashida expansion of an Asian font.
style.textShadow - Controls artistic shadow effects for text
style.textTransform - Controls capitalization of the text with
style.textUnderlinePosition - means of controlling whether the underline is placed above or below the text. - positioning reference point.
style.unicodeBidi - bi-directionality of Unicode text with
style.verticalAlign - vertical alignment of the style.
style.visibility - visibility of elements in this style.
style.voiceFamily - Part of the aural style control suite that defines which one of an available set of predefined voices is used to speak the text.
style.volume - Part of the aural style control suite that defines the dynamic range from soft to loud that the spoken voice will use.
style.whiteSpace - Controls how the browser should treat white space characters within the document source when it is rendered on the page.
style.widows - Defines the minimum number of lines of a paragraph of text that must be visible at the top of a page when a page break is present. This is most likely to occur when printing documents.
style.width - width
style.wordBreak - means of controlling line breaking behavior within words.
style.wordSpacing - spacing between words on the page.
style.wordWrap - word wrapping behavior when the content exceeds the bound of its containing element object.
style.writingMode - typographic control for use with Asian fonts.
style.zIndex - position of the element in a Z stacking order.
style.zoom - Reads and writes a zoom scaling factor for the receiving element object.
style.zOrder - In some documentation, this property is described as an alternative way of controlling the Z ordered location of the styled object.
<STYLE> - Style controls can be effected from JavaScript code.
<STYLE TYPE="..."> - mime type for a block of JSSS style code.
StyleSheet object - object that represents a style sheet.
StyleSheet.addImport() - method for importing to style sheets.
StyleSheet.addRule() - method for adding a rule to a style sheet.
StyleSheet.cssRules[] - collection of CSS rules belonging to a style sheet. This is another name for the rules[] collection.
StyleSheet.cssText - CSS text belonging to a style sheet.
StyleSheet.disabled - property that disables a style sheet.
StyleSheet.href - HREF location of a style sheet for download from a server. - value of the ID="..." HTML tag attribute.
StyleSheet.imports[] - collection of all the imported style sheets defined for this style sheet object. - description of the target media.
StyleSheet.ownerNode - DOM node that owns the style sheet.
StyleSheet.owningElement - element that owns the style sheet.
StyleSheet.owningNode - DOM node that owns the style sheet.
StyleSheet.parentStyleSheet - parent stylesheet that styles are cascaded from.
StyleSheet.readOnly - read-only property of a style sheet.
StyleSheet.removeRule() - accessor for removing rules belonging to a style sheet's rules collection.
StyleSheet.rules[] - array of rules contained within this style sheet.
StyleSheet.title - advisory title text.
StyleSheet.type - What sort of style sheet the object represents.
Style sheet - means of abstracting presentation style out of the content in a web page.
StyleSheetList object - array of style sheet objects provided by MSIE.
StyleSheetList.item() - accessor for objects in the StyleSheetList collection.
StyleSheetList.length - number of style sheets currently supported by the document.
SUB object - object that encapsulates the contents of a <SUB> tag.
Subclasses - Subclasses inherit the behavior from their superclass.
SubmitButton object - button in a form that submits the form to the server.
SubmitButton.handleEvent() - Passes an event to the appropriate handler for this object.
SubmitButton.type - subclass type of this Input object.
SubmitButton.value - text string in the button.
Subtract (-) - Subtracts the right operand from the left operand.
Subtract then assign (-=) - Subtracts the right value from the left, modifying the left-hand value.
sun - short cut to the Packages.sun object.
SUP object - object that encapsulates the contents of a <SUP> tag.
super - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Superclasses - Superclasses are the parent class of subclassed objects.
switch( ... ) ... case: ... default: ... - Select one of a set of cases according to a switch value.
synchronized - Reserved for future language enhancements.
SyntaxError object - native error object based on the Error object.
20. T
TABLE object - object that represents a table within a document.
TABLE.align - controlling property for the alignment of table cells within a table.
TABLE.background - URL of an image to be used as the background for a table.
TABLE.bgColor - background color value for a table.
TABLE.border - width of the border around cells in a table.
TABLE.borderColor - color of the border around the cells in a table.
TABLE.borderColorDark - color value of the shadowed edge of the table border (assuming the table is lit from the top left).
TABLE.borderColorLight - color value of the highlighted edge of the table border (assuming the table is lit from the top left).
TABLE.caption - caption text contained in a CAPTION object belonging to the TABLE object.
TABLE.cellPadding - width of the cell padding around the cell contents within a table.
TABLE.cells[] - collection of all the cells in a <TABLE>.
TABLE.cellSpacing - width of the cell spacing between cells in a table.
TABLE.cols - number of columns in a table.
TABLE.createCaption() - Creates a new CAPTION object for use with the table.
TABLE.createTFoot() - Creates a new TFOOT object for use with the table.
TABLE.createTHead() - Creates a new THEAD object for use with the table.
TABLE.dataPageSize - Part of the data-binding model in MSIE that maps table rows to database rows.
TABLE.deleteCaption() - Deletes the CAPTION object currently belonging to the table.
TABLE.deleteRow() - Deletes a specified row within the TABLE object.
