# version 7/6/10 @smacker 
#  Emergency  (0)       note counter-intuitive Emergency has a level less than Debug.
#  Alert     #  Critical #  Error   #  Warning #  Notice #  Info #  Debug (7)
#  multiple entries cause message to go to multiple places (?)DGG
###DGG   *.err  /dev/console
#  N.B.  a comment is NOT permitted after the action
kern.*;auth.notice;authpriv,remoteauth,install.none;mail.crit       /dev/console
# don't  send messages also to the serial port.
#*.err;kern.*;auth.notice;authpriv,remoteauth.none;mail.crit        /dev/tty.serial

###DGG seperate out notice         *.notice /var/log/system.log
mail.crit                                   /var/log/system.log
kern.debug                                  /var/log/system.log
authpriv,remoteauth,ftp,install.none        /var/log/system.log

# authpriv log file should be restricted access
auth.info;authpriv.*;remoteauth.crit        /var/log/secure.log

lpr.info                                    /var/log/lpr.log
mail.*                                      /var/log/mail.log
ftp.*                                       /var/log/ftp.log
install.*                                   /var/log/install.log
install.*                                   @
local0.*                                    /var/log/appfirewall.log
local1.*                                    /var/log/ipfw.log

# DGG        trailing comments NOT permitted
*.emerg                             *
*.alert                                 /var/log/01_alert.log
*.crit                                  /var/log/02_crit.log
##                                                  err no longer /dev/console  as above
*.err                                   /var/log/03_err.log
*.warn                                  /var/log/04_warn.log
##                                                  notice no longer /var/log/system.log  as above
*.notice                                /var/log/05_notice.log
*.info                                  /var/log/06_info.log
*.debug                                 /var/log/07_debug.log

sudo.*                                  /var/log/sudo.log

# see also                       /Library/Logs !!