TABLE.deleteTFoot() - Deletes the table footer from the owning table.
TABLE.deleteTHead() - Deletes the table header from the owning table.
TABLE.frame - control over which of the table cells sides are controlled by the BORDER tag attribute and border property of the TABLE object.
TABLE.height - height of the TABLE in pixels.
TABLE.insertRow() - Insert a new row into the table at a specified row index.
TABLE.nextPage() - Part of the data binding mechanism that pages the table according to the contents of a database selection.
TABLE.previousPage() - Part of the data binding mechanism that pages the table according to the contents of a database selection.
TABLE.refresh() - Part of the data binding mechanism that refreshes the table according to the contents of a database selection.
TABLE.rows[] - collection of all the rows in a <TABLE>.
TABLE.rules - drawing of border rules around table cells.
TABLE.summary - Adds a summary text object to the table.
TABLE.tBodies[] - collection of all TBODY objects within a table.
TABLE.tFoot - reference to a TFOOT object for the table if there is one defined.
TABLE.tHead - reference to a THEAD object for the table if there is one defined.
TABLE.width - width of the TABLE in pixels.
TableColElement object - means of accessing cells in a particular column of the table without needing to traverse the rows.
TableColElement.align - alignment settings for a column or column group in the table. - alignment character for cells in the column.
TableColElement.chOff - offset of the alignment character.
TableColElement.span - number of columns that a column group should span.
TableColElement.vAlign - vertical alignment setting for a column within the table.
TableColElement.width - width of a column within the table.
TableSectionElement object - DOM level 1 specifies a single object that MSIE implements as TFOOT and THEAD objects.
tags - alternative reference to the document.tags property in JSS.
taint() - method for controlling secure access to data values.
TBODY object - object that encapsulates a <TBODY> tag within a <TABLE> block.
TBODY.align - control for the alignment of cells within the TBODY object.
TBODY.bgColor - background color of a TBODY object.
TBODY.rows[] - collection of objects, each one containing a description of a row described by a <TR> tag.
TBODY.vAlign - control for the vertical alignment of cells within the TBODY object.
TD object - object that encapsulates a single cell described by a <TD> tag.
TD.abbr - abbreviation value to be used for header cells in the column where the data cell resides.
TD.align - control for the alignment of content within the table cell.
TD.axis - names group of related header cells.
TD.background - URL for an image to be loaded into the background of the table cell.
TD.bgColor - background color for this table cell.
TD.borderColor - color of the border around this table cell.
TD.borderColorDark - color value of the shadowed edge of the table cell border (assuming the table is lit from the top left).
TD.borderColorLight - color value of the highlighted edge of the table cell border (assuming the table is lit from the top left).
TD.cellIndex - zero-based integer value that indicates the position of this cell within the row. This is the horizontal coordinate position of the cell within the table. - alignment character for cells in a column arrangement.
TD.chOff - offset of a column alignment character.
TD.colSpan - number of columns that the table cell spans.
TD.headers - list of ID attribute values for header cells.
TD.height - height in pixels of the table cell.
TD.noWrap - Controls whether textual content is allowed to wrap within the table cell.
TD.rowSpan - Indicates how many rows the table cell is intended to span.
TD.scope - scope covered by header cells.
TD.vAlign - vertical alignment of content within the table cell.
TD.width - width in pixels of the table cell.
telnet: URL - Opens up a telnet client to do terminal mode access.
Ternary operator - operator that requires three arguments.
Text object - DOM level 1 specification describes a Text object which MSIE and Netscape 6.0 implement as a textNode object.
text/JavaScript - MIME type that indicates the content is a JavaScript source text.
TEXTAREA object - multiple line text cell in a form.
TEXTAREA.cols - number of columns that a TextArea may contain.
TEXTAREA.handleEvent() - Passes an event to the appropriate handler for this object.
TEXTAREA.readOnly - When set to true, the TextArea cannot be modified.
TEXTAREA.rows - number of rows in a text area. - Selects all the text within the <TEXTAREA> cell allowing it to be cut and pasted by the user.
TEXTAREA.type - type indicator for this Input object.
TEXTAREA.value - text string that has been entered into the text area.
TEXTAREA.wrap - kind of word wrapping effect within the text area.
TextCell object - single line text cell in a form.
TextCell.handleEvent() - Pass an event to the appropriate handler for this object.
TextCell.maxLength - maximum length of values to be entered into the text cell.
TextCell.readOnly - When set to true, the text cell contents cannot be changed. - Selects all the textual content of a <INPUT> text cell allowing the user to cut and paste it if they so wish.
TextCell.size - number of characters that have been typed into the text cell.
TextCell.type - type of this Input object.
TextCell.value - text string that has been entered into the text cell.
textNode object - string of text represented as a node within the document hierarchy. - data associated with a text node within the document.
textNode.length - length of the text in a textNode object.
textNode.splitText() - means of splitting the text in a text node into two so that HTML can be placed in between them.
TextRange object - object that represents part of the text stream of an HTML document.
TextRange.boundingHeight - height of the extent rectangle around selected text on the page.
TextRange.boundingLeft - left edge of a selected text on the page.
TextRange.boundingTop - top edge of a selected text on the page.
TextRange.boundingWidth - width of a selected text on the page.
TextRange.collapse() - method that shrinks a text range to an insertion point.
TextRange.compareEndPoints() - Compare two TextRange objects.
TextRange.duplicate() - Duplicate a TextRange object.
TextRange.execCommand() - Part of an MSIE special document command handling mechanism. Execute a command across the text range.
TextRange.expand() - Expands a TextRange by a character, word, sentence or story.
TextRange.findText() - Defines a text range according to a search.
TextRange.getBookmark() - Bookmarks a position in a text range.
TextRange.getBoundingClientRect() - method that returns a rectangle measured in pixels within the client display surface.
TextRange.getClientRects() - collection of textRectangle objects within the client display surface.
TextRange.htmlText - Returns a text range as HTML source.
TextRange.inRange() - Tests for one text range within another.
TextRange.isEqual() - Tests two text ranges for equality.
TextRange.move() - Relocates the insertion point of a TextRange.
TextRange.moveEnd() - Relocates the end point of a TextRange.
TextRange.moveStart() - Relocates the start point of a TextRange.
TextRange.moveToBookmark() - Restores a bookmarked TextRange.
TextRange.moveToElementText() - Expands the text range to encompass an HTML element.
TextRange.moveToPoint() - Expand the text range to include an x, y location.
TextRange.parentElement() - reference to an object that is the next outermost item in the document hierarchy.
TextRange.pasteHTML() - Pastes HTML or plain text into the text range.
TextRange.queryCommandEnabled() - Part of an MSIE special document command handling mechanism. Indicates the disposition of the specified command.
TextRange.queryCommandIndeterm() - Part of an MSIE special document command handling mechanism. Indicates whether the command is in an indeterminate state.
TextRange.queryCommandState() - Part of an MSIE special document command handling mechanism. Returns the current state of a command.
TextRange.queryCommandSupported() - Part of an MSIE special document command handling mechanism. Checks to see if a command is supported.
TextRange.queryCommandText() - Part of an MSIE special document command handling mechanism. Returns the string associated with a command.
TextRange.queryCommandValue() - Part of an MSIE special document command handling mechanism. Returns the value of the command. - Select the text range.
TextRange.setEndPoint() - Set the end point of a text range.
TextRange.text - Extract the text of a text range.
textRectangle object - extent rectangle that encloses a TextRange object.
textRectangle.bottom - bottom of a textRectangle.
textRectangle.left - left edge of a textRectangle.
textRectangle.right - right edge of a text rectangle. - top edge of a textRectangle.
TextStream object - object that represent an I/O text stream. Very useful in a server-side context.
TextStream.AtEndOfLine - Boolean value that indicates the status of the text stream.
TextStream.AtEndOfStream - Boolean value that indicates the status of the text stream.
TextStream.Close() - method that closes a text stream.
TextStream.Column - column number within the file.
TextStream.Line - line number within the text stream.
TextStream.Read() - method that reads text from the text stream.
TextStream.ReadAll() - method that reads the entire text stream in one go.
TextStream.ReadLine() - method that reads a line from the text stream.
TextStream.Skip() - method that skips a specified number of characters through the text stream.
TextStream.SkipLine() - method that skips a line of the text stream.
TextStream.Write() - method that writes to the text stream.
TextStream.WriteBlankLines() - method that writes a specified number of blank lines to the text stream.
TextStream.WriteLine() - method that writes a line to the text stream.
TFOOT object - object that encapsulates a <TFOOT> tag within a <TABLE> block.
TFOOT.align - kind of horizontal alignment applied to items within the <TFOOT> block of a table.
TFOOT.bgColor - background color for items in the <TFOOT> block. - character used for alignment of columns within the table.
TFOOT.chOff - offset of character alignments within a column.
TFOOT.deleteRow() - In a multiple row footer, you can delete a particular row with this method.
TFOOT.insertRow() - You can insert additional rows into a table footer with this method.
TFOOT.rows[] - collection of rows within a <TFOOT> block belonging to a table.
TFOOT.vAlign - vertical alignment applied to items within the <TFOOT> block of a table.
TH object - object that encapsulates a <TH> table header cell.
TH.abbr - abbreviation value to be used for header cells in the column where the data cell resides.
TH.align - alignment of content within a <TH> table cell.
TH.axis - names group of related header cells.
TH.background - URL for an image to load as the background for a table header cell.
TH.bgColor - background color for a table header cell.
TH.borderColor - border color around a table header cell.
TH.borderColorDark - color value of the shadowed edge of the table cell border (assuming the table is lit from the top left).
TH.borderColorLight - color value of the highlighted edge of the table cell border (assuming the table is lit from the top left).
TH.cellIndex - zero-based integer number that indicates the position of a <TH> cell within a <TR> row. This is effectively the horizontal column coordinate of a table header cell. - alignment character for cells in a column arrangement.
TH.chOff - offset of a column alignment character.
TH.colSpan - number of columns that a header cell spans.
TH.headers - list of ID attribute values for header cells.
TH.height - height in pixels of the table header cell.
TH.noWrap - Controls whether text in the table header cell is allowed to wrap.
TH.rowSpan - number of rows that the table header will span.
TH.scope - scope covered by header cells.
TH.vAlign - vertical alignment of content within the table header cell.
TH.width - width in pixels of the table header cell.
THEAD object - object that encapsulates a <THEAD> tag within a <TABLE> block.
THEAD.align - alignment of items within the <THEAD> block of a table.
THEAD.bgColor - background color of items in the <THEAD> block of a table. - alignment character for cells in a column arrangement.
THEAD.chOff - offset of a column alignment character.
THEAD.deleteRow() - In a multiple row footer, you can delete a particular row with this method.
THEAD.insertRow() - You can insert additional rows into a table footer with this method.
THEAD.rows[] - collection of rows within a <THEAD> block of a table.
THEAD.vAlign - control for the vertical alignment of cells within the THEAD object.
this - reference to the receiving object.
Thousands separator - special locale specific character for indicating groups of digits.
throw - Throw a custom exception in the hope it will be caught by an error handler.
throws - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Time from year - date and time algorithm defined by ECMAScript.
Time range - ECMAScript measures time in milliseconds since 01-01-1970 UTC.
Time value - date and time algorithm.
Time within day - date and time algorithm.
TimeClip() - date and time algorithm.
Timeout handlers - You can set event handlers to be called when a timeout expires.
Timer events - Events that are triggered after a delay time.
<TITLE> - tag that encloses the title block in a document header. It corresponds to the MSIE TITLE object.
TITLE object - MSIE object that represents the <TITLE> block of a document.
TITLE.text - text contained inside the <TITLE> block for the current document.
ToBoolean - internal operator for converting values.
ToInt32 - internal operator for converting values.
ToInteger - internal operator for converting values.
Token - Tokens are the fundamental components that an executable script is built from.
ToNumber - internal operator for converting values.
ToObject - internal operator for converting values.
toolbar - alias for the window.toolbar property.
top - alias for the property.
Topic classification - Descriptions of topic classifications.
ToPrimitive - internal operator for converting values.
ToString - Return a string primitive version of an object.
toString() - Returns a string representation of the receiving object.
ToUint16 - internal operator for converting values.
ToUint32 - internal operator for converting values.
TR object - object that encapsulates the row content of a table contained in a <TR> tag.
TR.align - alignment of content within table cells in the row.
TR.bgColor - background color of table cells within the row.
TR.borderColor - color of the border around table cells in the row.
TR.borderColorDark - color value of the shadowed edge of the table row border (assuming the table is lit from the top left).
TR.borderColorLight - color value of the highlighted edge of the table cell border (assuming the table is lit from the top left).
TR.cells[] - collection of cells within this row of the table. - alignment character for cells in a column arrangement.
TR.chOff - offset of a column alignment character.
TR.deleteCell() - In a multiple column table, you can delete a particular cell within a row with this method.
TR.insertCell() - You can insert an additional cell into the row within a table with this method.
TR.rowIndex - zero-based integer that indicates which row of the table this <TR> block represents.
TR.sectionRowIndex - zero-based integer that indicates which row of the table this <TR> block represents.
TR.vAlign - vertical alignment of content in the table cells in this row.
transient - Reserved for future language enhancements.
Transition - visual effect used during event handling in MSIE.
Translation - process of tokenizing and interpreting a script.
Trigonometric function - Functions for calculating angular values.
true - Boolean true value.
try ... catch ... finally - mechanism for attempting to execute some potentially problematic code with a means of catching the exception and continuing execution.
TT object - object that represents the font style controlled by the <TT> HTML tag.
TV Set-top boxes - integration of TV and Web content is resulting in new kinds of hardware that displays web page content at TV resolution.
Type - ECMA 262 standard defines nine data types. A type is a set of data values.
Type conversion - Type conversion happens automatically as needed.
TypeError object - native error object based on the Error object.
typeof - operator that yields the type of an operand.
21. U
U object - object that represents the font style controlled by the <U> HTML tag.
UDI - Universal Document Identifier.
UIEvent object - This is part of the DOM level 2 user interface event set.
UIEvent.detail - Some detailed information about the Event object is made available as a numeric value.
UIEvent.initUIEvent() - After creating a UIEvent object with document.createEvent(), it must be initialized with this method call.
UIEvent.view - reference to the AbstractView object that generated the event.
UL object - object that encapsulates an unordered list in a <UL> tag.
UL.compact - switch that compacts the unordered list content to occupy less space on the screen.
UL.type - control for the type of listing style that is presented.
Unary expression - operator prefixing an operand.
Unary operator - operator that requires only one operand to create an expression.
undefined - literal constant whose type is a built-in primitive value.
Undefined behaviour - Erroneous operations not described in the standard.
undefined type - native built-in type.
Undocumented features - Aside from the features covered in official documentation, browsers support many other hidden capabilities.
unescape() - Un-URL-escape a string.
Unicode - character encoding standard.
Universal coordinated time - universal standard time that is synchronized to GMT.
UniversalBrowserAccess - combination of both read and write access.
UniversalBrowserRead - privilege to grant read access to browser internals.
UniversalBrowserWrite - privilege that grants the ability to write to internal browser values.
UniversalFileRead - privilege to grant access to read a file in the file system.
UniversalPreferencesRead - privilege that allows access to preferences information.
UniversalPreferencesWrite - privilege that grants the ability to change preferences settings.
UniversalSendMail - privilege that grants the permission to send mail.
Unspecified behavior - Correct behavior that is not specified in the standard.
untaint() - deprecated method for controlling secure access to data values.
unwatch() - Un-set a watch-point for a named property of an object.
URI - Uniform Resource Identifier.
URI handling functions - ECMA edition 3 describes a set of functions it refers to as URI handling properties.
URIError object - native error object based on the Error object.
URL - Uniform Resource Locator.
Url object - object that represents URLs in Netscape but which has extensions in MSIE.
Url.charset - character set of the document pointed at by the HREF="..." HTML tag attribute of an anchor.
Url.coords - co-ordinates on screen where the object represented by the URL is located.
Url.hash - hash delimited item at the end of an HREF URL if there is one. - hostname and port number of an HREF URL if there is one.
Url.hostname - hostname of an HREF URL if there is one.
Url.href - complete HREF of an HREF URL if there is one.
Url.hreflang - language that the document at the HREF location is coded in.
Url.Methods - collection of methods belonging to the URL.
Url.mimeType - MIME type used to access the document pointed at by the URL. - In MSIE, the property is another way to access the property.
Url.nameProp - filename portion of the URL value.
Url.pathname - pathname portion of an HREF URL if there is one.
Url.port - port value of an HREF URL if there is one.
Url.protocol - protocol value of an HREF URL if there is one.
Url.protocolLong - long, human readable description of the protocol.
Url.rel - relationship of this element to the document pointed at by the URL.
Url.rev - relationship of the document pointed at by the URL to this element. - query portion of an HREF URL if there is one.
Url.shape - shape of an area in an image map that this URL is associated with. - target attribute of an <A> tag if there is one.
Url.text - text that appears between the <A> and </A> tags.
Url.type - MIME type of the document that the URL points at.
Url.urn - URN value derived from the URL.
Url.x - X co-ordinate of a link.
Url.y - Y co-ordinate of a link.
URN - Uniform Resource Name.
User-generated object - object created under script control.
userDefined object - You can define your own objects in several different ways.
userProfile object - object that encapsulates a user's profile within the system.
userProfile.addReadRequest() - Adds a request to read a property of the user profile. These are queued up to have permission requested from the user.
userProfile.clearRequest() - Clear all read requests from the queue.
userProfile.doReadRequest() - Execute the current queue of read requests, asking the user for permission to access these properties of the profile.
userProfile.getAttribute() - Get an attribute of the vCard object.
UTC - Universel Temps Cordonne.
Utility objects - Netscape Enterprise Server provides server-side utility objects to give assistance when running server-side JavaScript.
22. V
Value of an expression - result obtained by evaluating an expression.
Value preserving - act of converting values from one data type to another should preserve the value with no loss of resolution.
Value property - property value of an object.
valueOf() - Returns the primitive equivalent value of the receiving object.
var - variable declarator.
VAR object - object representing the HTML content delimited by the <VAR> tags.
Variable - named storage receptacle for script accessible values.
Variable Declaration - Variable declarations are stored as properties in an object.
Variable instantiation - Variables are local to one execution context.
Variable name - name of a variable that is unique within a block but not necessarily within the scope chain.
Variable statement - variable statement uses the var keyword to preface a list of variable declarations.
VBArray object - special JScript object for interacting with Visual Basic or VBScript array data.
VBArray() - constructor function for creating new VBArray objects.
VBArray.dimensions() - method for requesting the number of dimensions of the array.
VBArray.getItem() - accessor method for retrieving items from the array.
VBArray.lbound() - method that returns the index position of the first element in the VBArray.
VBArray.toArray() - conversion method for creating a JScript array object from a VBArray object.
VBArray.ubound() - method that returns the index position of the last element in the VBArray.
vCard object - object accessible only through the user preferences interface in the MSIE browser.
Version History - Historical details of JavaScript versions.
view-source: URL - You can use this for debugging in both Netscape and MSIE.
Visual filters - MSIE browser in version 4.0 and upwards now supports visual transition effects to use when modifying page content or navigating from page to page.
void - Force an undefined value to replace an operand.
void expression - expression whose value is discarded and is evaluated purely for its side effects.
volatile - Reserved for future language enhancements.
23. W
WAP - Wireless Application Protocol.
watch() - Set a watch-point for a named property of an object.
Watchpoint handler - handler that is connected to a watch point has a special pre-defined API specification.
Wave() - visual filter for creating ripple effects.
.web - compiled JavaScript and HTML application for Netscape Enterprise Server.
Web browser - web browser can be used on a desktop computer, mobile device or TV set-top box to view web pages.
Web scripting - Web browsers provide a host environment for client-side computation.
Web server - application that delivers web content on request from a browser.
WebTV - analogue interactive TV set-top box.
Week day - value between 0 and 6.
Wheel() - Reveals the new image with a rotating wheel effect.
while( ... ) ... - iterator mechanism -loop construct.
Whitespace - White space is used to separate tokens from one another.
window - window object also known as window.window.
Window adornments - Another name for the furniture that surrounds a window.
Window events - Some events within the event-handling complex relate to windows and their behaviors.
Window feature list - list of available features that a method can apply.
Window furniture - various controls and scrollbars on a window border. Sometimes called window adornments or chrome.
Window object - object representing a window or frame. This object exposes methods, properties, and events associated with it to the script.
Window.alert() - Present an alerting dialog box.
Window.atob() - Decode some base-64 encoded data.
Window.attachEvent() - means of attaching events to windows and documents.
Window.back() - method that mimics the user clicking on the back button.
Window.blur() - Send a blur event to the window object.
Window.btoa() - Encode some data into base-64 form.
Window.captureEvents() - Part of the Netscape Navigator event propagation complex.
Window.clearInterval() - Cancel a previous setInterval() timer that caused a function to be called periodically.
Window.clearTimeout() - Clear a previously established timeout function call.
Window.clientInformation - This is another more appropriate name for the navigator object.
Window.clipboardData - object containing data that represents the contents of the clipboard.
Window.close() - This will close the window.
Window.closed - property value that is true if the window is closed.
Window.confirm() - Present a confirmation dialog box.
Window.crypto - reference to a Crypto object for security encoding.
Window.defaultStatus - property containing the text displayed in the status bar.
Window.detachEvent() - means of detaching events from windows and documents that were previously attached with the attachEvent() method.
Window.dialogArguments - arguments passed to a model dialog in a showModalDialog() call.
Window.dialogHeight - height of a modal or modeless dialog window.
Window.dialogLeft - left edge of a modal or modeless dialog window.
Window.dialogTop - top edge of a modal or modeless dialog window.
Window.dialogWidth - width of a modal or modeless dialog window.
Window.disableExternalCapture() - Part of the Netscape Navigator 4 event propagation complex.
Window.document - reference to the document object that is contained in the window.
Window.enableExternalCapture() - Part of the Netscape Navigator 4 event propagation complex.
Window.event - During event handling, MSIE stores a reference to an event object in this variable.
Window.execScript() - Execute a script on behalf of a window.
Window.external - Reference to an external object outside of the interpreter.
Window.find() - This duplicates the behavior of the FIND button on the Netscape Navigator button bar.
Window.focus() - Send a focus event to the window object.
Window.forward() - Mimics the effect of the user clicking on the FORWARD button.
Window.frame - This is another name for self and window.
Window.frameRate - indication of the frame rate for the current display.
Window.frames[] - array containing window objects, each one referring to the content of a frame within the window.
Window.handleEvent() - Pass an event to the appropriate handler for the window.
Window.history - This property returns a history object for this window.
Window.home() - This duplicates the behavior of the HOME button on the Netscape Navigator button bar.
Window.innerHeight - height of the window inside the frame.
Window.innerWidth - width of the window inside the frame. - reference to the Java package object that is the root of the 'java.*' packages tree.
Window.length - number of frames in the window.
Window.location - reference to the location object that represents the URL of the current window content.
Window.locationbar - reference to an object that represents the location bar.
Window.menubar - reference to an object that represents the menu bar.
Window.moveBy() - Move the window by a specified distance.
Window.moveTo() - Move the window to a specific location. - name of the window either from the <FRAME> tag, the method call or an assignment to this property.
Window.navigate() - Load a new URL into the window.
Window.navigator - reference to a navigator object that describes the browser.
Window.netscape - reference to the Java package object that is the root of the 'netscape.*' Packages tree.
Window.offscreenBuffering - property that controls off-screen buffering effects.
Window.onblur - This is called when the window loses input focus.
Window.ondragdrop - This event handler is called when an object is dropped into the browser window.
Window.onerror - reference to an error event handler for this window object.
Window.onfocus - This event handler is called when a window gains the input focus.
Window.onload - reference to a loading completed event handler for this window object.
Window.onmove - This event handler is called when a window is moved.
Window.onresize - reference to a resized window event handler for this window object.
Window.onunload - This event handler is called when a document is cleared from a window. - means of creating new windows under script control.
Window.opener - reference to the window that contained the link that opened this one.
Window.outerHeight - height of the window including the frame.
Window.outerWidth - width of the window including the frame.
Window.Packages - top level JavaPackage object that is the root of a tree of Java packages.
Window.pageXOffset - amount that a window has been scrolled to the right.
Window.pageYOffset - amount that a window has been scrolled downwards.
Window.parent - reference to the parent window in a framed pane.
Window.personalbar - reference to an object that represents the personal preferences bar.
Window.pkcs11 - hitherto undocumented property of a Netscape Navigator Window object.
Window.print() - This duplicates the behavior of the Print button on the Netscape Navigator or MSIE button bar.
Window.prompt() - Present a text input prompt box.
Window.releaseEvents() - Part of the Netscape Navigator 4 event propagation complex.
Window.resizeBy() - Resize the window by a specified amount.
Window.resizeTo() - Resize the window to specified dimensions.
Window.returnValue - return value for a modal dialog window.
Window.routeEvent() - Part of the Netscape Navigator 4 event propagation complex.
Window.screen - reference to a screen object that the window is being displayed in.
Window.screenLeft - left edge of the screen.
Window.screenTop - top edge of the screen.
Window.screenX - X coordinate of the window within the screen display.
Window.screenY - Y coordinate of the window within the screen display.
Window.scroll() - This is equivalent to the scrollTo() method but has been retained for backwards compatibility.
Window.scrollbars - reference to an object that represents the scroll bar.
Window.scrollBy() - Scroll the document in the window by a specific amount.
Window.scrollTo() - Scroll the document in the window to a specific location. - flag indicating that a window was loaded from a secure source.
Window.self - reference to the window itself.
Window.setHotkeys() - Activate or deactivate keyboard shortcuts for this window.
Window.setInterval() - Schedule a function to be executed at regular intervals.
Window.setResizable() - Enable or inhibit the window resize capability.
Window.setTimeout() - timeout control method.
Window.setZOptions() - Define the window stacking behavior.
Window.showHelp() - Display the help window.
Window.showModalDialog() - Display a modal dialog.
Window.showModelessDialog() - Display a modeless dialog window.
Window.sidebar - reference to an object that represents the sidebar frame in Netscape 6.0.
Window.status - property containing the text displayed in the status bar.
Window.statusbar - reference to an object that represents the status bar.
Window.stop() - This duplicates the behavior of the Stop button on the Netscape Navigator button bar.
Window.sun - reference to the Java package object that is the root of the 'sun.*' Packages tree.
Window.toolbar - reference to an object that represents the tool bar. - topmost window in a framed hierarchy.
Window.window - Another name for the self property.
Windows Script Host - scripting environment available on the Windows platform.
with ... - Adds an object to the front of the scope chain for use in the following block of script code.
WML - Wireless Mark-up Language.
WScript - Otherwise known as WMLScript or WAP Script -variation of JavaScript for use in mobile devices.
WScript object - object that represents the object model of the WSH framework.
WScript.Application - Access to the IDispatch interface for the object.
WScript.Arguments - This returns a collection of argument items.
WScript.CreateObject() - Creates an instance of an automation object.
WScript.DisconnectObject() - Discards an object.
WScript.Echo() - Echoes some output to the caller via standard output.
WScript.FullName - full path and name for the file being executed.
WScript.GetObject() - Access an already existing object rather than creating a new one.
WScript.Name - human readable name for the script.
WScript.Network - reference to a network management object.
WScript.Path - path to the activating WSH executive.
WScript.Quit() - Terminates the script and returns an error code.
WScript.ScriptFullName - full path and script name.
WScript.ScriptName - string containing the name of the script.
WScript.Sleep() - Suspend the script execution for a while.
WScript.StdErr - write-only stream used for output.
WScript.StdIn - read-only stream used for input.
WScript.StdOut - write-only stream used for output.
WScript.Version - string containing the WSH version number.
WSH - object model used in Windows Script Host.
WSH - Windows Script Host.
wysiwyg: - Special URL method to handle page content when resized in Netscape Navigator.
24. X
XML - Extensible Mark-up Language.
XML name - strict convention for naming items within an XML compliant document with a well formed token.
XML object - object that represents a block of XML page content within an HTML document.
XML.defer - property containing a deferral status for the XML block.
XML.event - event object associated with the XML block.
XML.src - URL where the contents of the XML block are to be loaded from.
XML.text - textual content of the XML block.
XML.type - MIME type of the XML data file.
XML.XMLDocument - reference to the top of a DOM hierarchy that describes the content of the XML data island.
XMP object - deprecated object that has been replaced by the PRE object.
XRay() - visual filter that displays only the element edges.
25. Y
Year from time - date and time algorithm defined as part of ECMAScript.
Year number - date and time algorithm defined as part of ECMAScript.
26. Z
Zero value - ECMAScript interpreters must be able to distinguish between +0 and -0.
Zigzag() - Reveals the new image with a zigzag effect.
27. Symbols
! (Logical NOT) - Logical NOT operator.
!= (NOT equal) - Inequality operator.
!== (NOT identical) - Compares two values for non-equality and identical type.
" (Double quote) - Double quote string literal delimiter.
$ (Dollar) - special character allowed to be used in an identifier name.
$n (Numbered argument) - property of the global RegExp object.
% (Modulo/remainder) - Divides one operand by another and yields the remainder.
%= (Modulo assign) - Divides one operand by another and stores the result in the first.
& (Bitwise AND) - Bitwise AND of two operands.
&& (Logical AND) - Logical AND of two operands.
&= (Bitwise AND assign) - Bitwise AND of two operands, and assign the result to the first.
' (Single quote) - Single quote string literal delimiter.
( ) (Argument delimiter) - Delimits the arguments of a function call.
( ) (Grouping operator) - Control of expression operator execution precedence and Function argument delimiters.
* (Multiply) - Multiply one operand by another.
*/ (Close comment block) - Closing token for a multi-line comment.
*= (Multiply assign) - Multiplies two operands and assigns the result to the first.
+ (Add) - Adds two operands together.
+ (Concatenate) - Joins string operators by concatenation.
+ (Unary plus) - Indicates positive value or numeric cast a non-numeric value.
++ (Post increment) - Incrementing operator.
++ (Pre increment) - Increments an operand.
+= (Add assign) - Adds the second operand to the first, modifying the first.
, (Comma) - Comma separated argument list. The comma operator provides a way to evaluate several assignment expressions at once.
- (Minus) - Subtracts one operand from another.
- (Unary minus) - Negates the value of an operand.
-- (Post decrement) - Decrementing operator.
-- (Pre decrement) - Decrements an operand's value.
-= (Minus assign) - Subtracts the right value from the left modifying the left.
. (Decimal point) - delimiter character.
. (Period) - token to delimit object properties from their object or a decimal point.
/ (Divide) - Divides one operand by another.
/ (Slash) - delimiter character for regular expressions.
/* ... */ (Comment block) - multi-line comment delimiting token.
/*@ ... @*/ (Pre processing block) - special form of the comment delimiters for enclosing pre-processor directives.
// (Comment line) - single line comment delimiting token.
/= (Divide assign) - Divides one operand by another, leaving the result in the first.
: (Colon) - delimiter used with labels and conditional operators.
; (Semicolon) - Semicolon characters are used to separate one executable statement from another.
< (Less than) - Compares two operands to determine which is nearer to -Infinity.
<!-- ... --> (Comment block) - HTML comments can be used to hide scripts.
<% ... %> (Serverside code block) - special tag to delimit server-side code to be executed in the ASP back end of an IIS server.
<< (Bitwise shift left) - Bitwise leftwards shifts one operand according to another.
<<= (Bitewise shift left assign) - Destructively bitwise leftwards shifts the first of two operands.
<= (Less than or equal to) - Compares two operands to determine which is nearer to -Infinity or whether they are equal.
= (Assign) - Assigns the right value to the left operand.
== (Equal to) - Compares two operands for equality.
=== (Identical to) - Compares two operands for equality and identical type.
> (Greater than) - Compares two operands to determine which is nearer to +Infinity.
>= (Greater than or equal to) - Compares two operands to determine which is nearer to +Infinity or whether they are equal
>> (Bitwise shift right) - Bitwise rightward shifts one operand according to another.
>>= (Bitwise shift right assign) - Destructively bitwise rightward shifts the first of two operands.
>>> (Bitwise unsigned shift right) - Bitwise rightward shifts one operand according to another.
>>>= (Bitwise unsigned shift right assign) - Destructively bitwise rightward shifts the first of two operands.
?: (Conditional block) - Conditionally executes one code branch or another. Otherwise known as the Ternary operator.
@*/ - closing pre-processor directive comment delimiter.
@<variable_name> -
@_alpha - pre-processor constant indicating whether the script is running in a DEC alpha workstation.
@_jscript - pre-processor constant indicating whether the script is executing in a JScript interpreter.
@_jscript_build - pre-processor constant indicating the build version of the JScript environment.
@_jscript_version - pre-processor constant indicating the version number of the JScript interpreter.
@_mac - pre-processor constant indicating whether the script is running in a Macintosh workstation.
@_mc680x0 - pre-processor constant indicating whether the system contains a Motorola 68000 CPU.
@_PowerPC - pre-processor constant indicating whether the system contains a Motorola PowerPC CPU.
@_win16 - pre-processor constant indicating whether the script is running in a 16 bit Windows environment.
@_win32 - pre-processor constant indicating whether the script is running in a 32 bit Windows environment.
@_x86 - pre-processor constant indicating whether the system contains an Intel X-86 series CPU.
@cc_on - switch to activate the pre-processor phase of the script interpreter.
@elif( ... ) ... - optional else-if pre-processor token.
@else ... - Part of the conditional code use directive.
@end - Terminator for a conditional code block.
@if( ... ) ... - Conditionally include a block of code.
@set - Set the contents of a pre-processor variable.
[ ] (Array index) - Array index delimiting tokens.
[ ] (Property accessor) - Properties can be accessed as if they were elements in an array.
\ (Backslash) - means of escaping a character in quoted strings and regular expressions.
^ (Bitwise XOR) - Bitwise XORs one operand with another.
^= (Bitwise XOR assign) - Bitwise XORs two operands and store the result in the first.
_ (Underscore) - special character allowed to be used in identifier names.
__parent__ - Netscape special scope chain inheritance property.
__proto__ - Netscape special prototype inheritance property.
` (Backquote) - Call some external code during Serverside execution.
{ } (Braces) - delimiting token for a block of executable script source text.
| (Bitwise OR) - Bitwise OR one operand with another.
|= (Bitwise OR assign) - Bitwise OR two operands storing the result in the first.
|| (Logical OR) - Logical OR of two operands.
~ (Bitwise NOT) - Bitwise NOT of an operand.
! object - object representing a <!DOCTYPE> DTD statement tag at the front of a document.
!.tabIndex - tab index for a DTD statement.